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Started by routemaster at 26,Jan,17 17:06  other posts of routemaster
Following the passings of mother and daughter Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher within a day of each other in December, now Mary Tyler Moore has passed on, aged 80. Lots of people will remember her as the wife in "The Dick van Dyke" show in the early 1960s and she also starred with Julie Andrews in "Thoroughly Modern Millie" in 1967. (Can that film really be half a century old now? Unbelievable!) Mary was also Oscar nominated for "Ordinary People" in 1980. R.I.P. Mary

Similar topics: 1.Mary   2.I want big cocks   3.ROGER MOORE R.I.P.   4.MARY WILSON R.I.P.   5.Julianne Moore, confuses me!  

New Comment

By #460523 at 02,Feb,17 02:45
so sad

By #208346 at 27,Jan,17 09:27
So sad.Today I read Mike Connor(Mannix)died
By t-rex at 28,Jan,17 03:07 other posts of t-rex 
I didn't hear that, wow this year us losing a lot already 😫
By routemaster at 28,Jan,17 10:22 other posts of routemaster 
I don't think we had that series over here and I can't at the moment recall Mike Connor but still sad that he has passed on

By t-rex at 27,Jan,17 02:36 other posts of t-rex 
A sad loss, she was truly an icon

Adult Discussion Forum