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Always my wife hint for me to fuck her in anal🔥

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Started by arabmejo at 19,Aug,18 15:25  other posts of arabmejo
Always my arabian wife hint for me to fuck her in anal, And when I rub my cock out of her anus She enjoys a lot.

But when I do Insert my dick into her anus She refuses, And she says "she loves fucking  in pussy only"
But When she sees me insisted to give her anal sex,  she agree with difficulty

What is the reason for rejection at first, Although she enjoys rub my cock out of her anus??

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New Comment

By cumcouplessa at 12,Dec,18 18:00 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here, I think its important to take it slow. Massage her back, let your cock rub along her butt-hole. When she starts lifting her bum to find your cock, she's ready! You force it, its painfull, and the whole experience turns sour. Let her butt find your cock

By #169597 at 21,Aug,18 18:32
She might just enjoy the sensation of having her anus touched without the desire for anal penetration. My girlfriend is the same way. She's tried anal sex a couple times before and has never liked it, however she gets extremely wet when I touch her anus. Penetration and touching are definitely very sensations. I could totally understand why someone would enjoy one but not the other.
By arabmejo at 22,Aug,18 11:33 other posts of arabmejo 
Thank you for your answer, Convincing answer❤💚💛💙💜
By #169597 at 22,Aug,18 21:17
Just realized I meant to say "Penetration and touching are very *different* sensations". Must have missed a word.

By 2nice at 20,Aug,18 20:32 other posts of 2nice 
How can anyone answer that question, aside from her?
By arabmejo at 21,Aug,18 15:17 other posts of arabmejo 
I do not know
By 2nice at 21,Aug,18 19:57 other posts of 2nice 
Here’s a novel idea, why don’t you ask her?
By arabmejo at 22,Aug,18 11:24 other posts of arabmejo 

By #435701 at 21,Aug,18 16:28
It's because Society's Mores (pronounced 'more rays') are opposite of her desires. We are all products of both where we were born and how we were brought up. Doubt if Saudi Arabia is more open sexually than we prudes in America, but this is one of the reasons EVERYONE has sexual secrets. Give her time and lots of patience to get over the guilt feelings she likely has over a forbidden sexual desire.

By #562152 at 19,Aug,18 18:32
she's bitchy??
By arabmejo at 19,Aug,18 18:38 other posts of arabmejo 
No at all
By #562152 at 19,Aug,18 18:39
then it's a woman thing,,
By arabmejo at 20,Aug,18 15:47 other posts of arabmejo 

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