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Former Gubernatorial Democrat candidate for Florida detained after third party meth overdose in his hotel room

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Started by #591921 at 13,Mar,20 17:04
The former democrats candidate now not only facing charges for misuse of federal funds as mayor of Tallahassee,and other charges over campaign fraud now he also may be facing charges of his involvement in meth. He had EMS and police respond to an overdose of meth in his hotel room in Miami. Report says baggies and paraphernalia was in clear view and traces of meth in baggies and a third party was treats for an overdose in his hotel room. It also says Gilliam was obviously under the influence when police and EMS responded to the call of overdose in his hotel room.

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By phart at 14,Mar,20 15:02 other posts of phart 
And to think there are folks in Florida that wanted this man to run their state?
And were angry when he lost?
Does this indicate the quality of other canidates of the Democratic party? I hope not,sincerely I do.
By #591921 at 14,Mar,20 18:52
He got 49.2% of the vote and Desantis won with 49.6% so half the state thinks its ok to get caught naked and vomiting with open packages of meth and a erotic gay massage specialist. The report says it found the entire room full of naked men vomiting and acting erratic. He also gets a check from CNN as a political expert and runs the democratic party for Florida. I guess Debbie Washerman Shultz will have to take it back over. But she gave it up when her assist was found dead in the streets if Washington of an alleged robbery but he was wearing a $2000 dollar watch,had all his credit cards and over $300 cash in his pocket. However they did find that the last email he sent was to Bernie Sanders telling him he should just pull out of the race because no matter how much votes he got Hillary was already decided that she was the candidate. That was a month before the Democrat convention where Gilliam was announced to speak for Hillary as the next Barack Obama.

By #591921 at 14,Mar,20 14:46
The former candidate now facing possible charges as the man who overdosed was revived and was questioned by officers he said he knew nothing about a wedding and he was only hired to give the men male erotic massage and he was an openly gay professional erotic masseuse with ads online. So Gilliam may now be facing charges for solicitation of prostitution.

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