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Started by #542381 at 19,Oct,17 03:59
My GF told her female best friend about how great our sex life is and the other girl asked her if she wanted a threesome. My GF told me and kinda laughed it off, saying she didn't want to share...was she testing the waters? I just kind of laughed along. We have only been together about eight months.

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New Comment

By #311947 at 28,Oct,17 10:10
Sounds like an invite to at least have a discussion about sex, likes/turn on's, fantasies. How she feel about a 3 way with you and another guy? How do you feel about it? Is she interested in other women? etc etc. ... The best sex and best relationships start with communication and honesty. Good luck.

By Andthisisme at 19,Oct,17 13:37 other posts of Andthisisme 
That sounds like the sort of situation that many guys would fantasise over and wish would happen to them.
By #542381 at 25,Oct,17 02:15
Holding out hope!!
By Andthisisme at 25,Oct,17 11:14 other posts of Andthisisme 
I wouldn't hold your breath But hey!, you may be the guy who gets lucky. It is always good to have a 'dream'

By Yobud at 25,Oct,17 08:13 other posts of Yobud 
Any luck yet, Pumped?

By RealTitsLover at 19,Oct,17 13:23 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Ask your girlfriend if she might actually be interested in doing anything sexual with her best friend, or if she at least might like making out with her. Say that seeing that, and then letting her watch the two of you have sex would be like a dream come true. Tell her you love the thought of someone she's so close to watching the two of you making love. Make it clear you're not asking for anything to happen between you and her friend.

This is just what I would suggest. If she's willing to do that, you shouldn't necessarily expect more to happen (it's still much better than nothing), but there's a chance it will in the heat of the moment. Them at least making out first will make your girlfriend more likely to think of involving her friend in some way. Don't make that suggestion yourself, though.
By #542381 at 21,Oct,17 01:39
Thanks so much!!!!

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