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Current truth or dare!

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Started by Lvphose at 14,Dec,21 08:25  other posts of Lvphose
Most truth or dare topics are many years old, so let’s make it current I’m curious about the asks and response I’d be glad to participate! Guys/gals let’s do it!

Similar topics: 1.Truth or dare   2.Truth or dare game; post your dare/truth!   3.Lets play truth or dare!!!   4.lets play truth or dare   5.Truth or dare  

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By #514663 at 16,Apr,22 11:54
Someone truth or dare me
By leopoldij at 27,Apr,22 01:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Truth: when was the last time you fucked a pussy?
By #514663 at 27,Apr,22 12:13
Prob about 6 or 7 weeks ago
By leopoldij at 27,Apr,22 12:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Another truth?
How many times have you shot your cumload since then?
By #514663 at 28,Apr,22 16:04
In 6 weeks? I have no idea at least 40 times 50? Idk
By leopoldij at 28,Apr,22 18:45 other posts of leopoldij 
Ok, that's about one a day.
Good rate!
By #514663 at 28,Apr,22 21:09
Haha yea normally at least once a day. Anymore?
By leopoldij at 29,Apr,22 00:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Wouldn't it be nicer if you fucked each tune you ejaculated?
I do that too, of course, but I consider solo ejaculation as opportunity wasted.
By #514663 at 29,Apr,22 00:52
I might be weird in saying but I actually find most orgasms from masturbating are more intense than ones from sex. I'm just more in tune with my body than others are and know exactly what feels good to me and how to make myself cum really hard
By leopoldij at 29,Apr,22 01:08 other posts of leopoldij 
I understand but don't you prefer to masturbate when someone else is helping you or watching you? For me, masturbating and playing with a pussy is far superior to masturbating alone.
By #514663 at 29,Apr,22 12:13
Everything has different pleasures and benefits in it's own way

By Sir-Skittles at 28,Apr,22 12:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cat I dare you to unban me!

By PowerStroke0178 at 14,Jan,22 08:32 other posts of PowerStroke0178 
I'll take dare
By leopoldij at 27,Apr,22 01:53 other posts of leopoldij 
Fuck someone and take a vid and post it here

By Lvphose at 18,Jan,22 06:48 other posts of Lvphose 
By leopoldij at 27,Apr,22 01:52 other posts of leopoldij 
Ever masturbated in front of someone whose job was to just watch you?

By #588267 at 26,Apr,22 22:16
By leopoldij at 27,Apr,22 01:49 other posts of leopoldij 
I dare you masturbate, collect your cumload, put it on your tongue, take a pic and show us.

By Tj1234 at 25,Feb,22 14:32 other posts of Tj1234 
By Ohioguy at 26,Feb,22 05:15 other posts of Ohioguy 
I dare you to write my screen name on the underside of your balls near your asshole.

By Lvphose at 18,Jan,22 06:48 other posts of Lvphose 

By Komp122 at 08,Jan,22 20:30 other posts of Komp122 

By #616463 at 08,Jan,22 01:46
I will take a truth

By #621832 at 06,Jan,22 06:04
I'll take truth
By Lvphose at 06,Jan,22 18:21 other posts of Lvphose 
What are 2 of your turn ons
By #641336 at 06,Jan,22 23:13
Anal and outdoor ‘fun’

By yoursINmine at 06,Jan,22 19:19 other posts of yoursINmine 
I'll start with truth

By leopoldij at 15,Dec,21 00:49 other posts of leopoldij 
By Lvphose at 28,Dec,21 08:21 other posts of Lvphose 
What’s the dare I’ll give you one.

By Lvphose at 06,Jan,22 18:25 other posts of Lvphose 
Dare-take a pic of yourself either naked, maybe kinked (wearing pantyhose/nylons) somewhere outside!

By Ohioguy at 06,Jan,22 18:24 other posts of Ohioguy 
Can I play

By #641336 at 06,Jan,22 00:03
I’ll start with………TRUTH
By Lvphose at 06,Jan,22 18:22 other posts of Lvphose 
Name a turn on

By #569982 at 06,Jan,22 00:04
I’ll take a date

By Lvphose at 04,Jan,22 01:35 other posts of Lvphose 
I’ll take a truth-dare-then truth about the dare!

By #583152 at 14,Dec,21 21:59
By #514663 at 14,Dec,21 23:20
I seen you're strait.. Would you let a guy suck you off?
By #583152 at 14,Dec,21 23:22
Good question! I feel if I built up a connection with a guy first and we were feeling horny then I’d let him go down on me
By #514663 at 14,Dec,21 23:37
Nice.. I pick truth!
By #583152 at 15,Dec,21 00:28
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
By #514663 at 15,Dec,21 00:57
Yes I have.. I've done it in a park and also once in a backyard pool
By #583152 at 16,Dec,21 21:07
Nice! Bet that was so erotic
By #514663 at 16,Dec,21 22:23
It was I love playing outdoors

By Lvphose at 04,Jan,22 01:33 other posts of Lvphose 
I think I’d have to have a lot of liquor in me. I do have a huge pantyhose/ nylon fetish so maybe a trans/cross dresser. I’d have to start first with like jerking off in front of them as they do!

By Lvphose at 04,Jan,22 00:33 other posts of Lvphose 
What kinky sex have you had?

By #652988 at 02,Jan,22 13:04
I dare someone to come to Bearden Arkansas and suck my dick and I going to suck him to and if history isn't to big I want him to fuck me and I'm wanting to fuck him to. But this will be the first time having a dick in my ass you have be easy

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