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Which motion: inward thrust, or outward pull?

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Started by cigarman at 23,Nov,19 13:31  other posts of cigarman
Which motion do you prefer when having sex, jerking off, or getting a hand-job? Is it the inward thrust, which would also be the downward motion on your cock by hand, or the outward pull, corresponding with the upward motion (or pulling) on your cock by hand? Personally, I greatly prefer the inward thrust, and have had to correct girlfriends who try to pull my cock off, thinking it’s enjoyable. But I’m also circumcised. Is it different for uncut guys? Curious to see which motion folks prefer!

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New Comment

By #711401 at 27,Apr,24 06:54
For fucking, it's the inward thrust. For wanking, it's the downward stroke - pulling my foreskin back hard.

By Lvphose at 25,Apr,24 17:07 other posts of Lvphose 
Something like this both techniques !

By nekekal at 25,Nov,19 04:21 other posts of nekekal 
I had to think about this.

For fucking, it is the inward thrust. I am trying to drive my balls into her. I cum on the instroke.

For masturbation, it seems to be the outward pulling that does the job. Although the down stroke is also hot. But I cum on the up stroke.

For being sucked, I like both. For her mouth I like her just sucking, but generally it would be the pushing her mouth down onto the head, but I like a hand on the shaft pulling up. Best of both worlds? And cum in her mouth.

By What-once-was at 23,Nov,19 14:12 other posts of What-once-was 
I'm uncut and for sex I like the in/down like you but if I'm jerking then I like the outwards/upwards a little bit more, I think it's the feeling of my foreskin going over my head that dose it. I'm not sure if it's the same for all uncut guys but that's juts from my experience

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