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The first time i was my husband/wife naked

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Started by Andthisisme at 31,Aug,17 11:41  other posts of Andthisisme
I was talking to a friend yesterday about the first time they saw their partner naked. We are talking way back in the late 60's early 70's. In those days, despite the swinging sixties, it was not uncommon to see your spouse naked for the first time on your wedding night and pre-marital sex was really frowned upon.
What do you recall about that first sight of your spouses body? Were you surprised, thrilled, shocked, excited...? Was his penis/erection a shock? Was her pussy the first that you had seen close up?
So much nudity is right in our face today, i am just harking back to more innocent days...if indeed they were more innocent.

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By spermkiss at 02,Sep,17 19:08 other posts of spermkiss 
This reminds me of an old joke.

On her wedding night a lady was getting undressed in front of her new husband. When she was nude, he asked to take her picture. She was rather taken aback by that request so she asked him why. He replied that he wanted to keep the photo in the inside breast pocket of his suit so her beauty would always be close to his heart. That answer satisfied her so she allowed the photo.

Then it was his turn to undress. When he was nude she asked to take his picture. He asked what she was going to do with his photo. She replied "I want to get it enlarged."

I'll bet you saw that one coming.
By Andthisisme at 02,Sep,17 20:04 other posts of Andthisisme 

By onthelose at 31,Aug,17 19:43 other posts of onthelose 
Well, there certainly is a great deal of nudity in the media and on the computer. I am old so I would have loved to have access to even 1 percent of the porn available now. Playboy barely showed tits. I did see one once but he had to get it back to his dads stash before he found out. I was really in the dark until I was in my teens and even then I had to learn everything the hard way. I didn't have many friends and those I did have were just as ignorant as I was. When I found out about sex I was ready to try it out. I often wonder how us men are to be such great lovers without any kind of training. Imagine getting into a race car for the first time and then be expected to win the race>>>>>>>> Ridiculous but that's just how it was then.
By Andthisisme at 02,Sep,17 12:22 other posts of Andthisisme 
You are so right; I really don't think that young people today realise just how things were back when we were younger. I recall looking at naturist magazines in my teens - all the guys wore posing pouches and the womens pubic region were airbrushed. It was probably around 1970 that finally magazines actually started to include photos naked women that were not airbrushed.
I love the race car analogy it is spot on.

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