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Ballbusting? Is it your cup of tea?

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Started by yeehawboyy at 27,Mar,22 19:28  other posts of yeehawboyy
Personally I’ve always enjoyed ballbusting porn/erotica but I’m also able to enjoy vanilla stuff too, what about y’all?

New Comment

By royal at 01,Apr,22 03:41 other posts of royal 
id rather get ball and cock busted over my cock sucked - it truly gets me hard... the harder the better however its semi difficult to always find another guy into busting your nuts hard enough for pure pleasure.

love when you can pass the pain into pure pleasure !

By WHATSUPDOC at 01,Apr,22 02:15 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I want my balls to be handled with care. Is ball busting a physical or verbal

By Ananas2xLekker at 31,Mar,22 17:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
No! But, if you like it, all the power to you.
I'm sure it's not that hard to get from a woman.
You can just squeeze the ass of any random woman
and you're very likely to get what you want.

By #653698 at 31,Mar,22 07:52
Love to pump up my balls ;-) - sorry, what means vanilla stuff???
By yeehawboyy at 31,Mar,22 16:05 other posts of yeehawboyy 
vanilla meaning like "noraml non kinky sex"

By Sissyfagsub at 29,Mar,22 11:08 other posts of Sissyfagsub 
I enjoy having my ball busted

By Richie at 27,Mar,22 21:30 other posts of Richie 
I enjoy it too
By yeehawboyy at 28,Mar,22 22:17 other posts of yeehawboyy 
Nice! Are u into busting others or having yours busted ?
By Richie at 28,Mar,22 23:46 other posts of Richie 
Having mine busted (only fantasy)

By mrseveninches at 28,Mar,22 23:20 other posts of mrseveninches 
Sure is! I love my balls being abused

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