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lube survey

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Started by #55977 at 23,Feb,10 01:33
do you use lube when u masturbate? when u answer also note if u are cut or uncut. I think most cut guys prefer lube vs uncut guys. Iam i right?

Similar topics: 1.Favorite lube?   2.Lube for anal   3.Other safe anal lube alternatives   4.You want only big dicks? Baaaad news.   5.what lube do you use to blow your load?  

New Comment

By #225414 at 18,Feb,12 18:39
uncut and never used lube.. my tasty precum lubes me up enough

By skinb at 18,Feb,12 18:23 other posts of skinb 
lotion, cause im cut.

By #188764 at 18,Feb,12 14:49

Lube (Astroglide) for a long session; dry for a quickie.

By #33070 at 17,Mar,10 05:03
Im uncut and luv it,I use lube and makes it more awesome.But most the time no lube

By slipper at 28,Feb,10 02:05 other posts of slipper 
Uncut here and lube is totally unnecessary!

By #1047 at 24,Feb,10 14:54
i get all the lube i need from my precum
By #6568 at 24,Feb,10 15:00
Yes, I agree, however, sometimes I want to use lube before the pre-come flows, and although I pre-come a lot I find it inadequate for a long session as it tends to dry quickly unlike baby-oil and there can be a supply problem especially at the wrong moment towards the end!
By #1501 at 24,Feb,10 23:22
I have never had a drop of precum... I sometimes like a dab of KY!

By #3997 at 24,Feb,10 15:41
I use lotion most of the time and I am cut or sometimes i use nothing at all depends on the mood

By #6568 at 24,Feb,10 14:33
I am uncut and sometimes use lube. I have several quite different ways of applying stimulation and use them as the mood strikes me. Use of lube is more sensual and voluptuous and I associate it with whole body orgasm. However, I have more discrete and simpler methods both using my foreskin and not using it that require no lube.

When using lube I prefer ordinary 'baby oil' and use the inexpensive 'own brand' from a supermarket since it is non-perfumed and has no pervasive odour like the Johnson & Johnson product.

I don't like to use too much lube as it spoils the effec for me,..just a trace of lube all over like this;

[deleted image]

....Don't forget that your fave lube is probably NOT condom friendly!

By MoeJoe at 24,Feb,10 11:07 other posts of MoeJoe 
They are all masturbating and don't have time to respond...

By #41154 at 23,Feb,10 03:07
I am cut and I like to lube it up.

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