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Burt reynolds

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Started by #275407 at 06,Sep,18 19:12
Rip, Burt Reynolds who just died moments ago in his home in Jupiter Florida at age 82. I loved his movies, I will miss him.


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By Sir-Skittles at 07,Sep,18 19:25 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Try to find a movie called "Hooper" GREAT Burt Reynolds movie .. .it is old as fuck and not widely know but worth a look.

By #275407 at 08,Sep,18 07:51
Yes,mive seen it many times as well as all of his pictures.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I liked when he played gator in the Everglades

By #331948 at 08,Sep,18 04:32
Up the creek was good.....

By bella! at 06,Sep,18 19:34 other posts of bella! 
I had not heard that he passed, thank you for posting. What was your favorite movie that he played in?
By #275407 at 06,Sep,18 20:41
I liked all his movies, including, stick, and deliverance.
By bella! at 06,Sep,18 22:47 other posts of bella! 
I completely forgot about Deliverance. Smokey and the Bandit was one of my faves.

By #500054 at 06,Sep,18 21:43
Loved his movies, especially with Dom deluise.

By Buck1970 at 06,Sep,18 21:25 other posts of Buck1970 
Wow RIP Burt,He was in some of the best movie's made.

By #514354 at 06,Sep,18 20:32
Bummer! But what a life!

By veryshyguy at 06,Sep,18 20:23 other posts of veryshyguy 
Yes, I just saw the news! May he RIP...

By *kmadeau* at 06,Sep,18 19:37 other posts of *kmadeau* 
R.I.P. Burt

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