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Offering myself for a bukkake party

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Started by #518226 at 17,Aug,17 22:22
I want a bunch of hot young guys to jerk off on me all night. Use me, abuse me, cover me totally and completely with your cum. Then when you're done wash me off by peeing on me. Help me fulfill my bukkage fantasy. I need this!

Similar topics: 1.Bukkake   2.wer organisier eine Geile party ?   3.bukkake session   4.bukkake in Michigan.   5.Organising a Bukkake  

New Comment

By #567296 at 22,Sep,18 07:23
Sounds fun. I'd like to try something like that too...

By #181785 at 16,Oct,17 00:16
I would like to cum to this party. I would also like to start licking the cum off of you while the others try to wash it off with piss. You get your dream and I get one of mine.

By dura2000 at 15,Oct,17 22:01 other posts of dura2000 
I love the idea of that.

By #485312 at 05,Oct,17 07:52
so hows that working for you??? lm guessing you still haven't gotten that party together.. but when you do, l'd love to see the pics of it and the finally *lix*

By #534396 at 04,Oct,17 01:13
Couple years back my cousin took me along to he's friends "birthday party", there were 7 guys there us included...I'd did not take long until I realized this was a gay sex party...we had a vote on who would be gang banged 1st, apparently everyone would get a turn...I was chosen first, I was fucked constantly, roughly, a cock in my mouth and ass at all times, at times 2 cocks in my ass...I was full of cum by the end and was washed down by piss...was fantastic

By #541336 at 09,Sep,17 00:25
Would love to, hot cum all over is the best ever
By #518226 at 09,Sep,17 03:23
Please please do this to me. I beg you! Get a bunch of friends and unload on me!

By leopoldij at 17,Aug,17 23:48 other posts of leopoldij 
Do you mind if i bring along my fuck buddy, fuck her in front of you, and when I'm ready to cum pull out and shoot my load on your face? Will that work?
By #518226 at 18,Aug,17 00:00
Oh yes Sir that would work

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