Recent Posts of member Ananas2xLekker


Let's help Elon make twitter great 02,Nov,22 09:44


By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jul,24 13:09
Seeing the absolute panic breaking out under MAGA, I tend to agree.

If she picks the right VP candidate, they are done for,
because they already regret picking JD Vance.

I just saw clips of Trump's white nationalist base losing their goddamn mind
over Vance being married to an Indian/American woman, having children with
Indian names and picking an Indian vegan diet over the 'traditional American diet'.
Damn, what a bunch of racist lunatics.

Yep, they would need to consider that she could be first lady, one day.
Seeing Trump's 'traditional American diet', his heart is on borrowed time.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jul,24 12:23
That's only an answer, when you have nothing better.
Can you only parrot things other people say?
Why don't you try thinking for yourself?

Is it normal in America to elect sex offenders, who were friends with sex traffickers
of minors, and most likely engaged in crimes with those sex traffickers of minors,
to the presidency? Would I understand, if I lived in America?

That was a funny video though.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jul,24 08:06
Wow, if these pathetically silly antics are MAGA's only idea to attack Kamala Harris with,
it will be a landslide victory for her.

Please come up with something better. You owe it to yourself.

You need to fake shit, while Democrats can just speak the truth about your guy.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 10:40
They won't say anything, but be sure they remember you said it...
It's only a joke to your side. They take it deadly seriously.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 10:14
The only thing Trump owes his life to is ridiculous luck and Crooks being a bad shot. Security was failing for 20 minutes straight, because a white gun nut is not considered to be a threat.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 09:52
I have seen The Day After Tomorrow. I think the air coming down from space at those freezing temperatures is a bit far fetched, but the Thermohaline circulation (THC) is said to be affected by climate change. That makes certain place (nearer to the equators)
in the world heat up faster, while other places (nearer to the poles) are getting cooler.

I'm at the end of the Gulf Stream in Europe. If that Gulf Stream goes away, it will be significantly cooler in Europe than in South and North America, but we would still have
the same levels of CO2 and CH4, so I'm sure it wouldn't get to an Ice Age.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 09:29
No dumb-ass, they are trying to keep your car industry competitive with the Chinese.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 08:59

Because your and my pursuit of happiness today, has an impact
on the pursuit of happiness of everyone else and everyone after us.

Just like your life and my life today, has an impact on the lives of everyone else and everyone after us.
Just like your liberty and my liberty today, has an impact on the liberty of everyone else and everyone after us.

Your "unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

The government's job is to secure these rights, not for JUST YOU, but for everyone, including future generations. That's what your founders designed
your system of government for; "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice

"We have worked hard as a society to get where we are..."
Indeed as a SOCIETY, by working together, by sacrificing for each other.
The need to work as a SOCIETY is not done and dusted when you say so.

But, the strongest shoulders should carry the most. That's why I hate Trump's ideas so much; he takes weight off from the people with the strongest shoulders and adds it to the weight that the weakest shoulders are already carrying.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 08:14
The Moon is moving away from the Earth at a rate of about 3.78 cm / 1.49 inch per year.
In the time that the sun is still alive, 5 billion years, the moon will drift away another 50%
from it's current distance to earth.
384,400 km = 384,400,000 m = 38,440,000,000 cm
238,855 miles = 15,133,852,800 inches (stupid imperial system)

This is just another stupid attempt to conflate the fact, that climate change is creating increasing danger and increasing damage to humanity, with misleading fearmongering about other topics that scientists are researching.

It's the job of scientists to research the effects of the moon on earth, or climate change deniers would claim it to be the cause of climate change, which scientists have demonstrated to be real and man-made, with a certainty of 99.9999% (five-sigma).

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 08:00
I already said "True", so you didn't need to copy/paste the story.

Are we just going to trust HIS words?
I would be very surprised if he admits he was outgunned.

Actually, he was being brave to even put himself in that danger.
Most cops would just shoot a suspect, to be safe.

Of course he wasn't an unarmed black guy doing something 'suspicious',
he was an white guy with an AR-15, who you ask nicely to put it down.
Even Secret Service Snipers will wait until a white guy has fired 8 bullets.

He should have not gone up the ladder, he should have taken his gun out and shouted: "You on the roof, stand up and put your hands in the air!".
Maybe that way, he could have controlled the situation of a Glock 9 against an AR-15, or he would have been dead too.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 07:50
That's how capitalism works: public investments creating private profits,
for a few already wealthy people.

As a socialist, I want public investments creating public profit.

I also think the government has a responsibility to provide affordable housing to everyone. In your example, they are screwing poor people, to the benefit of people with a higher income. I'm sure those tax incomes are an incentive to do so, but there is more likely someone getting money from someone else making lots of money from those larger brick homes.
Those houses will be unaffordable for the people who lived in the trailers, because private investors demand a quick and big return. As a socialist, I want public investments in housing for the poor and middle income. That would still provide a return for the public, but it doesn't need to be quick and big, because the public already benefits from people being able to afford housing. Then those people who lived in the trailers, would be able to afford those larger brick homes.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jul,24 21:54
True, but he could have shot him directly after he got down, but I'm sure he was too scared.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jul,24 13:29
So you would make a school crumble and affect all children,
just because of some bullies?

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jul,24 13:13
A puppet to who?
He's old and deteriorating mentally, but he's still managing to organize
important changes in policy, something your Republican house majority
has not been doing the last 4 years. They have been completely useless.

Biden has decided to give up his race, for the good of the country.
That's something no Republican will ever do. They only care about themselves.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jul,24 13:08
Have you seen the news on Crooks, about a cop trying to stop him?
He had that AR-15 pointed at him and he retreated.
Crooks took a shot at Trump, directly after that.
That cop was most likely armed with just a handgun.
He was outgunned, by a 20 year old boy.

How many cops walk around with an AR-15?
It's not much use, if it's in the car.

Do you want cops to carry around AR-15's?
They are cops, not soldiers.

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 16:36
I do, because there is a direct correlation between firearm controls and the number of deaths do to gun violence. When the assault rifle ban was lifted,
the number of deaths from mass shootings tripled, in a very short time-frame.

That was a statement from Biden, but it was fact checked and determined to be 'Mostly True'.

One thing that resulted from the assault rifle ban expiring, is that cops are too afraid to do their jobs. They are not up to task against an AR-15. They will wait outside a school, while some kid is going around killing children, because they fear for their lives. Banning assault rifles again might give them back the courage to go save the children.

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 13:38
Why does it make a difference to you if the woman got
unwillingly pregnant from r@pe or from consensual sex?
If to you, that clump of cells is a person, than it shouldn't matter.

The case of abortion is purely a case of bodily autonomy.
Just like you don't want to be forced to take a vaccine,
you should not want women to be forced to stay pregnant.

Just like people who need a kidney to survive cannot force you to donate a kidney,
a zygote cannot force a woman to be it's incubator.

Doctors cannot force you to donate blood, even to save someone's life.
Donating blood is a minor inconvenience, especially compared to 9 months of burden, a period of not being able to work, a possible reason to lose a job over,
a sure thing to change a woman's body, the hospital costs associated with it and
an existing risk of permanent health issues and death.
Second on that example, is that a person who needs blood to survive is likely a feeling, thinking person, with hopes, dreams and responsibilities, while a zygote has nothing of those abilities yet. All it is, is the possibility of a person, just like every fuck with a contraceptive is a missed possibility of a person.

Calling all the abortions an 'execution of an unborn baby' is a scare tactic.
If it's a baby, it would be able to live outside the whom. No one is killing those babies. No one is agreeing to kill those babies. Someone who maximally supports abortion would provide the woman to have the right to decide to deliver the baby, alive. No one is killing babies who could live outside the whom. That's a filthy fucking lie and you should stop contributing to that.

Democrats are meeting in the middle. Roe v Wade is very much a middle position. It's Republicans who want to take all abortion rights, even in the case of r@pe, in.cest and danger to the life of the woman. They still want a politician to decide, instead of the woman and her doctor. That's while claiming they care about bodily autonomy. It's hypocrisy and it's the worst example of 'Big government'.

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 11:04
That's a stupid fearmongering fantasy. People will have to give up driving
big V8 trucks, but the alternatives for those aren't only horses.
Would it be cheaper for you to exchange a car for a horse?
It's bullshit to think we should go back in history for technology.
We cannot feed even a fraction of the people on that old technology.
It's the exact opposite, we have to go forward fast in technology.
Minimize the resources and energy needed to produce all our needs.
And people could definitely consume a bit less and still be happy.
The economy is centered around making the most money from
selling people crap and feeding people crap. And it's not the people
making that crap, who make the most money. It's just exploitation.

There is wind, water, solar and geothermal. Those are all better than fossil fuels. Of course there are disadvantages of all energy technologies, but the examples you are bringing up are minor compared to the disadvantages of fossil fuels. That's all just oil-baron financed propaganda. You're not even managing to come up with some new ones.
Oil pits kill 3 times more birds than wind turbines.
The large majority of poisoned land is caused by fossil fuels.

Coal is a fossil fuel too. It emits the most carbon emissions per watt.
Do you even think about what you're typing? Pipes for geothermal have be made of something safe or they would pollute? How about the Keystone XL pipeline?
Never heard from you that those pipelines cannot pollute. Oil pipelines are constantly leaking and polluting huge land areas.
And that's just the pipelines. Oil and gas extraction is poisoning the whole world.
Do you see what your brain is doing? Don't you see your different standards?

The sea is dying from climate change. The Mediterranean sea surface temperature hit a record 83.7°F / 28.7°C, the highest in four decades. Coral reefs are dying out. The oceans are the largest habitat on Earth, it supports all life. The whole chain of life is threatened by climate change. When it falls apart, it goes fast and it's irreversible. Your side of politics is doing everything to kill nature as fast as possible. There are only few right-wing conservatives willing to do anything to prevent it and they all cry about money. My side of politics wants to prevent nature from dying. Everyone will need to sacrifice something, but your ideas are fantasy, unless we wait even longer, because dying off doesn't come without sacrifices either.

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 09:55
Funny, how you put the gun between a bomb, some acid and a bulldozer.
In countries where people use a bomb, some acid or a bulldozer,
those are the best means available to them, because the gun ain't legal.
In your country, a gun is much easier to get than a bomb, some acid or a bulldozer.

I was bullied from time to time too, but I was never bruised from being beaten.
They could torment me, but whenever they laid a hand on me, I got the red mist before my eyes and I just exploded on the person. I've never been in a fight, that I haven't ended in more than one kick or a few punches. Then, they were crying on the ground and I was raging: "Did you want to fight?" or "Never tough me again!"
and then it was over, every time. I broke my hand once, in two places, but they guy never bothered me again.
These outbursts helped me against bullying, but that I didn't like that temper.
My younger brother was on the receiving end once or twice, and I lost a friend over it once. It also almost got me kicked off Judo, but they did put me in a group with older kids. I was small for my age, so I was in a group of a bit younger children, but they put me in a group with a bit older children. The first day, my toenail got kicked half off, taking weeks to heal and then I stopped doing Judo. I think I've got that monster inside under control, because I haven't seen it come out the last 20 years. Having a girlfriend who had an even worse temper, I had to be the most controlled one. I have never beat or kicked her, but I've seen her smash stuff and I had to push her off me once when she wanted to scratch my skin open. She had a horrible childhood, but she has recovered from it. She has progressed in a lot of things, the past 25 years.

There are many school programs to stop bullying kids. It starts with acceptance of kids who are different. They don't have to be LGTB, but kids who accept kids who are LGTB are also better in accepting kids with ADD, Asperger, autism, low IQ, high IQ, being small, slouching, crooked legs, ugliness, etc. These programs are all considered 'woke' by conservatives. It's just a term for accepting 'different' people.
Nothing brings out the bad in people as much as intolerance.

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 09:10
If the Democrats do that, they are complicit in Trump destroying democracy.

They need a strong progressive with charisma.
Unfortunately, neither of these women fit the demand.
Democrats are stuck with Kamala, but they need to find the most democratic way
to pick her running-mate, ASAP.

Joe needed to go, but their is now a problem to find a replacement, quickly and legally. There is a high chance of the Republicans starting a legal fight, to try to invalidate whatever candidate and let the supreme court declare victory for Trump.

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Jul,24 17:18
I don't listen to Biden. The last thing you should do, if you want
to know how a/your country is doing, is listening to politicians.
You need to find the most objective sources available.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 18:21
Just as with The Constitution, you stop reading when your idea is confirmed.
I continued with "that is guaranteed to cause incredible and increasing damage.....".
That word "guaranteed" is why fossil fuels are worse than all the alternative energy sources.

Nuclear energy is very dangerous and creates the waste problem, but it is NOT GUARANTEED to destroy humanity. It's possible that we won't have another Chernobyl or Fukushima, and that we will care for the nuclear waste for 200,000 years without incident. Possible, not likely. That's why I Think nuclear energy is a bad alternative for fossil fuels. Actually, it is a fossil fuel too. When it's gone, it's gone.
We could only power the world for a few decades with it.
And then you have to invest again in the real solution.

That's not a fact, you made it up. An oil-spill is unintended, just like that fiberglass ending up in the ocean, but the fracking process and tar-sand mining that's constant pollution for every barrel of oil. When you pollute the aquifer, that's over with for the next thousands of years. In Canada they are damaging areas the size of a small country. That's damaged for a few hundred years.

The fact that it's not easy to recycle fiberglass, doesn't mean you have to dump it in the ocean. You can just burn the carbon components and be left with glass or sand. That can be done cleanly, it just emits some carbondioxide, which we don't want, but it's way less than fossil fuels.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 13:04
You're comparing this with pens from the office?
Those pens have a value attached to them. And they are useful.
Do you think these classified documents have value or a use to him?

That is you suggesting that Trump would sell classified documents to someone who values them. It's possible, because there are still some missing. That would be a violation of the espionage act, which would send him to jail for ever.
And you ask "so what?"? You would demand the firing squad, if it was a Democrat.

The indictments are not about taking the documents home.
You have been told this, but you keep making the same argument.

Biden didn't have documents of the classification level of the documents that Trump had, Biden returned them when they asked, and cooperated with the investigation. He didn't lie about it, he didn't have lawyers lie about it, he didn't try to move them somewhere else, after they asked him about them, and he didn't try to destroy evidence. Nothing Biden did was illegal in any way.
What Trump did was illegal in several ways. Enough for many years in jail.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 12:47
All those things you list, happened in my country too, and in many or most
other countries. That shows none of it is Biden's fault.
If you think it is, then what did Biden DO or NOT DO, to cause it?
And don't make shit up, like you usually do.

Under Trump, a pandemic started that killed 1,18 million Americans.
Under Trump, about 9.6 million U.S. workers lost their jobs.
Under Trump, $8.4 trillion was added to the US national debt.
Under Trump, over 200,000 American jobs were outsourced abroad.

Those things did not happen in my country or most other countries.
That means Trump's actions or incompetence caused it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 11:53
Indeed, everyone can find whatever they want on the internet.
The skill is to know what's true and what isn't.

You would be looking for stories that confirm your idea.
I would be looking for evidence, to tell me what's true.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 11:16
No it's not, it is the ONE AND ONLY evil that is guaranteed to cause incredible
and increasing damage to all of our lives, a major extinction event, and possibly
the end of humanity, UNLESS we stop doing it.

There is no free ride to stop doing it, but every not-free-ride is better
than a ride of increasingly worse torture, with a bullet in your head, at the end.

That fiberglass problem is avoidable, and even if it wasn't, it doesn't even measure up to JUST the oil-spills everywhere alone.
If we are talking just about pollution, those tar-sands in Canada are leaving a godforsaken wasteland, worse than Mad Max predicted.
How many Americans cannot drink the tap water, because of fracking.
Many Texans have stinging eyes and lungs, because of fracking.
Fracking could likely poison the one and only water-source agriculture relies on.

Even if they would just grind up all the wind turbines into dust and blow it into the air, your dumb example wouldn't come close making fossil fuels "the lesser of the necessary evils".

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 09:46
NO, taking the guns away will NOT fix the depression people feel.

I have told you why people are feeling depressed.
I have told you to not allow depressed people to have AR-15's.

Are you able to simultaneously understand 2 separate logic chains?

You can EITHER fix the depression, OR take away the guns.
You don't want to do THE ONE OR THE OTHER.

1) Your ideas are making people MORE DEPRESSED.
You are creating more young adult white male loners, bullied at school,
suffering from depression.

2) AND you have no solutions for keeping AR-15's away from THEM.
You are raising everyone in gun culture and allow them easy access to AR-15's.

Do something to fix EITHER 1) OR 2) and you WILL have less mass murders.

When the assault rifle ban was lifted, there were not all of a sudden 3 times as many depressed young white male loners, who got bullied at school. STILL, there were 3 times as many depressed young white male loners, who got bullied at school, DOING MASS MURDERS!!!. They didn't do all of them before, with just the handguns, knifes, bombs or poison, but they started doing those mass murders, when they got their hands on AR-15's. It's like they were all waiting for a tool that was especially designed to do mass murder.


"I can't help people my age have 8 kids and can't do that."
People cannot afford any kids anymore. Is your news telling you anything useful?
only registered users can see external links

Can you at least agree on the fact of the declining birth rate?


Increasing costs of housing are caused by one thing. The government used to support affordable housing with regulations and housing projects funded by taxes.
That responsibility has been fully transferred to the market. It is only intended to maximize profits for the rich. They don't care about people being able to afford a house. Instead of investing money, to provide affordable housing, they maximize profits, by exploiting scarcity.
YOU did that, by voting for Republicans, who tell you a fantasy story about people benefiting from wealthy investors, which is CLEARLY NOT TRUE!
You are confirm that you are believing their stupid stories, by telling me their stupid straw-men stories, about what Democrats want to do, which is exactly what your government did before, when people could still afford a home to live in.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 09:32
OMG, he might have had a bomb, acid or poison in his backpack!
You allow people to carry around a much more effective mass murder tool.
He didn't use the bomb, acid or poison, because a fucking AR-15 works better!

How can you see the difference in your country, between a 'good guy with a gun' and a guy with a gun, who's intending to kill a (former) president?
The only CLUE could have been that he had a rangefinder in his back pack.
There was no bomb or acid in it, so he was just a guy with a hobby.


By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 09:15
You are at least understanding one of the biggest problems;
if even our facts are different, how can we agree on anything?

Proof doesn't exist. It's impossible to know anything 100% for sure.
But there is lots of evidence and there is logical reasoning.

There are clear methods of measuring the economy. You are using them, when you want to say Trump did a good job. You are completely rejecting all of the same measuring methods, to keep believing the lie Trump tells you.

You are not objective. It's not a bubble, it's willful self deception.
Trump did not invent the term 'alternative facts' for nothing.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 09:06
Is your argument that fossil fuels have never caused any pollution?

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 15:19
For generations people COULD provide for themselves, by working hard.

"people demanded higher wages, but it doesn't look like it is buying
happiness does it?"
Because they didn't get it!!!
Wages have not in any way kept up with cost of living.
Whatever welfare programs you have don't cut it.
They are hardly a band-aid against bleeding out.
Young people have a reason to be depressed, because
your generation had affordable education and a chance to build a life.
Your generation has destroyed most of that for them.
And your generation keeps making it even worse.

I told you you have no plans to "Fix the bullying, fix the depression".
So, what do you want, "Shut up and take it!" advertisements on TV?

You keep confirming you have NO FIXES. Even if was true, and people were lazier now, YOU better shut up and take it, accept that they're lazy AND DO SOMETHING, or get the guns away from them, OR ACCEPT EVEN MORE MASS MURDERS.

Your plan for everything is do nothing and just accept that it's getting worse.
Well, you're voting for the correct party, they excel at making things worse.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 14:59
"According to a Fox News interview with Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the agency responsible for protecting the former president identified the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, as a "character of suspicion” more than an hour before Saturday's shooting which wounded Trump and left one person dead."

"He was identified as a character of suspicion because (he had) a rangefinder as well as a backpack. And this was over an hour before the shooting actually occurred,” said Barrasso."

It's just "suspicious" to carry around a rangefinder near the president?
In my country, they at least take you to the police station
and don't let you go until it's clear why you would have one
and they would search your house for illegal weapon possession.
In your crazy gun country, that's just a prop for a normal hobby.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 14:52
At least you know and admit it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 13:28
"prey"? He was researching how to make a big splash.

Mass shooters do that. It's not like they just snap one day.

The bombs could have been his backup plan.
Blowing yourself up with the president or former president
is making a big splash too.

When assault rifles were legalized, mass shootings tripled.
But, you go ahead trying to fix bullying and depression,
it will never work, because you have no idea how to do that.

That's because your culture is worsening the causes for them.
You promote selfishness and antipathy between people.
That's asking for bullying and feelings of despair.

But, do tell how your plan to fix bullying and depression,
with your message that young people should not want anything
and should just work as hard as they can for $5/hr, while rent is $1500/month.
Or that maybe they can make $15/hr, if they go in to $200,000 of student debt.
Meanwhile, you let the billionaires destroy their future, by climate change.

Your plan is just to say "Shut up and take it!", right?

Well, the fact that he researched both Trump and Biden shows how much his Republican father brainwashed him. He should have known who is the cause for
his "major depression disorder"; the guy who wants to make him work for peanuts
until he dies and plans to accelerate climate change.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 13:09
I wouldn't be so bold as to assume you would be persuaded by facts.
But, maybe some has a use for it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 12:46
He hot where is is because his father made a fortune.
Almost anyone could have continued that like Trump did.

Schumer and Schiff and some other important Democrats all joined in,
I know. It could be enough to make him reconsider. I have no idea.

If they pick Bernie as VP, I think they can still win.
Even Trump said that he would fear running against Bernie the most.
I just don't think they are smart enough or that the donors would let them.
Maybe they are talking to the media, asking them if they would screw Bernie again.
If they are thinking about Kamala and some corporate shill, they shouldn't bother.

I'm not telling you what I would like, it's absolutely clear by every poll ever,
that the silent majority of non-voters are disillusioned progressives.
They would come out for Bernie and the libs will vote for the Democrats anyway.
Bernie is still the most popular Senator ever, and not just under Democrats.
He might even flip some MAGA, because lots of them are terribly confused.
They have been sold the lie that Trump is pro working class, but they know
deep down that they are getting scammed. Bernie is the real thing.

Your elections get decided in the last weeks, not even months.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 11:18
I see no difference between Scott and Vance. They are both incredibly conservative.

Vivek Ramasmarmy is indeed a business man with Trumps' methods.
The same levels of fraud and abuse of the system.
The difference is that where Trump uses his bombastic character to fool stupid people into giving him what he wants, Vivek used his brain to gain the system in his favor and steal from people. That might be worse. He's less vindictive though.
I agree, they would be a good match; they complement each other.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 11:05
It's not Biden gospel or my commie crap.
It's just how the founders intended The Constitution.

Why design all those layers in your government, if they could just say:
"The politicians rule the people, the president rules the politicians!"

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 10:19
"if you ever read the Bible the Old Testament says the bear and the eagle will fight the dragon and we will lose and live under communism rule for 8 years then the people that took to the mountain will come together and fight china when there guard is down then their will be 50 years of peace till the next big blood bath and that will be the end of earth"

The Dragon and the Woman (12:13–17) ?

The Woman, the Child, and the Dragon

12 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.

3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. 5 She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne. 6 Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
Satan Thrown Out of Heaven

7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for [b]them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
The Woman Persecuted

13 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. 15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. 16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus [c]Christ.

If you want to read something about Russia here, sure, it can fit whatever narrative you want. The bible is a very useful book. You can read into it, however your bias tells you to.
Other people can also use it to make you believe whatever they want you to.
They can make it support autocracy, fascism, r@pe, murder, slavery, child sacrifice, child marriage, having more than one wife, killing your wife if she
got r@ped, killing disobedient children, hating people who are 'the others', hating people who are 'created' differently, and abortion (some things are OK).

We do have the whole new testament, where Jesus is lefty pacifist.
The idea that Jesus would like Trump more than Biden is ridiculous.

If you completely rewrite what the bible says, you can justify all your ideas. Which is exactly what right-wingers do, all the time.
Not like that's even necessary, because you can find whatever you want
in the bible, just with some creative interpretation.

If you believe you are judged by your beliefs and actions, when you're dead,
do you think God will appreciate you rewriting and creatively interpreting
his words?

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 10:08
Just deflection again. I could just say: "You admit nothing, so I won't!"

Again, what's different then between then and now?
Did wages not add up into the costs, back then?

Actually, productivity has gone up by over 250%, which means the cost percentage of labor has gone down. Instead of employees benefiting from that, the owner class benefited from that. That's how millionaires became billionaires and will soon be trillionaires, while the working class becomes the poor.

True, money does not grow on trees.
It's just how the pie or hamburger gets divided.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 09:42
Normally, the right-wing media will go after the parents of a murderer like that.
They will ask themselves what they did wrong. How awful are these parents?
Want to know why they don't do that now?

His father Mathew Crooks was profiled in Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign database, as a strong Republican supporter, gun owner and hunter. He had a score 0.99 on a scale of 0-1 in 'gun owner enthusiasts'. That's a 99% GUN NUT!
He ranked 17th as "SRONG GOP", from the 19,320 citizens of Bethel Park.

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Thomas Matthew Crooks was raised by a Republican voting gun nut, he was a Republican registered gun nut and he used the preferred weapon of gun nuts.

His profile matches the large majority of mass shooters: young adult white male loner, raised in gun culture, bullied at school, suffering from depression.

His phone's search history shows searched for images of both the former president and current president. He searched for the dates of the former president's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and for dates of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Crooks also conducted searches online about "major depression disorder".

He was just another mass shooter, wanted to commit suicide by cop and get on the news. Trump just showed up closest to his house.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 09:04
Just as the founders of The Constitution tried their best to prevent.
They are rolling over in their graves at 5000 rpm.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 09:00
My 'Reduction to Absurdity' argument was in answer to your remark:
"HE was a President,he can decide what is classified and what is not."

He indeed has some authority to do that, but it has its limits.
First of all, there is a process to it. Even the president is required to go through procedures, otherwise no one knows what happens to classified documents.

No, you cannot just trust the president with it, if he decides to declassify highly classified documents, the rest of the government needs to anticipate that;
"Do we need extra security on the military airfield, now it's in the open that the new prototype is in the hanger?", "Do we pull our secret agents out of North Korea, because the president compromised them?"

Trump declassified NOTHING. He just decided to keep all those documents, without telling anyone he had them. They were missing, the government archives asked for them, and he neglected to give them back, several times.

Trump has shown he could not be trusted with those documents. They were highly classified material, that posed major security risks. He was being an irresponsible president, when he handed them over to a civilian; himself, after his presidency. Possibly, as a president, he cannot be indicted over that. The point is: HE WASN'T! He is indicted over keeping those documents as a civilian. They were still highly classified material at that time. If they were declassified, there would be a record of it. No record is no official action. He instantly became liable to the espionage act, the day he wasn't president anymore. He had of course a lot of leeway as the former president, but that wore out, after his obstruction, lying, having his lawyers write false witness statements, moving the documents, trying to destroy evidence of moving the documents and obstruction into the investigation.
He even used the secrets in those documents as leverage against the indictment.
That is not how a president behaves, that's criminal behavior.

You keep deflecting every argument. Your what-about Biden is BS here.
Trump WAS trusted as president, with very dangerous information.
That's not in question. What he did afterwards, those are crimes.

But, good question; WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 22:38
That's true, and because of term limits, they only can serve two terms now,
but I think that's because of the failure of either party to truly serve the voters.
The voters must have agreed with me, that Trump was a horrible president.
Normally, they stick with the president in a crisis, but not if he fucks it up.
More than a million people died of Covid in the US, which is 25% of the deaths
in the world, while the US has 4.23% of the total world population and while
Covid hit the US much later than other countries. That's either incompetence
or a conscious choice. Most people don't like either one.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 21:54
I was not even talking about after he was president, I mean just as president.

On X:

Here is today's nuclear launch code: juHJGDAHD7426487645^^%#^#
Say hi to Ruhollah Khomeini for me.
Kind regards,

Donald Trump

In your mind he could just do that, correct?
Is that an 'official act', for which he has immunity?

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 13:59
"House Republicans Resurrect Plan to Gut Social Security and Medicare"
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"FACT SHEET: 80% of House Republicans Release Plan Targeting Medicare, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act, Raising Costs, and Cutting Taxes for the Wealthy"
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"Calls for over $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security, including an increase in the retirement age to 69 and cutting disability benefits."

Or how Fox 'News' shifts it: "Republicans warm to Social Security, Medicare reform as 2024 election nears"
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Sure, "reform", how Leatherface 'reforms' people with a chainsaw.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 13:40
AI making wonderful creations again.
But, OMG, what is that horrible tumor supposed to be?
Some ridiculously gigantic dick, or their satanic baby, or the 1979 alien?

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 13:27
Thanks for the advise, but I think it's impolite to dump them.
Tecsan is definitely not 'dead weight'. We talk a lot in the PM's.
Sure, we disagree on almost everything, but sometimes we surprise each other.

I was so bold to ask two members, who I like, to become friends.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 11:58
You're not the one who posted the video.

Do you agree with the video?
Are these 'statistics' favoring Obama or Trump?

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 11:51
So, you think the president can decide that your nuclear codes
are not classified, and post them on the internet?

Even Clarence Thomas would vote to put him in prison for that.

(This argument is called a "Reduction to Absurdity": A Handy Tool for Calling Bullshit)