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WOMEN ONLY: What are the outward signs you display upon achieving an orgasm?

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Started by #110510 at 02,Nov,10 15:03
Please describe in detail how your lover will know you have just cum. Also, please indicate number of orgasms achieved vs. sexual encounter AND how often you fake an orgasm. Thank you!

Similar topics: 1.What are the outward signs you display upon achieving an orgasm?   2.Black out orgasm   3.I can't find my clitoris.   4.Anal orgasms   5.How did older cocksuckers hook up in the 60’s,70’s, & 80’s  

New Comment

By #5532 at 03,Nov,10 22:35
A man (or woman for that matter) cannot 'make' me cum, because they are my orgasms, but I certainly do appreciate their helping things along
By #23212 at 04,Nov,10 21:13

By #59855 at 04,Nov,10 03:41
From Matt's Wife: I guess I will repeat myself on this one. My breathing gets heavy and I get bossy about what I want. I usually shake. I have never faked an orgasm and I agree with the other women

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