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Why cant I just have a cuddle buddy close?

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Started by Flipp4funn at 28,Jun,19 06:10  other posts of Flipp4funn
Is there something wrong with me? Whys it so fuciing difficult to get someone to come over and cuddle with me for a night? I dont ask much... and hell, I'm pretty fucking sure once they rubbed up against this ass once or twice, they'd love it!!! Fuck...

Similar topics: 1.best friend   2.Wank buddy   3.People who change their minds!   4.CA POMONA anyone want to meet up for oral or jack off together please let me know I really want a buddy   5.Wank buddy kink  

New Comment

By #463848 at 01,Jul,19 08:42
Nothing wrong but is that all you would really want? Your photos tend to suggest not.
By Flipp4funn at 01,Jul,19 19:34 other posts of Flipp4funn 
Well, it would all depend on the person and mood

By #574505 at 30,Jun,19 04:53
I'll cuddle with you..

By #536913 at 30,Jun,19 04:24
If only we could all have a cuddle buddy.

By up-for-it at 28,Jun,19 11:51 other posts of up-for-it 
Nothing wrong with you!
I'd love to spend a night cuddling with someone!
By leopoldij at 28,Jun,19 14:16 other posts of leopoldij 
Me too. But they have to be female.

Adult Discussion Forum