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Started by knewbi at 29,Mar,21 15:39  other posts of knewbi
I saw this place posted here so gave it a try. Very few guys in my area but I did get one request while 2 of my own requests have gone unanswered. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck or bad luck with this place??

Similar topics: 1.Has 'meet up for sex' ever worked for you?   2.Would you?   3.Luck of the Irish: Good or Bad?   4.Good luck supper   5.Hookups  

New Comment

By oraljoeforyou at 25,Jul,23 01:02 other posts of oraljoeforyou 
Yeah I haven't heard anything from anyone yet! Wouldn't think it was so hard to find a buddy that wants his dick sucked. But still looking to suck some dick and swallow a.nice load!
By knewbi at 25,Jul,23 16:12 other posts of knewbi 
Same results here. I deleted my membership.

By #702480 at 17,Sep,23 18:17
Did you ever get a response? when I try to set up a profile, it just spins and spins. Any other groups or sites that you can recommend where a guy can look to get his cock sucked? Thx.
By knewbi at 17,Sep,23 20:31 other posts of knewbi 
Not a single legit response. If mature men are fine with you give silver daddies a try. Almost all of my contacts were for there
By #702480 at 17,Sep,23 20:46
Thanks bud. Ill check them out. Hopefully some wanting to suck uncut dick will be near me!

By HornySyd at 17,May,21 04:35 other posts of HornySyd 
Hasn't started working for me. One request was for someone two hours away. Another one requested, I said ok where are you, he was in my town. So I said I'm free Saturday giving 4 days notice and ghosted. Now when I try to click the page of requests the whole page goes white. Been that way all weekend.

Summary: It seems to be a sucky site - and not in the good way.
By knewbi at 17,May,21 15:38 other posts of knewbi 
Yes, so far about the same for me. One guy not in my area requested. I responded asking where he was because I had changed my location trying to find him. He never responded. That was a week ago. The only one that showed promise was way too young for my liking. Still there but have little expectations soon. There have been a few new people signing up though. We will see.

By #544594 at 30,Mar,21 01:55
Is it place you can take your penis to meet and pal around with other penises? Sort of like a playdates for penises?
By knewbi at 31,Mar,21 16:21 other posts of knewbi 
Yes, That I know but was wondering what to expect as far as quality meeting.. Have you or anyone here had any luck? So far nothing for me. One request sent to me and I responded but nothing back after a week. I sent 2 requests and not a thing.. Oh well, guess we will have to wait and see.. Thanks for your response.

Adult Discussion Forum