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roosters/chooks 2019 winners

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Started by Dev01 at 28,Sep,19 12:10  other posts of Dev01

Similar topics: 1.BIGGEST COCKS BY ETHNICITY   2.Roosters were impeckable   3.Happy Eurovsion 2019 Day.   4.The chooks   5.Christmas cocks 2019  

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By Sir-Skittles at 09,Oct,19 02:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cricket is an awesome game. I just don't understand it
By Dev01 at 09,Oct,19 04:37 other posts of Dev01 

By Dev01 at 06,Oct,19 11:42 other posts of Dev01 
Done back to back ..
Roosters back to back 25 years
By mr_blue at 06,Oct,19 11:51 other posts of mr_blue 
Lucky fuckers should that last try for the chooks stood Dev?
Should the raiders had a fresh set of six from the way the ref was waving!!
I only saw the second half was watching France v Tonga
By Dev01 at 06,Oct,19 19:47 other posts of Dev01 
yes yes and yes lol. Don't really see why it was called six to go and refs could have stopped it. So tri colours win but its gonna be the GF remembered for shit decisions... like Cronk being sent off.

Canberra feel robbed and Chooks have to deal with the back to back that should not have been.

Even if the decision was opposite the controversy would still remain so really its a no win either way.

Glad it was not the ref from the wallabies wales game
By mr_blue at 06,Oct,19 20:03 other posts of mr_blue 
Still a good game,and I didn't see any of the raiders players bitching about it....few beers getting hammered tonight thoughlol

And that ref from the wallabies/Wales game is a cockwomble..
Just be consistent FFS...
By Dev01 at 06,Oct,19 21:12 other posts of Dev01 

By Dev01 at 06,Oct,19 11:50 other posts of Dev01 

By Dev01 at 05,Oct,19 23:20 other posts of Dev01 
It's D Day today Roosters trying to back to back grand finals,so I'm getting on the piss and only have one thing to say...GET A FUCKIN ROOSTER UP YA

By mr_blue at 05,Oct,19 23:26 other posts of mr_blue 

By Dev01 at 28,Sep,19 12:19 other posts of Dev01 
Ok sorry Canberians
By mr_blue at 28,Sep,19 15:15 other posts of mr_blue 

By Sir-Skittles at 28,Sep,19 14:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

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