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How long morning wood lasts?

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Started by #149545 at 11,Jul,18 04:56
Hi. How long do you have morning wood? My morning wood finish just after I go to the toilet and pee. After pee my erection is finish. Is that ok? Do you have the same?

Similar topics: 1.embarrassing ?   2.Morning Wood Pictures!   3.Morning wood - How often?   4.Giving my gf a morning surprise. Anybody also like this?   5.Do you wake up by your own morning wood?  

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By #550094 at 11,Jul,18 17:00
Mine lasts until I either Fuck, Jerk off, or Pee.

I often awaken in the middle of the night with an erection.
So, I just edge it for a while then I stop and fall back asleep;
or I edge it until I finish myself off.

About those "Gotta Go Pee" hard-ons, they're a riot! lol
Sometimes I wake up with my cock so hard that I have to
stand a far distance from the toilet, bend forward a lil bit
and forcefully aim my stiff cock down to pee,
and then gradually walk towards the toilet as my
erection subsides, without spillin my piss everywhere!

"Morning Wood?" How about "Diving Board"!
Hold a plastic ruler at the edge of a table, flex it
downwards, and then let it snap back up so it makes
that "stuttering" sound... I wish my hard-on could
make that sound!
By #502711 at 12,Jul,18 13:22
I practically have to plank over the toilet bowl so I don't miss the toilet
By #550094 at 12,Jul,18 19:27
many of us have to do that, or Something,
so we don't miss the toilet.

Bonus points if we piss the frog away!
By #149545 at 13,Jul,18 22:09
Haha true

By #502711 at 15,Jul,18 13:42
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By #550094 at 15,Jul,18 20:37
My position isn't shown there:
the "Launch pad"... standing at the bathroom doorway
and arching the stream into the toilet.
By #502711 at 16,Jul,18 00:16
Haha! Mine is the superman
By #550094 at 17,Jul,18 01:58
By #149545 at 18,Jul,18 05:14
Mine is the lunge

By #550094 at 18,Jul,18 20:02
I'll bet John Holmes did "the Blind Boomerang"
(pisses from around the corner of the restroom doorway)

By #502711 at 19,Jul,18 01:10
Haha! Maybe he did the "unraveling the fire hose" That's where he sticks his dick in the toilet, then go into the living room to watch tv while he's pissing

By #539358 at 18,Jul,18 06:07
Mine’s still rock hard here whilst drinking my morning tea. Though I’m not helping things by lightly stroking my glans ridge

By #491031 at 12,Jul,18 20:19
Morning wood can only last until 12:01 PM. At that time, it becomes Afternoon wood.
By #550094 at 14,Jul,18 23:09
So true!
By #149545 at 15,Jul,18 08:31
"Afternoon wood"

By #502711 at 15,Jul,18 13:35
Viagra will do that

By #550094 at 14,Jul,18 23:12
The male residents in nursing homes
get extra doses of Viagra.
So they don't fall out of bed.

By #556372 at 14,Jul,18 19:13
We are conditioned to pee after ejaculation to clear the eurethra, so, when we pee the body thinks we are done and don't need wood. Try it, take a leak 20 min b4 sex and a few minutes after ejaculating you'll be able to take another leak..

By #522791 at 14,Jul,18 01:00
Yeah it's mostly the same...other times I'll have a hard one for a while and on have the urge to pee...but I was that seems like the norm, and I would think that's ok, but not a doctor...I usual do have the same situation just not the same thing every morning

By WHATSUPDOC at 14,Jul,18 00:00 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
It depends,mine could go right away but with the right person puffing and blowing on it. It could be hard all day. Insatiable.

By #537175 at 12,Jul,18 14:12
usually goes to a semi while I pee , but it can be ddifficult to direct stream with a rock hard bone . After I pee it doesn't take much to get hard again , and either jerk off or if my bf is there we have sex

By leopoldij at 11,Jul,18 15:16 other posts of leopoldij 
It lasts until I fuck or masturbate.
By #502711 at 12,Jul,18 13:22
What if you don't do either, do you have an erection all day?
By leopoldij at 12,Jul,18 14:01 other posts of leopoldij 
No. Of course not. It does go down.
Or, I should say, it's on reserve.
Give it the slightest motivation and it wakes up in no time.
An unfulfilled erection is just stored energy.

By #502711 at 12,Jul,18 13:20
I wake up hard, it goes away when I chuck a piss, then I get back into bed & get hard again

By #513416 at 11,Jul,18 05:39
Mine is the same, completely hard then gone when I pee. I would think this is normal
By #149545 at 12,Jul,18 05:45
It is very hard to pee It is like morning gym

By #249167 at 11,Jul,18 08:59
I manage to get soft enough to piss and after that the morning wood is gone. Sometimes I have a fuck or jerk and that fixes it.
By SluttySarah069 at 11,Jul,18 16:20 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Same here

By routemaster at 11,Jul,18 07:25 other posts of routemaster 
Until I've shot my load

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