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liberal logic in 1 short video

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Started by phart at 31,Dec,18 00:31  other posts of phart
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Similar topics: 1.Video posting issue   2.Me squirting on video   3.A video of me cumblasting   4.Post a funny video.   5.Nancy Pelosi now threatening to sue Facebook for not removing video of her tearing State of the union speech  

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By phart at 31,Dec,18 15:09 other posts of phart 
Wow,no negitive comments? are you all asleep or something? I thought this would set some of you on fire! joking just jokeing ,but I did feel like the video explains how we conservitives see the liberal-democrat agenda.
A real problem faceing the world,in this fictional story,and suddenly in a few short minutes the real problem is shadowed by ridiculas time consumeing stuff and then "BOOM" there is no more earth.
This video could be funny, if it was not so close to the truth about how it would actually happen in real terms.
By #188992 at 31,Dec,18 17:18
"This video could be funny". Yes, it COULD be. Perhaps if the script was wittier, the acting more convincing or the premise more believable. As it is, it's about as funny as diphtheria. What's more amusing is your spelling and punctuation.

There you go: a negitive (sic) comment.
By phart at 31,Dec,18 19:27 other posts of phart 
I did have spell check on the older computer but this 1 does not have it. I don't worry to much about the grammer police.All bark no handcuffs!

By bella! at 31,Dec,18 20:54 other posts of bella! 
Hey, huxley999, I am "punctuationally challenged". I need serious help!
By JustWill at 31,Dec,18 20:59 other posts of JustWill 
Here are some supplies if you need them:

By bella! at 31,Dec,18 21:07 other posts of bella! 
I didn't ask YOU, JustWill!

I know all about those things, I just have a problem knowing what to use and where to place them!

By bella! at 31,Dec,18 20:59 other posts of bella! 
And if punctuationally challenged is not a problem recognized by the medical community, it should be!
By #188992 at 31,Dec,18 21:03
By bella! at 31,Dec,18 21:12 other posts of bella! 
Yes sir, big difference!

JustWill posted something similar, I believe it was this;

- It's time to eat, grandma. (With comma)
- It's time to eat grandma. (Without comma)

By bella! at 31,Dec,18 21:14 other posts of bella! 
Compliments of huxley999

[deleted image]
By #188992 at 31,Dec,18 21:36
We all have our strengths: I can't figure out how to post a picture in a forum thread!

I do smile, though, when the same word is spelled differently in the same post. That takes a special kind of something, that I'm too polite to draw attention to!
By bella! at 31,Dec,18 23:53 other posts of bella! 
I can teach you how.

By phart at 01,Jan,19 00:57 other posts of phart 
Hehe, I have always been bad to spell the same thing different as the day goes on. And sadly my Tramatic brain injury sometimes shows it's self to.But if you read what I type a couple times and take into account the rest of the discussion,you can usally make out what I am trying to say.

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