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have you ever measured someone's dick?

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Started by hypoboy at 02,Feb,18 19:45  other posts of hypoboy
why did this happen and was it just anybody you had sex with - or your partner's ...?

Similar topics: 1.Does a dick get shorter with age?   2.Young Average Cocks Only!   3.Does it actually matter?   4.When a female says "how big is it"?   5.The first and last measures  

New Comment

By #358797 at 06,Feb,18 02:58
Yep. Did it to prove their estimate was wrong. 😂

By Rob00 at 05,Feb,18 22:07 other posts of Rob00 
Yes,my dick Vacpumping buddy,and he was 1 inch longer than myself,and he has one uncut beauty

By pifad at 05,Feb,18 21:17 other posts of pifad 
Only made comparisons with the guys I was with.

By #275407 at 05,Feb,18 17:42
I had better things to do

By mrseveninches at 05,Feb,18 17:23 other posts of mrseveninches 
Measured my cousin, my halfbro and several others while growing up.

By #64328 at 03,Feb,18 15:35
There were a few friends that we did this. Compating was pretty common

By #531534 at 02,Feb,18 22:34
I only made comparisons with my own ...

By #537175 at 02,Feb,18 21:55
when I was at school a group of us did it a few times , soft and hard , to see who had biggest . a couple of the guys also wanked together

Adult Discussion Forum