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Started by #614425 at 04,Aug,20 17:04
how many men on site or know some one who has more than one wife, and will they post pics

New Comment

By bella! at 04,Aug,20 23:21 other posts of bella! 
Mutiwives? Do you mean multi of multiple? The Mormons practice polygamy, but it's against the law.

Back to the misspelling, don't you hate when you do that? I did the same in the RANDOM BULLSHIT thread!

See for yourself, "anything goed"..... /forum/thread.php?id=20587#9148 YIKES!
By #614425 at 05,Aug,20 00:34
It should be multiwivies
By bella! at 05,Aug,20 00:56 other posts of bella! 
And you spent another 20 points to create another thread? The fact that bigamy or polygamy are illegal in the United States, are you hoping to have someone say yes, I break the law, I have multiple wives!?

This is a copy and paste from Wikipedia; "The legal status of polygamy varies widely around the world. Polygyny is legal in 58 out of nearly 200 sovereign states, the vast majority of them being Muslim-majority countries in Africa and Asia. Polyandry is illegal in virtually every country."

Zorilla, they're your points, create as many threads as you like. I'm not trying to discourage you, however how successful have your blogs and threads been when you ask the members to post their pussy pics "here" or that body part "there", now you are asking members, polygamists no less, to post pictures of their wives. Question, do you want face pictures or any specific part? C'mon, be for real!
By #622383 at 05,Aug,20 14:56
Bella, so hot. Tell him

By #614425 at 05,Aug,20 20:11
I am real as anyone on this site, don't you think
By bella! at 05,Aug,20 22:57 other posts of bella! 
I never suggested that you weren't real, but I do think you set your expectations high.
By #614425 at 05,Aug,20 23:05
I am am optimist
By bella! at 06,Aug,20 00:46 other posts of bella! 
Yes, you are. Your glass is half full, never half empty!

By leopoldij at 05,Aug,20 01:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Lots of religious lunatics out there, I think they're called Morons, they live in Utah and marry many wives. They're fucked up. Зc

Adult Discussion Forum