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Started by #502711 at 29,Aug,17 10:51
I was just watching some freaky shit on facebook.

Anyone here believe in ghosts/spirits/poltergeist's/spectre's? Share your experience or post something related. Scare the shit out of everyone.

This is what I was watching:
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By #485312 at 10,Mar,18 12:38
if you want to share your spooky stories in a group, heres a link to one for you to join for all things spooky *lix*

By #545732 at 06,Jan,18 11:39
One night a few years ago, I was in my living room doing some work on the computer. The cat had come into the room a little earlier and I still hadn't bothered to get up and close the door. Suddenly, through the gap in the doorway, I saw someone walk past the living room and into the kitchen, and I don't mind admitting I nearly shat myself in fear thinking there was an intruder in my house. I knew that if I tried calling the police, he would hear me and beat the shit out of me to stop me, so the only alternative was to confront them - either way, I'd end up being beaten up by him anyway!
I looked around me for anything to arm myself with and found a microphone stand, grabbed it and got up from the chair as quietly as I could and crept across the room to the door, trembling so much that it was tricky to walk. I reached the door, took a breath and then burst out of the room and into the kitchen as fast as I could. There was nobody there. This scared me even more because now I thought they'd gone from the kitchen and were now somewhere else in the house, which meant I had to creep from room to room. Heading upstairs was the scariest part because I knew the only escape route he'd have was back in my direction, so I was expecting to be jumped on at any moment. Anyway, I don't know how long it took me to search the house, but there never actually was anyone there, even though I swear I did not imagine seeing them. I definitely saw someone walk past the gap in the doorway.
I couldn't settle for the rest of the night and even searched the house a few times more over the following hours. Every tiny noise I heard made me instantly jump back into fight or flight mode again even though I knew there was nobody there.
So there you go. I'm not saying for certain that I believe I saw a ghost, but I haven't come up with any rational explanation for it.
There has been a few times when I've heard someone talking somewhere in the house too. The first time, I heard a male voice say either "Irene" or "Eileen" from the hallway just outside the living room. It spooked me out a little, but decided it was probably the neighbour's TV or something. My friend, who I rent this house from, called me later that day and I told her about it. She went silent for a few moments and then said, "Eileen was my mum's name."
This house does have quite a sad history too. It was built in 1932, and has always been in her family - first her grandfather, then her mum and eventually hers. Her grandfather died in this living room from carbon monoxide poisoning when a newly installed gas fire wasn't plumbed in securely. Then her **** died of cancer upstairs in one of the bedrooms. Most sadly of all, their mum never got over his death and suffered a mental breakdown. My friend came home one day and there was a strong smell of gas as soon as she walked in. She immediately went to the kitchen to find their mum's dead body slumped on the floor in front of the cooker, her head still inside the oven after committing suicide by gassing herself to death.
Anyway, I'm rambling now. Happy new year, everyone.
By #502711 at 07,Jan,18 01:18
That was an interesting story, thanks for contributing! Sounds like that house has some history. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that there was something lurking in it.
By #545732 at 07,Jan,18 02:05
Hiya mate. Thanks for reading. To be honest, I thought a little about this house's sad past and realised how much crap I've been through during the ten years I've lived here, haha! Kinda makes you wonder a bit, huh?
By #502711 at 07,Jan,18 22:15
Sure does mate

By #545929 at 06,Jan,18 15:59
Everything in life can be explained. If you are unable to find an explanation then it just means that you need to keep looking. The idea of just giving up and settling on the reason as being a Ghost is a huge leap away from a rational explanation.

If you can not open a pickle jar, it does not mean that the pickle jar can never be opened. It just means that, at that point in time, YOU are unable to open the pickle jar. Keep trying and eventually you will succeed.

As for UFOs, they are very real IF you understand what a UFO is. It is simply an Unidentified Flying Object. So if you see an object which is flying and you are unable to identify it, then you have seen a UFO. As soon as you are able to identify it, then it becomes an IFO. But it does not mean it is a flying saucer filled with little green men.
By #502711 at 07,Jan,18 01:42
I'm a rational person, I don't assume anything. I know what i saw & you really had to be there to understand. But I do agree that one should rationalise any unexplained event. But life is strange & not everything can be explained. Not knowing what something you seen is, doesn't mean it was something Supernatural. But what I seen can't be explained. I would know a person in front of me if I seen it, but that's not what i seen.

By #502711 at 07,Jan,18 01:37
I'll tell my story I guess... Years ago, about 2004, I was up late, I lived in a caravan in my parents backyard. If I need to Goto the toilet I have to walk to the house, which was about 15-20 metres from the caravan. I needed to chuck a piss n couldn't be bothered walking to the house, so I took a leak on the this tree next to my caravan. It was a beautiful cloudless night, stars were big & bright & I was just looking up at them, then turned to look at the house when I seen a light in the kitchen. At first I thought it was someone in the house with a torch grabbing a drink, but after having a harder look I could see that it wasn't. I tried moving back & forth as I thought maybe the street light was reflecting onto the window, but the light didn't move with me if it was. After about 10 seconds trying to figure out what it was I saw that it was a light, in the shape of a person, in the kitchen, but was not illuminating the room. I had a good hard look, trying to wrap my head around what i was seeing. It floated from the kitchen to the laundry, to the back door, towards me, then disappeared as soon as it hit the back door. I freaked out & ran back into my caravan... Took me months to get over it, but I finally thought to myself that maybe I was seeing things. So one night, just after sunset, I got my TV dinner heated up & made my way to the caravan. I decided to stop n hang another leak on that same tree. Another clear night, I was pissing & looking at the stars when i noticed something to my right, near the fence. It was a dark night, but this thing was so black that it stood out even in the darkness, but it was still kind of see through. It was a shadow in the shape of a person & as soon as I saw it, it just came right up to my face & scared the shit out of me. Ever since I could never **** properly, always woke up in the middle of the night, feeling a presence, screaming in terror, scrambling to get the lights on. After I moved away I never was disturbed in my **** again. Was definitely a terrifying moment in my life & haven't been the same since...

By #6568 at 05,Jan,18 12:08
The site of the battle of Edgehill, the first battle of the English Civil War on the 23rd of october 1642, is a recurring area of paranormal activity. The battle has been constantly seen over the 350 years since and complete villages have turned out to watch. The local police are apparently used to motorists breathlessly reporting driving along with troops of cavalry surounding them.

The Edgehill ghosts were investigated by demand of king Charles the first and were the subject of both a Royal Comission and a pamphlet entitled "A great wonder in heaven" published in 1643. Because the members of the Royal Commision also witnessed the ghosts these are the only ghosts officially recognised by the Public Records Office in the UK
By #502711 at 05,Jan,18 13:16
Wow that's pretty amazing!

By #502711 at 06,Jan,18 10:07
Found an article on it!: only registered users can see external links

By #485312 at 06,Jan,18 10:03
lm the biggest sceptic out and l don't believe in ghosts, when the day came that l thought l had a ghost, l held back telling anyone in case they thought l was a dick, till the night l caught my so called ghost wanking on me in my sleep, and l chased him down the street and threw a brick at him ... so to anyone thinking they have a ghost in the house at night, my advice is to change your locks and check all your windows, as your nightly visitors might be the kind that are there for different reasons other than haunting your house.. and funny how most ghosts are only seen at night. that's because they need the cover of darkness to get in and out undetected by the home owners *lix*

By #502711 at 05,Jan,18 07:31
Anyone ever seen a Shadow figure?

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By #538435 at 02,Dec,17 20:09
I spent 3 years turning a old cannery in Alaska into a lodge . during the spring summer and fall I had a crew working with me but as winter hit we would shut down and then I would stay on as watch man . This place was built in 1911 and expanded through the years . It is a huge place . While there alone in the winter I had many strange experiences . My tools would be moved or put away in my absence . one time an air hose on my compressor was coiled back up while I was out at the carpenter shack getting some things . Doors opening and shutting , footsteps on the boardwalks . Many strange things . never scary and I thought at the time that it was quite entertaining . Gave me someone to talk to . Perhaps I egged them on . Several people did die at that place over the years so it make you wonder
By #502711 at 02,Dec,17 21:58
That's interesting, man. I find this kind of stuff fascinating.

By cardinal at 22,Nov,17 15:11 other posts of cardinal 
Forgot to mention there was another night I exsperienced, where I was lying in bed and heard a beastly growl next to me then I heard it scurry down the stairs, and another one a bit imberassing where I was masturbating too a tv reporter on the news I mean she was'nt your usual tv reporter, she had the biggeist breast I ever seen beside watching porn but I did'nt watch porn back then..anyway all of a sudden my muscles seem to have froze up I could'nt move then a (grey) alien was standing at the foot of my bed just stairing like it was exsperiencing what I was feeling, such as fear,curiousness, awe..then in a blink of an eye it morphed into a fox like creature like it was trying to put me at ease then it disapeared..if I did'nt have a witness of my own like my moms that one time I'd think I was cracking.
By #502711 at 30,Nov,17 09:30
That's some full on stuff, mate. Hope things have improved for you

By cardinal at 22,Nov,17 01:22 other posts of cardinal 
When I was a boy I witnessed a skeletal black hooded figure pointing at me floating at the top of my bed,mom quoted scripture and it gave a be wildered look and dispeared..till this day I'am haunted hearing voice's screams sometimes will have scratches that spelled out haha on my arm,plates move across the table and my reflection in the mirror would look at me with a feindish grin as I got weak and really thin alot of that's passed me now sometimes though I still hear voices.
By #502711 at 30,Nov,17 09:26
That's freaky. There's strange things that go on in the world. I've seen a shadow figure in the darkness, among other things. It was so black that it stood out even in the darkness. I've never been the same since.

By leopoldij at 20,Nov,17 20:53 other posts of leopoldij 
I took a look at the video. My reactions were: funny, boring.

Take a look at how you can create a video with a ghost. Just an example.

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If you don't like the video, you'll probably like the cute tune!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Let me amuse you more. Trust me, you'll be amused.
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--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Maybe a book?
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By #502711 at 21,Nov,17 06:41
I like the lighter trick... I know there's people out there that like to take a lot of videos. But there are also a small percentage of what I believe to be genuine experiences. I've seen things man. Years before i met Lix, she doesn't believe me. But i know what I saw, it's never left me after all these years...
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,17 10:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Hmm....You saw something? Ok,that's interesting but I'm quite skeptical and so is she.

By #543986 at 21,Nov,17 16:22
I lived in a house for 18 years that was also occupied by 3 distinct spirits.They were neither friendly or unfriendly,they were just there.the house at the time was roughly 90 years old and after I moved out at the age of 18 I found out 3 people had died in this house roughly 5 0r 6 years after it was built.
By #502711 at 22,Nov,17 00:15
Does it feel unnerving knowing those things are lurking about?
By #543986 at 22,Nov,17 01:34
It did the odd time , Nothing hurts us ...wife and I , actually it grows on you...No not unnerving at all...this is not for everyone as not everyone would actually experience it...Good on ya could have benn picked as someone who would understand ...AT LEAST TRY TO...

By #485312 at 20,Nov,17 20:00
you know l don't believe in ghosts, or the paranormal, there is always a rational explanation for most things, and there is always someone that thinks they see things or hear things where there is nothing... houses creek at night from expansion and contraction of the timbers, shadows seem like bigger scarier things when it might just be a bug or spider, and peoples imaginations run wild with trying to rational whats going on around them in the dark *lix*
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,17 20:45 other posts of leopoldij 
I like the way you think.

By #502711 at 20,Nov,17 22:48
Some things cannot be explained. I've seen things. I know you don't believe me, but I was there & I know what I saw. My family has a history of weird unexplained shit happening. & to you Leo, yes videos & pictures can be faked. In knowing that you must be critical when you watch these videos. I don't believe everything I see. & you lix, you believe in aliens & UFOs, but not spirits. That just seems ridiculous. Humans have only just begun to delve into the world of science & there's so much more to discover. You don't have to believe anything. But i've had experiences, so I believe.
By #485312 at 21,Nov,17 06:53
yeah my ghost turned out to be some weirdo wanking his jizz all over me at night while l slept, when l finally did tell someone l thought l had a ghost and felt like a real dick for saying it, the next week l 'caught' my ghost with his pants down and my handbag tucked under his arm... fucking ghost busted him with a brick while l was running down the road half naked ... *lix*
By #502711 at 22,Nov,17 00:17
Just because you had some weirdo knocking the top off of it while you were asleep, still doesn't mean ghosts aren't real.

By phart at 20,Nov,17 23:53 other posts of phart 
There will always be something we can't fully understand or explain. You know we only use a low percentage of our brains from what the scientist tell us. So who is to say that some folks are using slightly more or less than others and have the "gifts" as some call them whereas we all might could see or do things if we knew how?
As for aliens,it would take a damn fool that lived under a rock for 40 years to think we are the ONLY living beings in the universe not to mention being capable of leaving our planets. The God most of us believe in could have just as easily created other planets with life. Or as some may believe,2 blobs of goo merged and made living cells on other planets that became intelligent beings. Either explanation could apply.
As for being able to ever see a alien, if everything else in the universe is about the same age as earth, I doubt other beings have evolved enough to venture out any further than we have from the nest.
But if there are aliens,I hope the females have small boobs and are smart!
By #502711 at 21,Nov,17 06:32
People can believe what they want. I personally believe in ghosts, aliens, UFO's. I find that stuff fascinating. It's such a taboo subject, that people are too afraid to talk about it or just straight up don't believe it. If you've ever watched science documentaries they theorise the possibilities & come up with some credible stuff, or at least they open your mind & help you have an understanding of these mysteries. The universe is so huge, which allows for the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. But what if this isn't the only dimension? What if these spirits some people see are static from other dimensions or a tear in the fabric of time? There's so much we haven't even come close to discovering yet. That is what makes the future so exciting. Because we will eventually discover these secrets.

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