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partying naked!Dare games and freak time!!!

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Started by #550700 at 27,Mar,18 12:25
My step S.I.S,her female fuzzing and another girl love get in spun out and freaky.we start off with strip spin the bottle...whoever has a piece of clothing on last wins and gets to dress up the others.we were long socks..wife beaters..shoes...we humiliate and torture each other too.dominate eachother...when there telling me with to do...the sph me...torture my dick n balls.make me masturbate n front of them.i make them kiss and lick eachother.we made our cuzzin(she's 19 and really shy)masturbate in front of us and 2 other guys.we love spun fun,,,anyone wanna watch I live show of us?!?!?!

Similar topics: 1.Anyone like strip poker?   2.Outdoor Games   3.The troubles of a **** Bi Relationship   4.Have you ever been caught masturbating?   5.anal  

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By #595788 at 20,Sep,19 06:36
3 of my favourite party games from student days:

1. A version of strip poker where if you win a hand against someone you take a garment off them.

2. “Hand job heroes” where guys stand naked in a row, girls HJ them and the winner is who shoots his load furthest.

3. Two girls take off their knickers and put them on the floor a few feet apart. Guys stand on one pair and jerk one off. Whoever shoots his load closest to the other pair wins.

And of course the “best hard up dick” photo contest.

Does anyone out there know any more good party games?

By leopoldij at 10,Jul,18 21:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, I love to watch a live show of you!

By #552510 at 10,Jul,18 04:26
I wish I had some fun like this!
By #550700 at 10,Jul,18 05:11
It's a blast!!!

By #555742 at 10,Jul,18 03:14
I love the idea but don’t have the means. I wish.

By #552392 at 30,Apr,18 01:54
My cousins 18th birthday party was a **** at her house. There were 8 furious staying over and I was the only guy. They all got naked and played with each other. I was naked as well but not allowed to touch.
By #550700 at 09,Jul,18 10:19
I feel ya...sometimes wen her cuzzin and friends playin I can't touch hehe

Adult Discussion Forum