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Tehnique for anal penetration?

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Started by #37169 at 15,Mar,10 10:29
Can guys with experience of anal penetration [giving ? to M & F and receiving from M] answer this?

What I want to know is there a special technique for easy anal penetration?

Personally I love to do rear entry but my wife is really small and tight and I end up using a lot of force to assfuck her and consequently don?t get to do it very often but, with another woman once and some guys, I was just able to slide it into the ass effortlessly and just assumed people are built differently.

With guys, I prefer oral play and have every so often performed anal penetration but prefer to bring them off with the mouth and tongue, although I have let guys mount me if they really wanted to and found that I am tight and it takes a lot of effort to accommodate them and it is always rather painful and I cannot take it for very long. The other day however, I was fooling around with two rather youngish guys ? early 20?s ? in the sauna and without asking, one of the guys just lifted my legs, spit on his cock and slid his cock into my ass quite effortlessly and proceeded to fuck me for a good 20 minutes before unloading. His friend then had me kneel over and he too spit on his cock and shafted me effortlessly for a good 10-15 minutes before ejaculating. They left me exhausted on the floor and left before I recovered to ask how they managed it so easily. Did they know a technique I have been ignorant of?

Similar topics: 1.Penetration Pix   2.First anal penetration?   3.First anal experince ? for ladies only.   4.Ladies and anal   5.ANAL PENETRATION  

New Comment

By bikev at 26,Jul,18 07:26 other posts of bikev 
Plenty of lube and plenty of time. Quick fucks will come later when you are used to having a hard cock entering you.

By #485312 at 23,May,16 13:53
a tube of lube, a hard cock and a willing open arsehole *lix*
By #294721 at 23,Jul,18 13:07
How true indeed

By leopoldij at 25,Jul,18 07:37 other posts of leopoldij 
Don't try that on Aussieman.

By #121361 at 25,Jul,18 06:29
[deleted image]

By #121361 at 25,Jul,18 05:31
[deleted image]

By knewbi at 24,Jul,18 19:13 other posts of knewbi 
I know what you mean about tight. I so want to find a stiff cock up my ass but am so tight it just does not happen. oh i have fucked my share of asses but just cannot get one up mine!!

By #554098 at 23,Jul,18 05:12
Does she even WANT anal, with you?? If she isn't interested, don't **** her, as it will never work!
If she does want it, but has issues with it, talk, and ask her about that.
A lot of women have issues with anal, because they think it is 'dirty' and 'nasty'.
Get a strap-on toy, and let her love you, and let her see how you feel, and that might help her understand that there can be something good, there.

By #252724 at 11,Jun,16 17:14
Coconut oil works for me!

By spermkiss at 09,May,16 18:26 other posts of spermkiss 
When you get down to the nitty gritty of taking it in the ass, the Major Factor is psychological. If you WANT that dick (or toy) in your ass and if you've psyched yourself up to take it, your ass WILL open up and it WILL feel really good.

The truth is, most asses can open up to take most reasonably sized dicks. And with proper stretching exercises, ANY asshole can open up to take ANY dick, even the largest. Look around the internet, fisting photos and videos are not hard to find. Guys (mostly, but some women) can take a hand and arm elbow deep or a two liter beverage bottle.

So if you want to take it in the ass, practice, practice, practice. You can do it.

By #4222 at 23,Dec,12 22:35
And guess what--in terms of lube, spit AIN'T IT!!
By #254338 at 09,May,16 13:51
Spit really only works on a very worn in ass - and I have never had a girl happy taking it like that - only guys...

By Ebonytip68 at 15,Mar,10 13:03 other posts of Ebonytip68 
Lubrication and stimulation are the keys to a good fuck.

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