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best nudist beach

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Started by #19407 at 17,Jul,11 15:10
hello people,, whats the best nudist beach you have been on.the best ive found is mal nombre on fuerteventura, stone castles if its windy ,short walk to the sea,great view,not to over crowded.would love to hear your best beach reviews,,,

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By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 16,Aug,12 21:24 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

By #179980 at 03,Aug,11 06:46
Wreck Beach In Vancouver B.C. Near UBC The walk back up is a Killer after drinking beer in hot sun all day But well worth the Trip. They have Family Area large Gay Area and few spots you can take in exhibitionist at there best. Only Rule You must Be Nude and no pictures unless you ask first.
By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 16,Aug,12 21:24 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

By #11425 at 12,Aug,12 07:38
Koversada in Croatia

By #174553 at 22,Apr,12 01:12
East of Field 6, Jones Beach, NY. Check it out. You won't be disappointed!

By bigone21 at 21,Apr,12 19:25 other posts of bigone21 
Le Cap d'Agde, France!

the biggest nudist/naturist resort in the world!

appartment-buildings, hotels, camping-site (2500 places). you can do without clothing all of your holidays. in august, more than 10.000 people walking around naked.

if you like to be naked, this is the place!

By Thumper52 at 18,Jul,11 19:56 other posts of Thumper52 
San Diego CA has 3 great Nude Beaches, SilverStrand South, Blacks Beach and San Onofre (south of Nuc Power Plant). Blacks Beach is most popular and during summers, thousands of naked folks are enjoying nature.
By #181785 at 05,Aug,11 23:34
I heard San O is no longer nude beach. Also posted at the gate no Nude.

By #2924 at 05,Aug,11 22:15
San Gregorio private beach sout of San Francico. Not to be cofused with San Gregorio State beach next door. Lot of action,
By spermkiss at 05,Aug,11 23:09 other posts of spermkiss 
Oh, such fond memories. The gay fucking and sucking on this beach is legendary.

By boy at 05,Aug,11 23:00 other posts of boy 
The dunes of Maspalomas on Gran Canaria. I go there every year in winter, as the climate is great there then.

By #7976 at 18,Jul,11 18:51
There are a number of beaches in California where nudism is tolerated. The one we've come to enjoy is Red, White, and Blue Beach. It's rather family oriented and is secluded by rocky cliffs on both ends. The water is pretty cold most of the year though so swimming is only for the hearty unless one wants to don a wet suit and surf.

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