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Started by #533385 at 13,Jan,18 08:44
Why is my cum clear and not creamy?????

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By #463848 at 14,Jan,18 09:09
If you don't produce much pre-cum and cum quickly it will probably be thicker. As has been said before if you are older and the sperm count is low and you still produce plenty of pre-cum; it will probably be clearer ejaculation.

Mine has got slightly thicker in recent years as I believe that my vasectomy cut has been partially reversed and some sperm are now getting through. However, as I do not now have sex with females, that is not a problem

By #533385 at 14,Jan,18 08:58
Well I read it up and for me it's a double whammy!!!
As you get older your sperm count goes down and it's the amount of sperm that makes it creamier!! I had a vasectomy about 30 years ago so I don't have any swimmers anyway!! Seems odd that I have only just noticed it though!!!
Ah well, c'est la vie!!!

By fatcock66 at 14,Jan,18 03:18 other posts of fatcock66 
BTW, it's "prostate" not "prostrate"

By fatcock66 at 14,Jan,18 03:18 other posts of fatcock66 
mine is too. Doc said that's common and nothing to worry about. But, damn, I liked it better creamy. and give me MORE volume.

By Dev01 at 14,Jan,18 03:02 other posts of Dev01 
Eat more meat and potatoes just kidding not qualified to answer this question

By #547309 at 14,Jan,18 02:50
mine has been getting clearer as I am getting oldes, if I edge a lot before a cum it thickens and gets whiter,

By chubbyloves at 13,Jan,18 22:46 other posts of chubbyloves 
it's the fluid from your prostrate

By #532415 at 13,Jan,18 09:50
It happens to me once in awhile. It goes from clear to creamy and vice versa every 2 or 3 months...

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