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Cock Restraints and Cock Bondage

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Started by #485312 at 09,Aug,15 03:29
l love seeing cocks restrained and inventive rope work from you hot guys...feel free to add any you've seen that make your eyes water as well as your tongue *lix*

Similar topics: 1.bondage   2.looking for lite ball bondage fun   3.Self-bondage   4.Self-bondage techniques   5.Rope bondage  

New Comment

By #364662 at 23,Dec,19 02:59
For “Lix”

[deleted image] [deleted image]
[deleted image] [deleted image]

By Rudeboy1977 at 13,Dec,19 03:33 other posts of Rudeboy1977 
Playing with rope:

By #485312 at 13,Sep,17 01:19
[deleted image][deleted image]
[deleted image][deleted image]
lm loving this dude, check out his hot page full of torture *lix*

By #485312 at 18,Jul,17 12:49

some super stretching and torture *lix*
By #121361 at 18,Jul,17 20:22
Thats not realy nice

By #485312 at 18,Jul,17 08:33
[deleted image][deleted image]
this made my eyes water, l wonder how long the banding lasted *lix*

By phart at 13,Jul,17 18:55 other posts of phart 
After experiencing a testicular torsion and my balls getting mashed falling off a dump truck,I about faint when I see what you folks to do to your penis's and balls. a hour late to surgery and mine would have been lost. The swelling and fever that I was experiencing was horrible. Imagine a 8th grader with softball size nuts! that is not stretching the truth. So more power to you folks that want to hurt yourselves but I will never understand it.

By #485312 at 26,May,17 02:09
[deleted image][deleted image]
some super hot cock and ball tortures from tele *lix*
By #121361 at 13,Jul,17 17:44
Well done !

By #121361 at 13,Jul,17 17:44
[deleted image] For LIX

By #485312 at 11,Jul,17 05:36
[deleted image][deleted image]
loving the look of this attachment *lix*

By #485312 at 26,Jun,17 04:37
[deleted image][deleted image]
lovely restraint from lilcock,
looks wickedly fun *Lix*

By #485312 at 02,Dec,15 13:42

amazing devices Ricky *lix*
By Vita at 22,Jun,17 03:39 other posts of Vita 
wow !!

By #485312 at 19,Jun,17 21:25
[deleted image]
this is a bit of a stretch *lix*

By #121361 at 19,Jun,17 11:30
We hope you like Lady [deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 523 hours


By #201155 at 19,Jun,17 06:59
I hope you like this!

[deleted image]

By #516354 at 19,Jun,17 02:16
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By #529528 at 18,Jun,17 18:46
Great page,I love tying up my bald cock and hanging weights from it while I do everyday things,5kg heaviest so far,I like to get a good swing going also,at the beach I fill empty plastic bottles with sand or seawater tie them to my dick and walk along the beach with them dragging along behind me,my wife is a bit embarrassed by me doing it,why I don't know,her li

By #513002 at 21,Feb,17 16:53
[deleted image]

love my cock balls restrained

By #363802 at 20,Feb,17 17:14
I LOVE having my balls slapped hard and having them stepped on and crushed! My ex girlfriend used to abuse my balls good! I would LOVE to find a woman that enjoys punishing my balls! I miss it!

By #21563 at 20,Feb,17 17:07
[deleted image]

I have my dick subincised and i like to touch the inside of it when im jacking off

By #485312 at 19,Feb,17 10:58
[deleted image][deleted image]
Hollywood *lix*

By #121361 at 23,Dec,16 13:09
Merry X mas [deleted image]

By #485312 at 16,Feb,16 11:02
[deleted image][deleted image]
amazing stuff *Lix*
By #443537 at 30,Jul,16 10:50
It must hurt a lot !!

By #515780 at 06,Aug,16 09:39

By leopoldij at 21,Dec,16 21:41 other posts of leopoldij 
Holy macaroni!

By #485312 at 29,Aug,16 20:10
[deleted image][deleted image]
wicked *lix*
By leopoldij at 21,Dec,16 21:40 other posts of leopoldij 

By #485312 at 15,Nov,16 08:01
[deleted image][deleted image]
some awesome cock torture from blue *lix*
By leopoldij at 21,Dec,16 21:40 other posts of leopoldij 
FUCK! That's painful to look at.

By #467412 at 20,Dec,16 15:56
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 21,Dec,16 05:25
you have some great stuff on your page Peaky *lix*

By babarch at 29,Aug,16 20:30 other posts of babarch 
[deleted image]

hope you like it

By #518829 at 27,Aug,16 21:38
How do I post pictures in here
By #485312 at 28,Aug,16 00:43
under the picture, hit the button show in blog or forum, use the third code,UBB code for most of forums, copy and paste it to the comment box, good luck *lix*

By #485312 at 27,Aug,16 11:54
[deleted image]

By #485312 at 27,Aug,16 05:52
[deleted image]
ouch *Lix*

By #441214 at 20,Aug,16 12:56
I like tying my cock, wearing a five gates of hell and other cbt as part of my play. See my profile for some of the kinky stuff I get up to.

By #485312 at 13,Aug,16 01:38
[deleted image][deleted image]
nice restraints Heath *lix*

By #121361 at 12,Aug,16 05:39
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 13,Aug,16 01:13
l can see there will be more to this than meets the eye *lix*

By #455137 at 11,Aug,16 19:28
Had to untie my parts...the paid was excruciating, almost made me cum,

[deleted image]

By #455137 at 11,Aug,16 19:09
At this point, my dick and balls feel like they are on fire, burning like a motherfucker, don't know how much longer I can keep them tied up...

[deleted image]

By #455137 at 11,Aug,16 18:51
Playing hard again, tied up balls until they were purple...hmmm hurt so good pain/pleasure kissing cousins

[deleted image]

By #147052 at 11,Aug,16 15:29
Sorry, but I do not find any of this appealing. Why ruin the only dick that you have? Bad enough having your parents circumcise you when you were young!

By #485312 at 08,Aug,16 09:09
[deleted image][deleted image]

By #206678 at 30,Jan,16 21:06
[deleted image]
By #515780 at 06,Aug,16 09:40

By #515780 at 06,Aug,16 09:38
its really hot to see a cock or balls ties up tight and that man in pain but i wish there were more videos here of these men with sound while they are in pain

By #455137 at 06,Aug,16 08:40
One more, I have plenty

[deleted image]

By #455137 at 06,Aug,16 08:38
Here's one for ya, sorry not Australian though

[deleted image]

By #121361 at 31,Jul,16 16:48
For Lix [deleted image]
By #485312 at 31,Jul,16 21:42
thanks Len, l did see these and was very impressed *lix*

By #121361 at 31,Jul,16 16:49
[deleted image]

By #446110 at 27,Jul,16 13:59
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

Just a couple of examples of my type of play.
By #485312 at 28,Jul,16 08:45
wow, that's an amazing assortment of torture *lix*

By #121361 at 23,Feb,16 05:26
[deleted image]

By #485312 at 21,Feb,16 10:11
[deleted image][deleted image][deleted image]
cockmans fun pics *lix*

By #485312 at 17,Feb,16 00:51
[deleted image][deleted image][deleted image][deleted image]
amazing devise *lix*

By #485312 at 10,Feb,16 10:51
[deleted image][deleted image]
lm very impressed choker, you made my eyes water *lix*

By #485312 at 10,Feb,16 10:37
[deleted image][deleted image]
some more of chokers handy work, *lix*

By #485312 at 10,Feb,16 10:34
[deleted image][deleted image]
wow, this is some amazing stuff from choker *lix*

By #121361 at 31,Jan,16 16:15
Now full Closed [deleted image]

Adult Discussion Forum