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Started by #1995 at 06,Aug,09 08:44
Any guys had the pleasure of giving cum to guys or gals or receiving cum in a bukkake session? I would love to participate.

Similar topics: 1.The Bukkake Slut want to know what you think of her   2.bukkake session   3.bukkake in Michigan.   4.Organising a Bukkake   5.Post a good video  

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By knewbi at 08,Sep,24 18:38 other posts of knewbi 
Nope, but I still hold hope to be the center of a group of juys that will be cumming all over me...

By hogweed at 25,Oct,09 12:34 other posts of hogweed 
A long time ago, I had a friend who organised "special" parties, which were parties where anything was allowed, just as long as the other person or people agreed to it. On one occasion, I went to one of these parties with my then boyfriend. Things started to get going and I ended up on the dining room table, with my boyfriend. There were a few people watching us, which I found a real turn on. (Being watched while having sex still turns me on a great deal!!). As soon as my boyfriend had finished, I was filled by another hard cock, quite a bit bigger than my boyfriend's, and when he finished, another took his place, and so on and so on, until I had taken 22 men/boys and 22 loads! Some of the men managed to become hard again while watching what was going on and masturbated over my body. Some of the women joined in and rubbed some of the cum that was oozing out of my pussy all over me. Some of the others went down on me and we kissed. I was absolutely covered in cum from head to foot and the smell was quite intoxicating. Despite what people might think, my pussy was not sore after all that. There was so much cum to act as a lubricant, I hardly felt most of the cocks. I have never done anything remotely like this since,( I've never even had a three-some) but it was an evening never to forget
By Arlo at 02,Sep,24 14:14 other posts of Arlo 
What a wonderful story. I checked out your page--WOW . I enjoy getting to know women who love sex and know what they like. Clearly you know yourself and command respect. I like that. Your lover(s) are lucky, to the point I envy them. We are an ocean apart, but I will visit your page and hope to get to know you. Ar

By Vita at 07,Mar,10 22:52 other posts of Vita 
Ich m?chte auch mitmachen!!!
By Vita at 07,Mar,10 22:52 other posts of Vita 
I would like to join in also!!!

By #4162 at 06,Aug,09 18:32
I had a threesome a couple of times where both men have shot their spunk onto the wman, love it, so did they!
By #1995 at 12,Aug,09 11:23
You lucky beggar! I am still hoping to have my first threesome, don't care if it is with mmf or mmm
By slipper at 28,Feb,10 01:47 other posts of slipper 
Wish I were closer, swallow!

By #20664 at 13,Aug,09 06:15
I sucked off 7 guys in a park once in about 20 minutes but I swallowed every drop.
By #46165 at 17,Jan,10 08:09
which park?

By #18857 at 25,Oct,09 11:48
its my fantasy to have 10 guys cum all over me at the same time
By slipper at 27,Nov,09 21:05 other posts of slipper 
I'll help!!!

By MoeJoe at 16,Nov,09 10:26 other posts of MoeJoe 
One time several years ago, I went to an adult theater and some guy brought his girlfirend in for some kicks. There were about a dozen guys in there at the time, and they sat down near the middle of the seating area. She was heavy set with huge tits and after a few minutes she took her top of and was rubbing those big tits with one hand and stroking her guy's cock with the other. Pretty soon one guy got up and walked over to them and stuck his hard cock out at her and she grabbed it and started rubbing her nipples and he soon shot his load all over her tits....everyone else gathered around and unloaded all over her huge tits....there was so much cum on them I couldn't believe it.....a very hot afternoon at the theater.
By #1995 at 16,Nov,09 10:38
I have never been so lucky. I keep hoping
By MoeJoe at 16,Nov,09 12:46 other posts of MoeJoe 
A one time occurrence for sure...never had it happen again, and now the place has been closed down.

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