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Ideas and opinions needed.

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If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #555742 at 13,May,18 05:11
Hello. I was trying to get some ideas and suggestions from people. Ive tried a lot of poses and types of pictures I can think of. I'd like to hear from people what they'd like to see or new ideas. Hit me up and I'll be happy to hear new ideas and suggestions from you guys and gals

Similar topics: 1.Anal...   2.new ideas please   3.Honest opinions wanted...   4.Ideas and suggestions for new pictures.   5.Wanting to be a little sissy help needed  

New Comment

By #502711 at 13,May,18 11:29
Try costumes, different backgrounds, look online for statue poses to imitate, get a theme going, do something daring & risky, maybe something funny but sexy. I like outdoor shots the most, I like the lighting & background look it offers. Those are my ideas, if that helps...

By bella! at 13,May,18 05:42 other posts of bella! 
Here's my suggestion for you, why not peruse through the various galleries of the SYD members and make mental notes of what you find unique and interesting? I guarantee you will get ideas that you can adapt and make your own. And while you're gathering ideas, you will be able to build relationships with SYD members who make up the majority of the membership.

Whatever you choose to do, have fun and enjoy the site!

Adult Discussion Forum