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Prostate toys

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Started by #649840 at 28,Aug,21 20:16
Looking at getting one of them prostate massagers. I've never had any anal toys. And recommendations?
Does prostate massage really feel as good as the ads suggest?

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By neednopants at 16,Apr,23 07:41 other posts of neednopants 
Most boys and men are able to touch the prostate with their fingers - inside the anus or from the outside, You can feel it when You press the part between balls and anus. The fingers are the best prostate toy. If You like to strech Your anus with a speculum or so and You are relaxed so that Your asshole opens really wide, You can massage the prostate with Your fingers very intensively. With the door open, You can also use any kind of dildo with or without vibration or other toys. You are the expert and You must find out what is the best stimulation for the prostate. I like a slow finger massage and slow vibrations, and after some time of training I can really have prostate orgasms right now. Unique!
By Uncutcub427 at 21,Dec,24 22:03 other posts of Uncutcub427 
When you say speculum are you essentially saying you need to be gaped for this?

By Smoothsilk at 16,Oct,24 01:10 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I have a lifelike rubber cock with a suction cup. I lube it up and stick it on the shower wall. I back up on it and fuck myself silly. Can have one prostate orgasm after another. Each one is more intense. Change strokes, depth and speed. Feel so good! Precum flows like crazy and I eat every drop, which just adds to the pleasure. I love being able to get fucked anytime I am alone and get horny.

By #610414 at 20,Aug,22 13:20
Here's a prostate toy

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By #676726 at 20,Aug,22 10:09
Aneros might be good to start, but there are some cheaper alternatives. The feeling is great, but not new, as you prostate works anyways during "normal" use. Hard to describe, try it

By shavedpubis at 31,Oct,21 10:34 other posts of shavedpubis 
i have enemagla dolphin and it makes me horny like hell
i love it.

By #613564 at 06,Sep,21 06:13
There is one that you put up the tip of your penis, and right to the prostrate, and it is FCKING AMAZING, like good to be sitting, using it, because you would fall down, with the sensations!!
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By #651085 at 11,Sep,21 14:26
Which sound do you use to reach your prostate?
By #613564 at 19,Sep,21 09:29
The one on the link, with LOTS of KY, and super slow, and sliding back, in the chair, a bit, as it vibrates in.

By DeepThroatThis at 12,Sep,21 19:03 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
I've had butt plugs in my ass and finger fucked by my female friends but what works best is not pounding like fucking a pussy were the trigger is on the outside. For guys its on the inside so a middle finger deep in the ass and when you find that hard spot just a slow tickle while stroking the cock will bust your nuts.......amazing orgasms when done right......

By 7uncut at 12,Sep,21 01:41 other posts of 7uncut 
I think they feel pretty amazing. There's a wide variety you can go for. If you haven't heard of there's a webcomic where the artist reviews sex toys kinda like these.
Called oh joy sex toy. Highly recommend

By #650127 at 30,Aug,21 02:03
Can’t beat a good finger up there! Love fingering my self
By #613564 at 06,Sep,21 06:14
Yeah, a girl, with a nice soft penis strap-on toy, loving you, holding you close, as she strokes in and out, is MUCH better!!

By #600269 at 01,Sep,21 16:57
I got a buttplug last month and Im loving it, thinking about getting a prostate massager or a dildo next. I'll probably get the dildo because of the girth

By #514663 at 31,Aug,21 21:07
I have an anal dildo that feels amazing. It usually makes me cum when I ride it

By LGA6969 at 29,Aug,21 11:34 other posts of LGA6969 
Yes get one you would be amazed
By #649840 at 29,Aug,21 13:24
Any recommendations to which one??
By #565684 at 29,Aug,21 17:53
The Aneros DeVice.

By LGA6969 at 30,Aug,21 00:43 other posts of LGA6969 
I like Aneros. I I have used my finger before to but Aneros gives me great orgasms all hands free. It’s great

By #565684 at 29,Aug,21 17:56
You have had a prostate orgasm before though right?
You should try to do it with your or a partners finger first. The "come over here" motion with your finger.

The first time I tried it I shot a couple of big streams of cum before I even realized I was cumming lol.

By spermkiss at 29,Aug,21 15:29 other posts of spermkiss 
To answer your question about how good prostate massage feels I'll say this: It depends entirely on the man.

I myself am as gay as they come and I've been anally penetrated hundreds of times. That's not really my thing, but if the guy is hot and/or I'm really fond of him and he wants my ass I'll give it to him. The knowledge that he is using my ass for his sexual pleasure can make the experience really satisfying. But the physical pleasure just isn't there. And I'm gay.

On the other hand I've anally penetrated hundreds of men, some of whom self identified as straight. The vast majority of these men gave every outward indication that they were really enjoying it and most of them climaxed in the process. Some of them solely from the prostate stimulation without any stimulation to the penis. And remember, some of these men were straight.

Turning now to you. Do you like to be penetrated? I suspect that you do or you wouldn't be asking about anal toys. I suggest that you begin with a dildo and see how it feels. If that gives you pleasure, then consider investing in a prostate massager. Good luck.

By #648867 at 28,Aug,21 22:47
I’d love to massage your prostate.

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