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Condom usage for uncut cocks

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Started by #552168 at 01,Nov,19 05:36
Hey people! I have this silly question...
I have a really long foreskin, that covers most of my glans when fully erected.
I’ve been told my whole life that the right way to use a condom is to fully retract the foreskin and the roll the condom. I’ve been doing it this way for years but I struggle to keep the condom in its place cause my foreskin makes a mess with it.
Then I saw a tutorial of an uncut guy keeping the glans covered and rolling the condom. So I’ve started to doubt about this subject.

[deleted image]

How do you use condoms having a large foreskin???
Thank you! And sorry for my awful English

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By german_guy at 18,Aug,20 19:25 other posts of german_guy 
My foreskin is huge as yours and I never had any trouble wearing a condom., although I prefer without

By LGA6969 at 18,Aug,20 13:12 other posts of LGA6969 

By #463848 at 17,Aug,20 13:06
It has been many years since I used a condom but I never gave a thought to where my foreskin was except that it was fucking nicely. My foreskin is short, so it goes behind my glans automatically when I have an erection.

By #6568 at 22,Jul,20 15:10
I greatly dislike condoms!.....I have all the wrong equipement to use them as my shaft is basically conical in shape...ie much thicker at the base than at the head, and with a very long foreskin that covers the glans when I'm stiff.

If I pull the hood right back and put the condom on then the normal action of the foreskin inside the vagina means that the condom also rolls on and off the shaft..... The best way for me is to pull back the hood and roll on the condom half way, then push the hood forward so that the condom is inside the hood and then complete the roll-on. It's not that comfortable but once you get into the thrusting you forget the mechanics and it feels much better than the whole thing sliding back and forth.

....Now, about the rubber ring on the base end that cuts like hell.....I HATE the bloddy ring it hurts!

When I was using condoms a lot I came to like the female condom as it's very comfortable for me. There's the big drama about gettingn it properly inserted in the vagina, but I discovered that I had the perfect implement to get it up around the cervix........

By Horatio at 22,Jul,20 04:48 other posts of Horatio 
When I was using condoms, I found one way was to pull my foreskin all the way back, right down to the base, hold it there and squease my cock tight and "flex" it, i.e. make it harder so it looks and feels bigger. Then in that state, roll the condom on. THe condom would then be snug on my cock and I could either keep my foreskin retreacted or roll it forward and the condom would stay in place. Have also tried to put it on with my foreskin all the way forward, yeah, it can work, but I like my glans out.

By german_guy at 01,Nov,19 11:39 other posts of german_guy 
same Thing here, I have a Long foreskin which covering my glans completely while erected. I never pull my foreskin back using a condom… works perfect for me.
By Daniel at 02,Nov,19 09:20 other posts of Daniel 
But I guess you don't feel a lot.
By german_guy at 03,Nov,19 16:52 other posts of german_guy 
oh no, I do feel a lot

By #601496 at 01,Nov,19 12:24
My guys don't use condoms and, even if they did, they don't have long foreskins. I would think that if the condom is to keep your cum from flowing out, it really doesn't matter if you have your foreskin pulled back or not. Just have fun.

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