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Started by #502711 at 29,Aug,17 10:51
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if you want to share your spooky stories in a group, heres a link to one for you to join for all things spooky *lix*
I looked around me for anything to arm myself with and found a microphone stand, grabbed it and got up from the chair as quietly as I could and crept across the room to the door, trembling so much that it was tricky to walk. I reached the door, took a breath and then burst out of the room and into the kitchen as fast as I could. There was nobody there. This scared me even more because now I thought they'd gone from the kitchen and were now somewhere else in the house, which meant I had to creep from room to room. Heading upstairs was the scariest part because I knew the only escape route he'd have was back in my direction, so I was expecting to be jumped on at any moment. Anyway, I don't know how long it took me to search the house, but there never actually was anyone there, even though I swear I did not imagine seeing them. I definitely saw someone walk past the gap in the doorway.
I couldn't settle for the rest of the night and even searched the house a few times more over the following hours. Every tiny noise I heard made me instantly jump back into fight or flight mode again even though I knew there was nobody there.
So there you go. I'm not saying for certain that I believe I saw a ghost, but I haven't come up with any rational explanation for it.
There has been a few times when I've heard someone talking somewhere in the house too. The first time, I heard a male voice say either "Irene" or "Eileen" from the hallway just outside the living room. It spooked me out a little, but decided it was probably the neighbour's TV or something. My friend, who I rent this house from, called me later that day and I told her about it. She went silent for a few moments and then said, "Eileen was my mum's name."
This house does have quite a sad history too. It was built in 1932, and has always been in her family - first her grandfather, then her mum and eventually hers. Her grandfather died in this living room from carbon monoxide poisoning when a newly installed gas fire wasn't plumbed in securely. Then her **** died of cancer upstairs in one of the bedrooms. Most sadly of all, their mum never got over his death and suffered a mental breakdown. My friend came home one day and there was a strong smell of gas as soon as she walked in. She immediately went to the kitchen to find their mum's dead body slumped on the floor in front of the cooker, her head still inside the oven after committing suicide by gassing herself to death.
Anyway, I'm rambling now. Happy new year, everyone.
If you can not open a pickle jar, it does not mean that the pickle jar can never be opened. It just means that, at that point in time, YOU are unable to open the pickle jar. Keep trying and eventually you will succeed.
As for UFOs, they are very real IF you understand what a UFO is. It is simply an Unidentified Flying Object. So if you see an object which is flying and you are unable to identify it, then you have seen a UFO. As soon as you are able to identify it, then it becomes an IFO. But it does not mean it is a flying saucer filled with little green men.
The Edgehill ghosts were investigated by demand of king Charles the first and were the subject of both a Royal Comission and a pamphlet entitled "A great wonder in heaven" published in 1643. Because the members of the Royal Commision also witnessed the ghosts these are the only ghosts officially recognised by the Public Records Office in the UK
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Take a look at how you can create a video with a ghost. Just an example.
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If you don't like the video, you'll probably like the cute tune!
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Let me amuse you more. Trust me, you'll be amused.
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Maybe a book?
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As for aliens,it would take a damn fool that lived under a rock for 40 years to think we are the ONLY living beings in the universe not to mention being capable of leaving our planets. The God most of us believe in could have just as easily created other planets with life. Or as some may believe,2 blobs of goo merged and made living cells on other planets that became intelligent beings. Either explanation could apply.
As for being able to ever see a alien, if everything else in the universe is about the same age as earth, I doubt other beings have evolved enough to venture out any further than we have from the nest.
But if there are aliens,I hope the females have small boobs and are smart!