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outdoor wank

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Started by #555896 at 07,Oct,18 14:58
Do you often get the chance to wank off outdoors

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By #463848 at 15,May,19 07:57
In the garden but not further afield.

By #586702 at 14,May,19 07:08
I love wanking off outdoors better if someone is watching
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By #562152 at 02,Dec,18 14:52
i love making love at the beach

By #516354 at 02,Dec,18 06:41
On the way to work one day(on my bicycle and at 4.15am)I was desperate for a pee.I saw a small dirt track just off the main road and decided to go a short way down it and have my pee.A few days later(after not having a wank for a week)decided to leave for work early and have a wank down the small track.Once there I pulled my jeans and pants down and had a good wank.Whilst I was wanking I inserted a finger in my anus and soon shot my load.Have been back several times since.

By #500100 at 29,Nov,18 22:33
Went on holiday to the Lake District in England one year. I'd plan a hike every day choosing fairly remote paths nowhere too busy. As soon as I was a few miles in I'd find a rocky outcrop or dry stone wall, lean back, drop my trousers, take off my top and have the most amazing wank. Saw people in the distance a few times and no idea if they could see me, but I got turned on thinking they could. Did that every day, even in the pouring rain. Rainwater running over my cock and balls and down my legs. Felt amazing being naked outdoors.

By #566435 at 29,Nov,18 21:30
I very often take out my dick and stroke it a bit when I'm walking home from work through empty streets. But long time ago that I really got off outdoors, sadly.

By #568188 at 29,Nov,18 18:23
I went to a huge empty lot called the wash and I went there around like midnight and jerked off there.

By #522791 at 26,Nov,18 16:28
I have many time and enjoy it fucking out side too

By marv2 at 25,Nov,18 15:26 other posts of marv2 
Not as often as I would like to. But every chance I do get I don't waste it thats for sure.

By Beercan10 at 24,Nov,18 22:14 other posts of Beercan10 
Often, I once got caught by 2 older ladies. I was actually wearing a wristwatch on my dick. No just jacking off. When the ladies drove past, the car stopped and backed up. They took a good look and told me it looked nice. They were really friendly.

By #121361 at 12,Nov,18 05:40
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By #554032 at 12,Nov,18 21:24

By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 19:24
Wow hot view.

By #572448 at 22,Nov,18 21:33
Would love to join you guys

By #194437 at 14,Nov,18 11:10
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I love it
By #64328 at 16,Nov,18 17:05
I always have too

By #442079 at 16,Nov,18 16:12
I used to do it a few times naked in my yard. But only at night!

By #423426 at 16,Nov,18 10:02
I was at the nude park one day last summer when I kept getting an unwelcome boner. I went to the bushes on the hill overlooking the park, which is a gay cruising area, to "take care" of it. I found a secluded spot but noticed a clearing nearby where two guys were sunning themselves. I walked over totally naked with a hard on and just wanked off in front of them as they both played with themselves while watching me.

By #554032 at 12,Nov,18 21:25
I wank in my pool its a great feeling laying in the water, looking up at the sky wanking hard

By #571688 at 11,Nov,18 23:02
Never.I hadn't wanked outside as I am too afraid to get caught.
By #23212 at 12,Nov,18 21:23
And when you get caught, you will have great trouble, because you live in 'Latvia and Berlin', but do not speak either Lettish or German (only 'English and Russian').

By #489480 at 12,Nov,18 21:19
Nowhere near as much as I'd like or as much as I used to!

By Hrnytoad at 12,Nov,18 17:16 other posts of Hrnytoad 

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Whenever i can!

By #537175 at 12,Nov,18 13:03
I love jerking off out doors , even when its a bit chilly the excitement gets me hard . I have a few places I walk with my bf that are quiet and we get our cocks out and jerk each other .Sometimes we have been watched by another guy who was stroking his own cock . Its easier in summer months as we c an wear shorts and go further than just jerking .

By JackHammer at 12,Nov,18 12:37 other posts of JackHammer 
Mostly in the summer. Love to strip down to just shoes, go for a hike, stand in sun and

By #566798 at 12,Nov,18 11:09
[deleted image]
Hell yeah!

By stroker11 at 12,Nov,18 10:22 other posts of stroker11 
Every day, rain, shine, snow, hot, cold, windy, before sunrise out in my back garden. Very stimulating, a walk and a wank!

By #558745 at 14,Oct,18 10:43
Certainly do.

By wycowboy at 12,Oct,18 01:10 other posts of wycowboy 
Not as much as I used to but I was always jerking off outside when I was younger.
By #64328 at 13,Oct,18 14:29
Me too

By #569242 at 11,Oct,18 20:23
Haven't wanked outside for years now. When I was teenager had woods all around where I lived, so was getting off all the time outdoors then. Wish I lived in a place where I could go outside nude all the time.

By #567296 at 10,Oct,18 05:54
Love wanking (and even just being nude) outdoors. Often do it in my backyard but have also done it down off some walking tracks at our local river and once at a beach.

By #568737 at 09,Oct,18 23:05
Not often now. In my schooldays I used to enjoy stroking one off in the bushes in the park on my walk home. It was more private there than at home! Even better, during school sports some of us would opt to do cross country running. In the bushes we’d show each other what we’d got and wank or HJ each other. Best was getting a HJ from a girl with her blouse open, skirt raised and knickers down in those bushes.

By #537175 at 09,Oct,18 21:10
when I was young myself and a couple other guys would jerk off after school in some local woods .Ive always enjoyed having a jerk outside

By Nottsplaymate at 08,Oct,18 19:08 other posts of Nottsplaymate 
I love wanking outdoors , I am very lucky and have a South facing garden that I can hide in , there is a local walk where there are places you can wank in the nude and I have also had the time of my life on Maspalomas beach for two holidays .

By spermkiss at 07,Oct,18 15:20 other posts of spermkiss 
Alas, almost never now. When I was younger outdoors was my usual place to jack off. I'd go to a park, strip nude and stroke out a load. If I was lucky there'd be others around watching.

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