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The troubles of a **** Bi Relationship

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Started by #454258 at 04,Apr,17 05:07
my best friend and I have been having fun for a few years now. our system has allways been the same. he would come over to my house once a week, we'd hang out with no one else home, watch videos on youtube, play video games, and before he would have to leave, we would have what we call "Fap Time." We'd strip naked, i put on a porno, and we would spoon until satisfied.

However, after my fa-ther injured himself, he's had to retire early, which means he's home all the time. That put an end to Fap Time.

Now, I recently got a full time job, and the only time I see him is at his house. but, like me, he lives at home, and has very thin walls.

any advise?

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New Comment

By leopoldij at 04,Apr,17 11:02 other posts of leopoldij 
Go shopping to the nearest mall. Use the dressing rooms. Convenient and exciting. I've done/doing that. And, yes, I've been caught but who cares?
By #454258 at 13,Apr,17 15:40
sound nice
By leopoldij at 13,Apr,17 17:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Make sure to have done a bit of prior work (touch her pussy, play with your cock, etc) and get in the dressing room all ready to fuck. Preferably, dress light. No undies, just the bare minimum. Get a number of items to "try on" to gain some time. Spending 5-10 minutes in there is not a problem. When you get in, just pull your pants and hers down, have some lube with you for your cock and her pussy and quickly stick it in. Just fuck her ass hard as you can and make absolutely no noise. It's a challenge but it's exciting too. Fuck her doggie style. Aim to finish quickly and so should she. Once you cum and she too, wipe yourselves off and walk out like lady and gentleman. Done that a few times. Very exciting.
By #454258 at 15,Apr,17 06:31
Sounds great. But i'm talking about my GUY friend. Although i would love you synario too.
By leopoldij at 15,Apr,17 13:48 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh ok.

By #363802 at 04,Apr,17 08:05
Get a hotel and enjoy a cum filled day with no interruption!
By #454258 at 05,Apr,17 01:16
that sounds nice, but expencive
By #511804 at 05,Apr,17 01:43
It can be worth it, shop around.
By #454258 at 05,Apr,17 03:01
i might

By #363802 at 07,Apr,17 15:58
If he has a nice cock, it's totally worth it!
By #454258 at 08,Apr,17 02:32
oh he does. i could suck on it for hours

By cumcouplessa at 05,Apr,17 03:56 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Camping is great, if you have a place close enough, give it a try. Naked around the camp fire,
By #454258 at 05,Apr,17 05:32
sounds nice. but it's over 100 miles to the nearest forest

By kebmo at 04,Apr,17 07:43 other posts of kebmo 
Get your own place and move in together?
By #147052 at 04,Apr,17 14:27
Best advice I've heard here.

By #454258 at 05,Apr,17 01:28
given my family's situation, not possible

By #485312 at 04,Apr,17 19:01
leave home!!!! the pair of you, sounds like youve been using your parents kindness for far too long, time to grow up and act like adults and find your own place to live... *Lix*
By #454258 at 05,Apr,17 01:26
For your information, I'm NOT dependent. I pay them rent, do my own taxes, have my own job, pay for my own food, and my room is more of an apartment. plus, because of my dad's shoulder injury, he needs my help with certain things.

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