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pierced dick at nudist beach/camp

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Started by kurac at 06,Dec,19 17:08  other posts of kurac
You and your pierced dick are at a nudist beach or a
nudist camp. Could you tell the group about your experiences?
For me it was quite easy at the Canary Islands: Corralejo and
Jandia/Fuerteventura and Maspalomas/Gran Canaria; in Monte-
negro: Ulcinj/Ada Bojana; in Croatia: Rovinj, Medulin/Kaћela,
Baљka/Bunculuka, Rab/Frkanj, Hvar/Vrboska, Hvar/Jerolim,
Dubrovnik/Lokrum island. Tell us about your experiences!

Similar topics: 1.who supports nudism   2.Nudist beaches/events nudist beach   4.nudist beach   5.Nudist Beaches  

New Comment

By #43515 at 07,Jan,20 19:34
My cock has been shaved and pierced for many years love the nude beach. But [ no pun] used to take it out before the adult side started
Liked having my cock get hard when the right person stopped to look. Most comment were positive.

By 2nice at 06,Jan,20 21:19 other posts of 2nice 
I went to a nude resort in Jamaica last summer. There were hundreds of people there, but as far as I could tell, I was the only man there with piercings. I received many looks and some wanted a close inspection, or wanted to touch them (which I greatly enjoyed). A great conversation starter. I enjoyed it throughly, and can’t wait to go again this year.

By #591921 at 05,Jan,20 02:32
I tried a new nudist spot this past summer. Most people there were older than me and I'm early 50's. So I got a lot of guy and ladies both looking but only one asked me about it. She was a apparently single lady probably around 65 and she asked so I grabbed and picked my cock up and let her look at it and get a good look at it and she pointed and got her hand realm close to it and was staring hard at it. I could tell she looked like she wanted to touch it but just wouldn't because everybody was right there but she did lick her lips while she was looking.

By #570598 at 29,Dec,19 08:34
It's good to share way and what you have pierced.i say it's better than tattoos. Piercings are removable any time.

By #121361 at 22,Dec,19 07:02
[deleted image]

By #121361 at 14,Dec,19 12:02
[deleted image] The Girls looks surprised.

By german_guy at 11,Dec,19 20:15 other posts of german_guy 
I Always noticed me watching to catch a view…
didnt bother me at all, in fact I Kind of found it amusing for me

By german_guy at 06,Dec,19 20:38 other posts of german_guy 
so Sweat I could tell all About my experiences anytime
By kurac at 11,Dec,19 17:15 other posts of kurac 
let's have a discussion about
the topic of the forum.
It seems to me, all the other
members of this forum are horny
enough to be member, but are too
much silent...

By kurac at 06,Dec,19 20:49 other posts of kurac can do it right now!

Adult Discussion Forum