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SYD Gay sex compilation video - Anyone wanna participate?

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Started by #633624 at 12,Jul,21 14:41
Hey all you pervs and pervettes!

Ive been considering the idea of making a gay sex video compilation of some of my favorite gay sex/solo videos of SYD. If you want to participate, leave a message either here in the thread or send me a pm.

I'm mostly looking for exclusively gay content involving men having sex with each other but solo pics and videos are also welcome. Solo content involving things like selfsuck, eating your own cum, dildo play, etc are preferred but simple jerkoff content is welcome as well, so you don't necessarily need to be gay in order to be in the video.

18-45 and fit/muscular/slim/average is most preferred. Some exceptions can be made for men older than 45 if you look really hot for your age.

The video might be posted on another video platform such as pornhub or something else if everyone is okay with this.

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New Comment

By #614718 at 16,Oct,21 10:21
I think I am too old for your play Fast. Even though I would like to come

By #633624 at 15,Jul,21 13:53
I'm trying to decide on a good song for the background music. I have a few ideas but I'm open to others as well.

I found a good song by Le Sport called Show Me Your Penis as I thought it was fitting since I want the video to encourage people to show themselves off too.

Also, a lot more volunteers have decided to participate in the video so far! Keep it cumming, you hot studs!

By annarowe at 14,Jul,21 11:03 other posts of annarowe 
Positive answer left

By #633624 at 13,Jul,21 23:37
So far, 3 people have volunteered to be in the video. Hope we can get a lot more :-)

By stiffpoles at 12,Jul,21 22:17 other posts of stiffpoles 
I would love to take part in this cock fest!

Adult Discussion Forum