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My first sexual encounter

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Started by #615202 at 15,Apr,20 04:59
Hey guys,

I wanted to tell you guys about my first ever sexual encounter. I was visiting a friend in a town like 13 miles away from me. I showed him my dick pics before and ge said one day he'd jerk me off. That day was the day. We were at the mall just hanging out then we started talking about cum for some reason. Anyways i was like im gonna rent a motel room for the night and i did. Oddly enough at the same time he asked me if i want him to jerk me off im the malls restroom. I told him i got a motrl and quickly ordered an uber/lyft cause i was hella horny that day. We went on the motel room i took off my pants but not my underware. I got under sheets ans i was to shy to ask him but he started watching porn. Eventually i told him i was jerking it. He asked me to uncover the sheets and stared at it for a good 30 seconds or so leaking with precum. Then he asked me if i needed "help". I said yes and gave me like two strokes and i came. Ee did it again after a few days late at night at a park same results, after a few seconds i came. I will never forget that day. It felt kinda hot. My friend had to go homr sadly after staying at the motel for an hour. Wish he couldve spent thr night so he could play with my cock some more.
Still gets me hard to this day

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New Comment

By #588327 at 15,Apr,20 09:06
It fun when friends can help each other. Your both helping each other to relax as all guys do. It a cool thing when guys can experience that together
By tb1 at 15,Apr,20 10:00 other posts of tb1 
I agree

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