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Naked all the time?

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Started by up-for-it at 02,Sep,18 09:55  other posts of up-for-it
I heard someone say; people should be naked all the time
I like a naked person, but being naked all the time, not really!

I would miss the fantasizing,the undressing with my eyes and of course the physical undressing of a person or someone undressing infront of me!

What do you think, naked all the time or not?

Similar topics: 1.Nude ,Naked ?   2.Naked for long periods of time.   3.The first time i was my husband/wife naked   4.Getting caught wanking and/or naked in public.   5.naked guitar  

New Comment

By Ray10754 at 02,Sep,18 17:52 other posts of Ray10754 
for me it is NO clothes when at home no matter what inside and out (i am able to be nude outside here at my home) Only time I put clothes on is when I have to leave my home area,Work,shopping and all that stuff) Would go naked there also If I knew I wouldn't get in trouble! despise clothes,always did even as a **** growing up!
By up-for-it at 03,Sep,18 05:50 other posts of up-for-it 
I heard about people who despise wearing clothes, that's a totally different feeling. Not just liking to be naked.
By Ray10754 at 03,Sep,18 11:13 other posts of Ray10754 
I would have to disagree with your thoughts,I gained my feelings against clothing due to the fact, I much rather be naked because it is a much more natural feeling.

By #539433 at 02,Sep,18 11:07
very true you would like to find out what's under there
By up-for-it at 02,Sep,18 11:50 other posts of up-for-it 
Always fun to go exploring !

By bella! at 03,Sep,18 06:09 other posts of bella! 
I'm with you, *jamie and up-for-it , I like to imagine what treasures can be found beneath the layer of clothes!

By #541363 at 02,Sep,18 20:09
At home i am mostly naked
By up-for-it at 03,Sep,18 05:51 other posts of up-for-it 
I don't even **** naked unless it's very hot.

Adult Discussion Forum