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5 inch dick thoughts?

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Started by #122836 at 27,Jul,17 20:54

Similar topics: my dick to thin favorite picture of my dick, thoughts?(;   3.DOES YOUR DICK TEND TO GET BIGGER IF YOU HOLD YOUR CUM A FEW DAYS OR MORE?   4.Rate my short one   5.My japanese dick har a beer can girth  

New Comment

By #64328 at 15,Aug,17 16:03
dicks between 4.5 and 5.5 are usually the best looking

By Nevermore at 06,Aug,17 23:12 other posts of Nevermore 
I don't really have 5 inch dick thoughts because my dick is 6 inches long.

By #478464 at 01,Aug,17 18:16
That looks like more than 5 inches. Either way, for most girls we care more about thickness than length. Give me a 6 inch dick that is super thick over an 8 inch dick that is just average thickness any day.
By #518391 at 03,Aug,17 08:07
Agreed...girth is more important than 'pencil job' rattles around a bit!

By #515432 at 05,Aug,17 16:00
I agree 100%

By #505990 at 05,Aug,17 16:12
How about 4.75x3.25hard?

By *kmadeau* at 05,Aug,17 20:35 other posts of *kmadeau* 
wow, I love it, PartyWife has a great "know-how"

By #536913 at 06,Aug,17 11:11
What about 5 inches and average thickness?
By *kmadeau* at 06,Aug,17 22:22 other posts of *kmadeau* 
she told that doesn't count

By #93 at 06,Aug,17 17:38
Mine is 5 inches and I've never had any complaints. Girls like its girth. I love giving oral but I don't like it when girls slam their thighs together and box my ears when they come!

By #511804 at 06,Aug,17 11:24
AS mentioned thickness trumps length anytime. I have enjoyed more than a few ladies that had prior over endowed men and they said it can hurt. I never had a partner not come back for more. I am just average, and tune up my oral skills early

By cumonme1 at 28,Jul,17 11:37 other posts of cumonme1 
Be happy with what you have 😉.
By #511804 at 06,Aug,17 11:21
You bet, and learn oral skills

By winnie at 06,Aug,17 08:05 other posts of winnie 

By #355138 at 06,Aug,17 02:55
Here is mBGPMH5GR8GNCine

By #64328 at 01,Aug,17 17:42
i know there are more 5 inchers than 7 inchers, thats for sure.

By #518391 at 01,Aug,17 16:10
Here's mine....[deleted image]

By #435701 at 31,Jul,17 17:58
Yeah...wish I didn't have one!!

By t-rex at 29,Jul,17 10:05 other posts of t-rex 
Looking good 👍

By #535819 at 29,Jul,17 05:11
Easy to blow.

By #64328 at 28,Jul,17 19:18
average or smaller are always the nicest looking in my opinion

By #220845 at 28,Jul,17 15:35
5 is just fine

By #538948 at 28,Jul,17 06:29
Small dicks are great

By littleun at 28,Jul,17 04:01 other posts of littleun 
Be glad you are! Love looking at little soft dicks. My tag is "littleun" cause I love um!

By Odin_york_pa at 28,Jul,17 02:37 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
Love it!!

By #493361 at 27,Jul,17 22:43
Be glad you're not me

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