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Hurricane Irma boredom

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Started by #511878 at 11,Sep,17 02:23
Hurricane Irma is driving me Bashit crazy. 12 more hours of this wind and rain. How are my Florida friends holding up?

Similar topics: 1.What reason do YOU mainly come to this Site?   2.Hurricane Sandy flood warning: See my vid of my Category 5 cum storm with a jizz tsunami!   3.BOREDOM   4.Please Stay Safe   5.Hurricane Florence  

New Comment

By #460385 at 12,Sep,17 15:22
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We got it pretty good. 3 tornados came through one after another. 3 counties are 85% out of power since Sunday. No gas no ice anywhere.
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By #491031 at 12,Sep,17 16:44
But the family is all safe, right?
By #460385 at 12,Sep,17 17:50
Yeah we are all good. Just damage that can be fixed or replaced. Just dealing with no power now. Generator is running the fridge, microwave, chargers, and fans. No A/C in Florida when it's 95 degrees outside sucks.
By RealTitsLover at 12,Sep,17 17:56 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I'd tell you to hang out in the basement if you wanna be nice and cool, but you don't really have those there, do you?

By veryshyguy at 12,Sep,17 20:51 other posts of veryshyguy 
Glad to hear everyone is safe. My cousin is heading back to Ft. Lauderdale area Thursday. As far as he knows his house is still standing but he won't know the damage till he gets there.

Before this he was trying to sell the place (divorce) and finally leave FL. Looks like he'll have to put that off for awhile.

Take care!

By #511878 at 12,Sep,17 17:23
Wow. We had nothing like that in my neighborhood. Lots of limbs and flooding. Y'all be safe. See y'all back on here soon

By JeffinKS at 12,Sep,17 19:17 other posts of JeffinKS 
tornado's are NOT spawned from hurricanes only registered users can see external links
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but glad to hear your ok....
By #460385 at 13,Sep,17 01:19
Well yes there is a difference between a hurricane and a tornado. And I really don't care where they come from. But I can tell you between 330pm and 4pm on Sunday when the winds were hitting 115 mph gusts we had 3 tornados come back to back down the same path. And luckily we were informed by the news they were spotted on Ft. Lauderdale beach heading west right towards us. And they were absolutely right. And here in South Florida we have always been told tornados come with the hurricanes.
By #275407 at 13,Sep,17 03:26
Yes they are spawned from winds in hurricanes, we even had a tornado moving at 90 miles an hour. We had nine reported tornados either seen or on Doppler radar.
By #511878 at 13,Sep,17 03:35
We were sparred the tornados in n fl. Glad you made it out too

By #460385 at 13,Sep,17 01:28
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By JeffinKS at 13,Sep,17 03:48 other posts of JeffinKS 
A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extends from the bottom of a cumuliform cloud, such as a thunderstorm, to the ground. Tornadoes are often (but not always) visible as a funnel cloud. It is important to never confuse a tornado with a hurricane or other tropical cyclone because tornadoes and hurricanes are very different phenomena. Perhaps the only similarity between tornadoes and hurricanes is that they both contain strong rotating winds that can cause damage.

By #460385 at 11,Sep,17 03:13
You really want to know. It looks like a fucking war zone here in Broward County. We got hammered.
By RealTitsLover at 11,Sep,17 04:25 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Huh, sorry to hear that but glad you're doin' alright. No hurricane here, but I also got hammered.

Hey, would the Mrs. wanna comment on that breastmilk thread? The ladies seem to be avoiding it...
By #536760 at 11,Sep,17 09:23
Good to see you care....realdick..
By RealTitsLover at 11,Sep,17 11:25 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Are you implying I was being a dick? If I was, it wasn't intentional. I did say I was sorry to hear that and I'm glad they're alright...
The alcohol's been put away for the week, so I should be good now.
By #536760 at 13,Sep,17 00:17
Looks like I was. I don't remember writing it though. My alcohol is still out. sorry.

By #511878 at 11,Sep,17 04:34
I'm sorry....we will fair better up north I'm sorry guys

By #511804 at 11,Sep,17 10:04
Looks like the whole lower part of the state is a mess, hope morning brings the time to clean up. What a mess.

By t-rex at 13,Sep,17 01:22 other posts of t-rex 
Sorry about the damage, glad you guys are safe

By #511878 at 12,Sep,17 14:41
Countrycouple.. are you guys ok down south?

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