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Report from New York City-

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Started by Sir-Skittles at 22,Mar,20 19:18  other posts of Sir-Skittles
Big changes here in Manhattan these past few days. First of all, we are all good here. Our mayor is a mongoloid, but our governor is dong an okay job of keeping things calm.

I live on the Upper East Side- basically a neighborhood starting in the 60's up to 96th Street- from 5th Ave to 1st Ave- Just east of Central Park.

This is Manhattan- we always find a way to overcome and move forward. To that point:

1. Restaurants and bars are closed- but owners have now made walk up food picks ups- and you can get a take away cocktails. Seamless (our food delivery App service) is operating 24/7. Most people in Manhattan have small apartments and do not have large refrigerators to store food, so these guys are awesome.

2. There is plenty of food here. The stores are busy but you can still get things you need. Including Lysol wipes. New York State Police are even escorting countless heavy trucks over the bridges help get critical supplies delivered. UPS, Fedex are operating at holiday levels of packages. Fresh Direct and Amazon Fresh operating at high volume.

4. NYPD and FDNY (our fire service) still taking care of business as is the Manhattan Sheriff and countless other 3 letter agencies operating here. I have not heard of any upticks in crime yet.

5. Manhattan is probably better equipped to handle things than just about anywhere the world after what we went through on 9-11. There are tons of equipment and highly trained first responders in NYC.

6. Subways and rail are all still running.

Everyone is confined to working at home, but people are going outside.

Have site friends on 3 continents here. Hoping they post what is going on in their countries.

Stay safe cunts.

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New Comment

By gradurgaur at 22,Mar,20 19:43 other posts of gradurgaur 
First i want to give big hug and thank you for all that works in healthcare system hospital workers and doctors and nurses around the world  that have are working day and night to care for sick and the dieing I wish i can give you all a big hug you are awesome people.Please stay safe...

To those that are infected with  this nasty virus around the world i wish you all speedy recovery.

To the families of the love ones that sadly has lost a love ones a family member my heart and prayers  and my thoughts goes to you in this sad time and may god watch over you all in this hard and sad times.

To the countries round the World that this virus is spreading my hope and prayers and thoughts are with you and this is the time for all of us to take good care of one and another and help the fellow man.this Virus is not going to Defined who we are as a people we are all one big family and we are all in this together and together we will over come this

please Stay safe everyone and be kind to one and another

love from Iceland
By Sir-Skittles at 22,Mar,20 20:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

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