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Spencer Tunick - Melbourne

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Started by #206678 at 11,May,18 21:16
I have registered to be a participant in a Spencer Tunick nude photo event here in Melbourne this July. Can't believe I'm doing this!

July is the middle of winter here. To be naked with around a thousand other people in the middle of a shopping strip at dawn. What could possibly go wrong?

Any other Aussies want to join me? Here is the link only registered users can see external links

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New Comment

By #489480 at 24,May,18 21:00
I did one of Tunick's shoots here in the U.S.
By 2nice at 25,May,18 17:31 other posts of 2nice 
What was the experience like?

By 2nice at 19,May,18 13:42 other posts of 2nice 
Good for you! I would absolutely love to do something like that. I imagine it would be an awesome experience. I’d even consider traveling, although Melbourne would be quite the distance. But maybe...

By #485312 at 12,May,18 08:25
l did his last one a few years back on the steps of the opera house, it wasn't the middle of winter, and there was about 5000 turned up, you'll find heaps will go, us aussies don't mind getting our gear off for no apparent good reason.. and by registering, you will get a copy sent to you later, it took months but l loved getting it in the mail and cherish the shot and the experience, just do it and don't give a rats about what others think of you, while we were on the steps, there was about 8 helicopters flying over head, getting news reels for the event and get close tot the front so you might be able to find yourself in the shot later. GOOD LUCK *LIX*
By #556372 at 19,May,18 09:24

By #545732 at 12,May,18 08:49
Awesome. I have a friend who was in his Newcastle, UK photos. I love his stuff

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