| Yesterday there were two referrals to the abuse panel relating to internet images on the accounts. in one case it was quite a new account with few images and one a long standing account with just the one web image. I decided to give the members a chance to remove the image and so froze the reports and messaged both members to let them know the images had been reported.
The responses were interesting. The new member with a few images who I may have been tempted to delete removed the image and sent a message thanking me for the warning.
On the other hand the member of longer standing with many genuine photos who I would probably not have voted to delete sent me a message saying "Really, who gives a fuck!" and blacklisted me.
I have no problem with being blacklisted but the logic of that I really fail to understand. Will I bother to send a message warning people in future? Maybe not, which is really quite sad. |
I think new members should be warned because they're new and might not know better and older members should be warned because they shouldn't loose their account because of an indiscretion. After they've been warned, their actions will dictate ours.
And the seasoned member who uses poor judgement and uploads an internet pic. Can we count on YOU to reach out to them regarding their "indiscretion(s)"?
I honestly do not know of any members other Andthisisme and myself that does it. The FREEZE button was created upon our need to reach out and contact the member to encourage them to edit their profile so new members/seasoned members had an opportunity to correct a concern. Who is keeping track of the warning(s) issued?
Hey, if you are on board in getting involved, why not make your first assignment to be to contact canaus01 and inquire about blacklisting Andthisisme and bella! when all we were attempting to do was to save him and his 300+ points from being deleted. Andthisisme contacted canaus01 to appeal to his sensibilities HOWEVER I voted [NOT] on canaus01's internet upload twice, to get it out of the #1 spot, to take some heat off of the situation. Heck, I noticed that his 1st anniversary is nearing and I wanted him to be around to celebrate. Can we count on you, kebmo, to reason with canaus01?
You can, however, count on me to contact the next person that I feel deserves to be contacted before I vote to delete or not delete them.
His actions and lack of decency will not sway me from attempting to stop the next member from being deleted because they made a poor choice.