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Started by #578610 at 12,Mar,19 14:03
Dgraff is a trouble maker. Every time he opens his mouth it's to insult someone. That's why I want him to have this GIFT in honor of his BIG MOUTH

[deleted image]

My opinion

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By #578610 at 14,Mar,19 22:22
Cody, you talk shit

OVERTOWN is a neighborhood of Miami, Florida, United States, just northwest of Downtown Miami. Originally called Colored Town during the Jim Crow era of the late 19th through the mid-20th century, the ... Wikipedia
Zip code: 33136

LIBERTY CITY is a neighborhood in Miami, Florida, United States. The area is roughly bound by NW 79th Street to the north, NW 27th Avenue to the west, Northwest 36th Street to the South, and Interstate 95 to the east. Wikipedia
ZIP Code: 33125, 33127, 33142, 33147, 33150
Population: 19,725 (2010)

I was born in Miami Dade County when it was called Dade County. I moved back from Geogia last year. My kids and grandchildren live here. I think I should know the area.

By leopoldij at 13,Mar,19 01:47 other posts of leopoldij 
Are you trying to make him horny? That's kind of you.
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 01:52
You know leo, there is no woman on the other end. It's been a guy since the beginning. He has been good. But now the truth is out. It's been Charlie the whole time. Just my opinion.
By leopoldij at 13,Mar,19 01:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Nobody said dgraff is a woman. He's just gay. And very rude/uneducated/etc. I don't know his real name. Is Charlie a typical hillbilly name?
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 02:04
OMG, you all have the same disease.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Easy with that hillbilly shit.

By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 02:24 other posts of dgraff 
I told you before Leo I’ve had better women then you can buy women that cared what they look like

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:18
Well, we know what your opinion is worth, cunt
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 02:21
Fuck off Charlie.
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:25
You dream of cock, don't you,
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 02:26
I dream of choking your old ass out unconscious with my cock.
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:28
How many men does it take to satisfy the Mrs?
I mean,obviously, you have a dick up your ass all the time
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 02:30
We know it takes one black cock to satisfy you Charlie.
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:36
Oh,,my GOD. That really hurt. hahaha. Can you think of new materials. You really are BORING, cunt
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 02:46
Talking about needing new material. WTF

By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 02:22 other posts of dgraff 
Thanks for the tribute
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:22
By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 02:27 other posts of dgraff 
You can’t get under my skin unless your a pagin or a warlord
By #489701 at 13,Mar,19 02:31
She's a parasite. They are quite capable of that.
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:37
Curveball, pussy, I bet the only ball on you is your site name.
By #489701 at 13,Mar,19 02:39
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:43
Wow, some comeback. Hahaha
By #489701 at 13,Mar,19 02:49
Blah, blah, blah

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:33
Pagin (, also Romanized as Pagīn) is a village in Soltanabad Rural District, in the Central District of Ramhormoz County, Khuzestan Province, Iran
Maybe I should call YOU professor,,,,,and, as far as getting under your skin, that is not my intention. I just hurl the insults and watch that pea brain of yours to fuck you up
By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 02:44 other posts of dgraff 
You live in a state that holds some of the best biker rally’s in the world I’m sure you know what the pagans the warlord and the sons of satan are don’t act dumb
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 02:48
That bitch don't live in Florida. We don't have retarded dumb asses here.
By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 02:54 other posts of dgraff 

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:59
Listen condo comando. You and your wife live and are plastic. You, with the "let's do lunch" and I've have to hit the gym are a dime a dozen in South Florida. Trouble is your crowd is as phony as a 3 dollar bill, Cunt

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:56
Pagans not pagin. And yes, we just had Daytona week and my neighbor here is treasurer of one of these tribes. He has a cookout once a month and half of them use the back acre to park their bikes. So what?
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 03:02
Exactly, who gives a fuck. Now you're a bad ass biker cunt. Fuck off Charlie. Don't you have Jerome's dick to suck?
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 03:04
I don't ride with them. Good people but they are all Trump supporters
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 03:05
OMG, now politics.

By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 03:10 other posts of dgraff 
Hey phart is right you can google

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 03:06
Well, don't get jelous. You can find your own in Liberty City. They love gay white meat. Your wife will like it too. Quite a change from your peanut
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 03:08
Liberty city would be more for Jerome. Charlie would get raped. Your old ass they wouldn't touch.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

You sure do talk a lot of shit about gay people and blacks. Specially since you Charlie take it up the ass from Jerome. Kind of ironic isn't it.
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 03:09
You would get raped too, except, you'd love it
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Whatever,Cunt, I'm going to bed. Leave the insults on the side. I'll read them in the morning. May the fleas of a thousand camels invade Mrs CC's pussy
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 03:13
Isn't it past your bedtime or time for a diaper change?

By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 03:18 other posts of dgraff 
Horrible dreams bitch

By #275407 at 14,Mar,19 19:57
They haven't called it liberty city in years, it's now called overtown.

By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 03:16 other posts of dgraff 
Tribes we call them clubs
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 11:08
You are right. It was late and my dementia started to kick in

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 16:03
Yes, they are a bunch of little kids in grownup bodys playing at cowboys. They ride farther than a wooden horse but still only reach looser,,ah,,hog heaven. Big men with little boy pee pees,

By Sir-Skittles at 14,Mar,19 05:24 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cool pic bro!
By #578610 at 14,Mar,19 12:26

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