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What type of photos are prefered

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Started by #302116 at 16,Sep,12 18:19
Nice to see sexy hot cocks but what is the member preference. Do you prefer limp sleeping cocks, or hard erect throbbing cocks or cum shooting from a beautiful hard pulsating cock. Members choice?

Similar topics: 1.To Shave or Not to Shave... That is the "real" question.   2.Fans of Bernd8888's photos   3.Auto-Censor .....WTF?   4.Photoshop Dick Pics ??   5.Prefered places for masturbating  

New Comment

By Cody8789 at 29,Jan,25 17:12 other posts of Cody8789 

By Circuit at 29,Jan,25 17:03 other posts of Circuit 
If it's not circumcised, please post at least one picture with the foreskin pulled back tight. I want to see the entire head.

By Alwaysnude at 23,Jan,25 23:59 other posts of Alwaysnude 

full body

By HornySyd at 10,Jan,25 04:48 other posts of HornySyd 
I like them all. What I don't like is photos that are unfocused, blurry, or poorly lit. Some photos are works of art, while others seem to not know how to operate a camera. I much prefer a dick that isn't blurry.
By SV1952 at 23,Jan,25 23:22 other posts of SV1952 
I agree- take a moment to get your Dick in Focus!

By Fixittight at 23,Jan,25 20:40 other posts of Fixittight 
Big limp circumcised cocks as seen from between the legs

By SV1952 at 20,Sep,24 16:27 other posts of SV1952 
Limp or hard, so long as the photo shows the urethral opening (Meatus), therefore no Cum shots.

By Fixittight at 31,Aug,24 21:50 other posts of Fixittight 
Head on I level like they're about to use my mouth

By Fixittight at 10,Jan,24 05:38 other posts of Fixittight 
The pictures that get me the most. Are taken From in front from the suckers POV. I like limp or hard

By #485312 at 12,May,15 16:08
less cock, more body and arse or true nudist shots *lix*
By Andthisisme at 13,May,15 14:36 other posts of Andthisisme 
I am not an arse man myself but true nudist shots, especially groups of people are great. However, and this is a thought not a criticsism, this is called SYD and maybe the people posting on here don't have the ability to get the types of shots you suggest.
By #485312 at 16,Jul,15 08:33
you can still show your cock with a full body shot, tell them to buy a longer selfie stick or get someone to help, where theres a will, theres a way...*lix*
By #23212 at 18,Jul,15 04:11
Or they can use a simple tripod--easy to find one under $20.
By #485312 at 18,Jul,15 11:46
a pile of books will do too, l love technology, unlike the good old days when you'd have to pay a fortune and send your naughty rolls of film away and wait a month for them to come back, most times they got 'lost in the mail' *lix*

By #502711 at 25,Feb,18 08:45
I took great pics with my phone. There's no excuses.

By JeffinKS at 27,Feb,18 13:39 other posts of JeffinKS 
what do you think of this?

By leopoldij at 27,Feb,18 03:30 other posts of leopoldij 
real ones

By #536019 at 25,Feb,18 20:32
Side view of a fully-erect cock.

By leopoldij at 25,Feb,18 16:28 other posts of leopoldij 
I like pussy photos

By #550094 at 25,Feb,18 15:52
I like to show a little bit of everything, and whatever
I'm into at the moment.

As for Who takes my photos? I do... either with tripods;
or I record my actions for a few minutes on video, and
then I just grab a screen-shot from the frames and save it
as a JPEG.

I rarely have anyone else photograph me.

I'm more concerned for the quality of my photos
rather than the composition of the scene.

By #549651 at 25,Feb,18 01:12
The latter. Hard, throbbing, erect, shooting cum, etc. Ya know all pix that I can live vicariously by?

By leopoldij at 21,Feb,18 08:52 other posts of leopoldij 
Cocks in cunts

By #188764 at 13,May,15 12:57
I prefer close-ups of firmly-erect cocks. Especially if the cock is smaller than average and the picture is in sharp focus and well lit.

[deleted image]

By slipper at 20,Oct,14 06:01 other posts of slipper 
Up close, in sharp focus, and well lit!!! The rest is whatever ya got to photograph!

By Sickboy at 28,Jul,13 20:03 other posts of Sickboy 
Real one's!!...
By *kmadeau* at 15,Oct,14 06:57 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #41858 at 04,May,13 03:20
Soft circumcised cocks turn me on like nothing else
By Odin_york_pa at 21,Jun,13 22:04 other posts of Odin_york_pa 

By #472252 at 14,Oct,14 15:18
I enjoy the same

By bigone21 at 14,Oct,14 16:47 other posts of bigone21 
i don't...

By #393145 at 29,Jul,13 04:26
I love to look at cocks in all stages limp or hard a cock is very sexy. When it's cumming it's at it's sexiest. But what I love even more than that is, when watching porn, you can see the cock going limp after getting off.

By #407538 at 28,Jul,13 19:06
Hard and throbbing just be4 it exploded

By #354961 at 22,Jun,13 02:55
Nice and sharp. Well focused ...
By bigone21 at 22,Jun,13 04:10 other posts of bigone21 
...and NO SOCKS in the picture please!!

By #13219 at 04,May,13 01:29
Close up of a raging hard cock in a good clear picture to see the veins and also of good color resolution
By Chandu at 21,Jun,13 21:48 other posts of Chandu 
Do u lke that

By #337858 at 22,Jun,13 02:34
like so?
[deleted image]

By spermkiss at 17,Sep,12 15:55 other posts of spermkiss 
All of the above as long as the photographs are well done.

I like dicks! Soft dicks, growing dicks, fully hard dicks, shaved dicks, hairy dicks, cut dicks, un-cut dicks, dicks squirting a load of jizz, all dicks. Just do a good job of photographing your prized possession. If a picture does not turn out well, don't post it.

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