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Difficulty climaxing without penetration

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Started by j0shua at 05,Dec,19 13:29  other posts of j0shua
Hey everyone a while ago I purchased my first sex toys one of which being a dildo and I used it quite a bit when masturbating. After awhile I decided to give it a break and noticed that I either feel less pleasure or just cant cum. I was confused at first and tried again with my dildo in me and was able to cum. Im just curious if anyone else has had this problem.

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New Comment

By WHATSUPDOC at 07,Dec,19 02:39 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I orgasm on looking at a banana. When is a banaсa just a banana. I should consult Frued. However I am using hypnosis so that I can rid my thoughts of pussy. And that I will never get excited and become impotent when looking at a women's vagina and that only a man's cock will be the only thing that will sexually arouse me. And the more cocks the better I feel and the more cum the happier I am

By #583549 at 06,Dec,19 01:18
With a dildo inserted in my ass I can cum much better as it is rubbing on my prostate.I have found that riding my dildo in and out I can cum hands free! You are feeling a more intense orgasm with your dildo inserted.

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