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First anal - do I need to prepare for taking my 1st cock?

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Started by #565004 at 23,Jan,19 10:46
44 year old bi-curious Anal virgin looking for some advice. Been bi-curious ever since I can remember, and never acted on it until very recently. I met up with a guy off a cottaging site last Sunday, sucked him off and swallowed his cum load. It was amazing, and something I've fantasized about for years. On the cottaging site,I saw a few comments mentioning Northwich sauna, so I decided to check it out online. I was bowled over by what this place is - wish I'd have known about it years ago. Anyways, I decided to take the plunge and went there yesterday (22/01/19). It was naked day and was very nervous about going, but once I got there and stripped off, all my inhibitions disappeared. The place is amazing - guys of all shapes and sizes all there to have some fun. I was there for 4 hours, and I had my cock sucked through a glory hole, sucked off this very fit younger guy with a huge cock and at one point, I had 3 big dicks surrounding me, taking turns wanking and deepthroating them in the sauna. I was approached by a twenty-something fit Brazilian lad who wanted me to fuck him. I started with oral and rimming, and then he got his sachet of lube out. I put a condom on, spread the lube on us both and started to enter him. However, as soon as I tried to get my cock inside him, I started going soft and couldn't get myself hard again (nightmare 😥. I think I've realised that I'm just not into fucking men and would prefer to be the taker. I wandered around the place worrying that taking a cock in my arse for the first time would be too painful to do in a place like this and was too worried to act on it. So....after such a long story, my question is - would I be ok with my tight arse hole the first time, or do I need to prepare it with dildo etc. before I take the plunge? I was thinking of going back there on Saturday, as it's naked day again.

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By #565004 at 27,Jan,19 18:30
Well - it happened yesterday, but wasn't very pleasurable unfortunately. Had a play with an older guy at the sauna - I thought he would have the experience to get me through it with as little pain as possible.I told him it would be my first time and he said he'd take it easy. He had a 6.5" cock that was quite thin at his bell end, but the rest of his shaft was very thick and K told him he might be too big for my first time (by the way, I did plat with a dildo earlier in the day to try and stretch my hole a bit). He started with his finger and some lube and then 2 fingers and I was really enjoying that, but a couple of minutes later he started with his cock, trying to get it in. It hurt so fucking much I was biting down on my towel. He spent about 5 mins trying to get inside me, but I think I was tensing up because it was so painful. I told him to just take it slower, coz he was trying to thrust it in way too rough. I tried to relax and slowly push myself back onto his dick (he was so fucking hard). He did say that he was in, but I don't think he was fully as it didn't feel like I had something inside me like it does when I've used a dildo. I just told him to stop after a few minutes coz the pair was so intense. He was fine about it and he sucked me off afterwards which was much more enjoyable. I think next time I need to find someone with less girth.
By spermkiss at 31,Jan,19 20:26 other posts of spermkiss 
It's unfortunate that your first two attempts at anal sex did not turn out well. You lost your erection when you tried to be the inserter and you found that just could not the larger than average dick of the man who attempted to penetrate you. But look on the bright side. He was charmed that you offered him your ass cherry, he did try to make it work for you and he did satisfy you with a blow job.

There are a couple of ways you can view this. If receptive anal intercourse is something you really want to do, start with a guy with a micro and work up. With experience, practice and stretching eventually you'll be able to take even a super jumbo in your ass with ease. Perhaps even you'll move on to being fisted.

Or satisfy yourself with sucking and being sucked. Not all man-on-man sex is ass fucking. Not by any means, though present day attitudes seem to indicate that. You might want to pull up my Forum post "The Evolution of Gay Sex" and have a look. [An easy way to do this is to clock on the "other posts" next to my name.]

By #565004 at 31,Jan,19 22:09
Thanks - I'll check out your forum post. I'll try to find someone with a smaller dick next time and hopefully I'll enjoy it. Maybe I'm just into oral.
By #423426 at 15,Feb,19 12:46
I was surprised how easy my first and only time was. Much more comfortable than strap ons and toys which can be a bit hard. Any initial discomfort soon disappeared and I was able to enjoy it. I preferred on my back holding my legs up, as opposed to bent over fucked from behind, as I was able to watch as he fucked and wanked me with a handful of gel. I'd seen lots of gay and bi porn before where guys being fucked would have limp cocks, but I had a throbbing hard on the whole time, as I hoped I would. I had a massive orgasm, quite different from anything before, as I felt my arse tightening and relaxing as his cock moved inside me. I hope you have beter luck next time.

By #554098 at 13,Feb,19 07:23
Never wanted anal from a guy, but a lady introduced me to it, and I LOVE IT! It's all about wanting it, being relaxed, and not being at all tense, anywhere! A lot of finger foreplay, and just trusting the other. Maybe a shower or enema, if you are concerned.
Relaxing is the most important thing!!
Anal play for guys can be amazing with whomever. I loved sharing it with a woman, and her toy, explaining that women usually get penetrated by men, but straight men, don't usually experience the sensations of someone else, penetrating them. It's really EROTIC and AMAZING!!

By spermkiss at 23,Jan,19 17:26 other posts of spermkiss 
Do you have to prepare? Well, yes and no.

If you are going to take a dick in your asshole, make absolutely sure that your asshole is scrupulously clean, not only on the outside, but also dick length deep on the inside. This is really the only preparation you need take.

As for practice sessions with a dildo, they are not really needed. I've had dozens of dicks in my ass but never a dildo. Toys just aren't my thing and I'd rather have a real dick. Perhaps you feel differently and would like a trial run with a dildo. If so, go for it.

As for the actual penetration, it's important to learn how to relax the anal sphincter. This is not especially difficult, but it does take a certain amount of practice as the normal condition of this sphincter is to be slightly tensed to keep the opening closed. If the sphincter is not relaxed, penetration will hurt. This pain will cause you to tense up the sphincter causing even more pain.

It is part of ass fucking etiquette that the fuckee gets to control the penetration. No matter what position the two participants choose, the fuckee determines how fast the dick will go in him and the fucker will not proceed with the pumping action until it is clear that the fuckee is comfortable with the dick inside him. Of course there are louts who plunge right in without regard for the fuckee's feelings. Let's hope you don't encounter one.

So I hope these remarks are useful and that you have a lovely experience giving away your anal virginity to a fine gentleman.
By knewbi at 24,Jan,19 00:40 other posts of knewbi 
Great response. So can you give some instructions on relaxing that sphincter?
By spermkiss at 24,Jan,19 16:30 other posts of spermkiss 
About all I can say is re-read my second last paragraph about ass fucking etiquette and keep your fingers crossed that you find a charming and courteous gentleman to whom you can give your ass cherry. With the right partner and in the heat of passion and the knowledge that your bodies are going to unite in a spectacular sexual encounter that will be enormously rewarding for both of you, the relaxing and the opening up of the sphincter will flow naturally.

And the odds are really good that you will meet such a gentleman. Upon learning that you are a virgin, most men will be totally charmed by that and will do everything they can to make your first time a pleasurable and memorable experience.

So, good luck and let us know how it went.
By #565004 at 24,Jan,19 20:28
Thanks for such a helpful response and great advice - much appreciated that you took the time to help. I'll update this post with how it goes (if I'm lucky enough to find someone aat the sauna who wants to fuck me.

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