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Jerking off to your own pics

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Started by #364662 at 26,Nov,21 09:35
I do this a lot fantasizing what it would be like to service my cock “from the other side”. Just curious how many others partake in this activity?

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New Comment

By Idontknowmanlol at 24,Mar,25 06:26 other posts of Idontknowmanlol 
I LOVE jerking off to my ass pics. Often fantasize about what it would be like to clone myself and bury my face deep in my own ass

By MissHailey at 23,Mar,25 00:50 other posts of MissHailey 
I like making videos of myself masturbating then going back and watching them. I also get off to other girls masturbating.

By erotikus at 22,Mar,25 21:04 other posts of erotikus 
Yeah, I'm guilty, too, if jerking off to my own pics,views of myself I don't usually see such as looking up underneath myself. I have two pics of myself I particularly like and jerk off to them.

By Jamie at 22,Mar,25 20:44 other posts of Jamie 
Yes on my ass pictures

By Ads123 at 22,Mar,25 19:05 other posts of Ads123 
It's a huge turn on, every time I'm at work and start browsing my phone I can't help but get erect when I watch myself masturbating

By bostonspdo at 22,Mar,25 18:56 other posts of bostonspdo 
Sometimes I like to jerk off to my own pics/vids.

By Lvphose at 09,Dec,23 20:39 other posts of Lvphose 
Starting here!

By Rubit at 17,Jun,22 00:36 other posts of Rubit 

By LGA6969 at 13,Jun,22 13:34 other posts of LGA6969 
I get wet just looking at them

By #651230 at 17,May,22 01:21

By Timtriple at 16,May,22 16:34 other posts of Timtriple 
Of course,,million times..

By #667453 at 15,May,22 12:58
I have

By #463848 at 20,Dec,21 10:21
Sometimes but more often to videos of my masturbations.

By #657125 at 30,Nov,21 19:26
Yeah, I enjoy my own pics and some vids. Especially when I know I have shared them with others and they have mentioned blowing a load to them.

By #626775 at 30,Nov,21 02:55

By Louis at 29,Nov,21 11:03 other posts of Louis 
I do. A big part of the turn on is wondering if anyone else is jerking off to them too.

By yellowman at 28,Nov,21 17:00 other posts of yellowman 
Yes, I masturbate to images of my own penis and eat my pre-cum....

By fozzieberra at 28,Nov,21 16:12 other posts of fozzieberra 
I have definitely gotten off to my own pics. One time when I had just cum while shooting pictures of myself I came two more times while editing the photos afterward.

It might have been after this session:

Or possibly this one:

But the combination of the memory of how sexy it felt at that moment and the sight of my cock in full arousal just really did it for me.

By dgraff at 26,Nov,21 11:00 other posts of dgraff 
Not me that’s narcissistic behavior
By #364662 at 27,Nov,21 03:51
LOL I guess it could be considered that
By dgraff at 27,Nov,21 12:27 other posts of dgraff 

By fs9318 at 27,Nov,21 08:54 other posts of fs9318 
I love to jerk off to my own pics. I would love to be someone sucking me off.

By routemaster at 27,Nov,21 06:33 other posts of routemaster 
I never jerk off to my own pics but its a huge turn-on knowing that others do!

By #656573 at 27,Nov,21 06:14
I guess it makes me want to take more photos of me cumming, or to go one step further. Iike the thrill of cumming photographing it and then seeing if I can do something different or far harder.

By #652826 at 27,Nov,21 03:08
i always masturbate to pics of myself
it’s nice to see other people do too

By HairyHank at 26,Nov,21 21:11 other posts of HairyHank 
I have… Love to suck and lick my cock… and eat my pre

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