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Started by satgeek at 18,Oct,21 04:17  other posts of satgeek
Any stories on some one you work with makes u hard or rub one off

Similar topics: 1.Who among your co-workers, friends, guys you know has a big SOFT cock when he takes it out at urinals ?   2.You like to see the underwear waistbands of friends, co-workers ?   3.any of your co-workers stand back and show their cock at the urinals at work ?   4.A Career in a movie theater you ask???   5.Who among your married friends, co-workers or acquaintances has a BIG SOFT COCK ?  

New Comment

By #662360 at 27,Dec,22 23:00
My work colleague Julie. Age mid forties, short blonde hair. Wears thin blouses that show off her big tits and bra outline. Wears dark grey business skirts that show her panty outline, with black nylons. I saw up her skirt once in summer when her legs were bare and I saw she wears white panties. At a work off site conference in a hotel I’ve seen her in a one piece swimsuit that shows off her curves and naked legs. She gets me up hard and I’ve jerked lots of cum thinking of her.

By #202392 at 19,Oct,21 01:51
No particularly interesting stories here but I work almost exclusively with women and there's not an unattractive one in the mix. I've often thought about many of the when I'm wanking one out but there's one especially that is real tall and has a fantastic set of tits and fine ass. Unfortunately she stuck in a bad relationship with a real piece of shit. Love to show her how a real man could treat her

By wycowboy at 18,Oct,21 22:21 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't have any at my current job but when I worked at Walmart there were several, mature, women who did and still do. One of them was always flirting with me, hugging me and putting her arm around my waist. She was very good looking and had a killer body. One lunch break she came in and instead of sitting beside she sat down on my lap. I still had about 40 minutes to go so I just let her sit there. She got squirmy after about 10 minutes and with her moving that hot ass and pussy around on my cock soon had me hard. She couldn't help but feel it. She just kept on moving. I finally came in my underwear. I know she knew because she just smiled at me when she got up. Nothing changed after and she never sat on my lap again but I did get to play with her tits and cunt one night after work in her car but she wouldn't let me fuck her. She did let me cum with a handjob though. I still get hard thinking about that day in the break room. Hell, I'm stiff now.

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