Recent Posts of member Ananas2xLekker


YouTube can be educational too (let's share videos) 27,Sep,24 12:09
Let's help Elon make twitter great 02,Nov,22 09:44


By Ananas2xLekker at 31,Mar,25 21:21
Imagine how they would have reacted if Biden had said that.

By Ananas2xLekker at 31,Mar,25 21:19
Your link just results in: "This story is unavailable
Discover related stories below or explore the feed for more content."

By Ananas2xLekker at 31,Mar,25 11:26
What are we talking about, a hundred dollars?
I can't read your story, but I see all the trigger words in your link;
queer, latinx, masculinity, taxpayer-dime.

It's just spreading bullshit, to cut expenses for average Americans
and cut taxes and give government funding to Elon Musk and his friends.
Stop defending these entitled wealthy ass-holes. They hate you.

By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Mar,25 17:57
The Problem With Andrew Tate
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By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Mar,25 17:51
Killing people is not much of a business, when people are already starving.
Your only clients would be very impatient people.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 14:30
Ever heard of scientists? They are needed to keep America technically competitive with the rest of the world, but they don't make a shitload of money.

Not everyone with a $250,000 student debt can become a highly paid manager, you still need people to actually do something USEFUL.

PEOPLE are paying so much in taxes, because the wealthy and big corporations pay so little. Then a lot of those taxes go to fund the wealthy and big corporations, making normal Americans pay the bills.

Who is going to make that yield for working people, at the stock market?
It will make Wall Street guys very rich, but not those working people.
They are champions at pocketing the gains and shifting you their losses.
MAGA used to hate Wall Street, but now you're handing them all your money.

In any case, you are making clear that it DOES affect the average person in a negative way. You might not care about that, or even think they SHOULD be affected like that, but everyone who is joining protests now, DOES NOT AGREE WITH YOU! And you are showing that you don't care that trump LIED about it!

Most of the people Trump suckered into voting for him, will be his worst enemies.
Most people don't like being clearly lied to, about something so important.
If they don't REVOLT, they will obliterate Republicans in the next election.
And they will demand everything to be undone, and then some.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 14:00
I'm sure you think so, but it's up to you to explain why that put the US in
"such a rough shape".

Mostly because it's not true. Both presidents left your country in a much better shape than they got it in, while the Republican president before them did the exact opposite.

My claim is supported by ALL statistics. You're just saying that the US FELT in better shape, because people could more easily afford groceries.
You don't present any evidence or provide any logical relationship to what Obama or Biden did, to make groceries more expensive.

Everything has become more expensive. That is because of capitalism.
The rich are becoming more rich, and everyone else is getting poorer.
You keep voting in the people who are making that worse.

Poor children that got to eat in school, now don't get it anymore.
Elon cut the funding for that. How clear do you want it?

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 12:33
"The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans"
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Pete Hegseth’s Defense for Disastrous Group Chat Blows up in His Face
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This is what happens, when you replace a four-star general, with a Fox host,
known for alcohol abuse and misconduct.

But, but, but, the four-star general was black, you know... DEI!!
"We pick people, based on merit..."
--------------------------------------- added after 81 minutes

This is what Fox'News' used to think about "mishandling classified information":
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Did they say anything like that about Pete Hegseth group chatting war plans?

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 11:26
Ma’am, we will turn this plane right around!
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By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 11:25
They have been doing their best to destroy Social Security for a while.

Socials Security is MUCH CHEAPER than any alternative.
But, everyone still needs to pay into it, to keep it healthy.
They have not been doing that, INTENTIONALLY!!!

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 09:39
That's you, not having any answer.

The only thing you came up with was Afghanistan, so far.
Is that what you think left the US in such a rough shape?
The Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts costed somewhere between $4 to $6 trillion.
What did you get out of that? Is terrorism defeated now?
At least Obama killed Osama Bin Laden. In Pakistan.

What did Biden do, to make life for the working class worse,
so they couldn't afford groceries?
No answer at all... Crickets!!!

I say; not raising their minimum wage. Your answer; Bull shit
That's you, knowing that I AM RIGHT!

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 09:27
Of course! However, if someone would burn MY car, it would indeed be a RANDOM act of vandalism. People burning Teslas is NOT random, it's a direct reaction to a billionaire taking control of the government, pissing on The Constitution, and saying that every tax-dollar going BACK to help the average American is a "WASTE".

It seems like it's working; Elon Musk lost about 200 Billion dollars, so far.
I hope it ruins him, and he is forced to sell Tesla, X and SpaceX, to liberals.

People are seeing the light. Your "Good Old Party" is showing they couldn't
care less, about anything they branded themselves as:
- The "Party of The Constitution" -> They HATE The Constitution
- The "Party of Law and Order" -> Rich people are immune to Law and Order
- The "Party of the Working Class" -> They spit on the working class
- The "Party of Family Values" -> "Breed cheap labor for your lord-kings, peasants!"
- The "Party of Fiscal Responsibility" -> "No money for YOU! Serve the lord-kings!"

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 08:39
Well, it seems most Americans DISAGREE with you. And that's WHY they're pissed.

Trump PROMISED not to tough Social Security. Now he's letting Elon touch it, a lot.
Many people voted for Trump, to make their lives better. He is screwing them.

Social security is not a safety net, it's a RETIREMENT PLAN. The most affordable retirement plan, by the way, because it's SIMPLE. It's CHEAP and RELIABLE.
Under a private retirement plan, everyone who needs it, will be paying MUCH MORE.

Either you pay through your nose your whole life, or you won't have a retirement!
If you tell young people TODAY, that will suck, but they could maybe manage.
But, many people are losing something they paid for their whole life, right now!
They cannot start paying for a private pension at age 75. They'll just starve.

Have you figured out now how Trump "affects the average person
in a negative way"?

How would you have paid for your retirement, on your wage, if you wouldn't have had your accident? Could you have missed a third of your hourly wage, to put in a private retirement fund? That's what low income people need to do, to retire at a normal age.
They won't have money left for rent or food, so no retirement for them; they will be dependent on the poorhouses, like you had before Social Security was created.

And a middle income person, who has $250,000 of student debt? Do you think
there is anything left of their larger income, when they are paying off such a debt?
People who studied for years want to be able to buy a house; the American Dream! That's already not possible for most young people anymore, due to student debt and rising housing costs. Your idea will make it impossible for even more people.

Which private retirement fund would you be trusting with your life investments?
Ever heard of Enron? The government was very reliable, until Republicans started fucking with Social Security. It isn't "failing", it's being destroyed.

The American people know they are getting fucked now, and they are showing
they are willing to fight for their rights. They have fought for it before, that's why
you have/had it in the first place. Trump went too far...

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 08:20
What did he DO???????

Biden managed to get your economy running at top speed, put people
back to work, and invested in jobs coming back to America.
That's exactly what you say you want.

Before Biden, Trump massively increased the debt and the deficit.
That's exactly what you say you DON'T want.

If you blame Biden for inflation, that's because he prioritized what YOU wanted him to do, instead of making the economy benefit ALL Americans.

Biden was TOO RIGHT-WING. He should have increased the minimum wage
for all the working class. That wouldn't have overheated the economy, and made it easier for the working class to pay for groceries. You are blaming Biden for not being LEFT-WING ENOUGH, while you have voted for Elon taking the last dollar out of the hands of the working class.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Mar,25 17:49
The thing about "wasteful spending" is a complete lie.
"Waste" means something that is utilized without serving a purpose.
All of what Elon is cutting WAS SERVING A PURPOSE.
YOU might not agree with the purpose, but many people do.

And it wasn't just "sesame street in the middle east", it's things like child cancer and diabetes research, suppressing terrible diseases in other countries so it doesn't spread further, Social Security and Medicare, Veterans' Services, women's health services, mental health support, food, and housing aid. They are gutting many agencies that people rely on for safety and financial product protection.

Elon and Trump define "waste" as everything that is good for normal people
and doesn't further enrich the rich. If it provides a pension, education, healthcare,
safety, clean water and air, an affordable place to live, roads and bridges, food or jobs, to the average American, it is waste to them. They want every dollar you pay in taxes for themselves, while they don't want to pay taxes at all.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau costed $238 million per year, but it returned $20 Billion back in the hands of everyday folks, that had their money stolen from them by scammers. That's a 10,000% return on investment for the American people. Cutting that shows that Trump and Elon like people getting scammed out of their money.

Retired people haven't been receiving their Social Security checks, but they cannot get anyone on the phone to have it fixed, because Elon fired the employees responsible. It's a fucking mess and they have just started. They are intentionally destroying Social Security, so you can be suckered into a system where you pay for your retirement yourself, or work until you RIP.

I guess you don't know that, because you only listen to the media that protects them. How do you know what is happening in your country, if you're not listening to the reports about all of that.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Mar,25 16:40
This is a good video to protest the cultural stigma attached to solitary life. It's not sad, it's a choice. When I was in my early twenties, I was preparing to live solitary, it just worked out differently. When I met my girlfriend, I really considered if I wanted a relationship. It ended up with the decision to just try it. I have always been clear with my girlfriend that I was not much interested in having children, or at maximum one. It ended up to be none. That's because I don't want to live my life completely in service of others. In our relationship, we both need time for ourselves, we both have our own hobbies and separate social groups. We have evenings together and evenings we do our own thing. I think that's healthy.

However, I am happy that I chose to be together with someone. My girlfriend completes me. I think I was a bit too solitary and introvert to become happy on my own. I had only one friend, which would probably not have lasted, when he made a family. Now we have a couple friendship. All the other friendships we developed were created by my girlfriend. One of her friends has become like a brother to me. My girlfriend also instigated all the contacts with neighbors. That was our social life for years. However, my job has made me less introvert; it required me to learn negotiation, networking, presenting, training and coaching. When I started in my current function, I found it difficult to be heard, but now I mostly meet respect and trust. I became more confident when talking to complete strangers, since I decided to become politically active. It's basically the principle that practice makes perfect. It also changed who is instigating the social contacts in our relationship. I'm bringing in party leaders and members for political meetings and people who are associated with neighborhood projects. I meet party members from all over the country, when I go to meetings, seminars and conferences. I don't think I would be where I am now, if I hadn't accepted this relationship.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 19:38
So is Trump. An awful one, but he still grew up not knowing anything else.
That's why it's not a good idea to let someone like that run a country.
It requires more wisdom than just what makes you money, short term.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 19:35
OK, that photo made me laugh.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 11:23
Why don't you sell weapons directly to Al Qaeda then?
That's not much of a difference with Saudi Arabia.
Sunni jihadists vs Sunni fundamentalists who support Sunni jihadists.
The only difference is that one group of extremist lunatics actually controls
a whole country with a military. And you are choosing to strengthen them,
just because they control oil. Never learn from history!

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 11:12
OK, you're right that it's not 200 billion. I read some articles incorrectly. I read billion instead of million.
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But it's more that 3 billion too. Just one deal was already $8.1 billion, and I didn't read that one wrong.
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"It includes some of the world’s most sophisticated warfare aircraft, including precision-guided bombs, advanced F-15 fighter jets and laser-guided missiles."

Republicans were lying through their teeth about what was really left behind in Afghanistan.
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By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 10:37
It's not a crime in the US either.

"While federal immigration law does criminalize some actions that may
be related to undocumented presence in the United States, undocumented
presence alone is not a violation of federal criminal law.
Thus, many believe that the term “illegal alien,” which may suggest
a criminal violation, is inaccurate or misleading."
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Trump is now deporting people who ARE documented and have committed
no crimes, even when they have green cards and are doing important jobs.
Expats can be sent back to their country for a post that Trump is an idiot;
THOUGHT CRIME! Are you still virtue signaling to care about free speech?

ICE is now literally torturing green card holders.
They are sending people to literal internment camps in El Salvador,
never to be heard from again.

Congratulations, you qualify for the term "Nazis" now.

Countries are now issuing travel warnings against the USA, because people
can be deported without any legal process.
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If there are still Republicans thinking of themselves as
"the party of law and order", then they have no shame.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Mar,25 08:54
We are not talking about POOR people. They cannot afford a Tesla.
I agree that it's not justified, but it's a reaction to your side burning down
the government and The Constitution. Elon Musk is the bigger vandal.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Mar,25 08:46
I don't care what got them there, Bernie will explain it clearly.
When they leave, they'll know exactly who's fucking them over.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Mar,25 08:42
What would make the prices drop? The tariffs? All the immigrants you're kicking out, who cannot produce your food anymore? The recession that is coming?
Can you explain the cause and effect you're thinking about?

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,25 21:44
Leading the party is important, but if the party is filled corrupt conservatives,
that leader will never be able to do something good for the working class.
That's why Bernie Sanders is now not talking about who should lead the Democrats, but about rebuilding the party from the ground up. All the other representatives are much more important. They will support actual progressives, while all the billionaires will donate millions to the corrupt corporatists. The likes who just voted with Republicans for Trumps spending bill, that cuts everything
for you and gives massive hand-outs to the wealthy.

That "new blood" is exactly what Bernie and AOC were talking about.
Watch this video from 3:53:
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By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,25 21:18
Bernie Sanders and AOC are organizing Record-Breaking Crowds against oligarchy.

34,000 People. Biggest Political Rally in Denver Since Obama's in 2008.
That was for a presidential race rally. Bernie isn't running for anything.
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Bernie & AOC Deliver Hope With Record-Breaking Crowds
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By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,25 21:12
It's not that they don't like the car, but they really hate the guy who's getting wealthy
from making and selling them, because he's Nazi, destroying American democracy.

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,25 19:38
Sure, cry about Biden who took you out, and not about Bush who put you in.

At least he did pull you out of Afghanistan. Trump could have done that, but didn't, probably because he knew it would be messy. At least 90 more American soldiers died,
because Trump left them there.

If you're worried about the Taliban, stop supporting Saudi Arabia, their biggest supporters. Saudi Arabia got a $200 billion weapons deal from Trump. And you care about some broken helicopters and jeeps? Do I need to remind you that 15 of the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia?

Better pay attention to what Trump is doing, because he's thinking about starting wars everywhere. They are hinting at Iran every day. That will be much worse than Afghanistan. Or do you want something to cry about, when a Democrat pulls you out, after you spent 10 trillion dollars and wasted the lives of tens of thousands of American soldiers, for something completely useless? There is nothing to gain from war with Iran.

Anything else?

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 16:00
Remember all the commotion and maybe even panic about Asteroid 2024 YR4, that was heading our way? All wasted emotional energy, because the scientists had now time to accurately measure and calculate the trajectory and the likelihood of it hitting Earth.
It turns out the chance of that is 0.0017%. It will get lower, with more accuracy.

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I guess you forgot, because you were distracted by the next fear inducing story.
That's the media distracting you from real problems, with outrage and panic 24/7.

Scientists were not panicking, the media was. Their intent is to lower your confidence
in science, for when scientists are actually sounding the alarms, ..... which they are!
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By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 13:25
It seems like Ponomojo46 is only interested in throwing out some ideas,
but not in actually discussing those ideas.

Dipping his toe in, but afraid of getting wet.

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 13:16
Name some of all the Democrats fuck ups please. Don't just parrot nonsense.

Was investing in infrastructure a fuck up?
Was paying off some of the worst student debt a fuck up?
The idea being that he increased the debt and the deficit, right?
Trump did, and will again, increase the debt and the deficit, MUCH MORE!!!
And YOU will be paying MORE TAXES to fix his fuck-ups again.

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 13:13
Sure, saves your family from the nuisance of pregnancy and the cost and pain of birth, but even if you use them for slaves, you still got to feed them.
If you want them to look out for you when you're old, you need to invest in their education, because they're not much use to you, when they turn out poor.

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 13:08
How to stop the economy from collapsing
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By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 08:59
So you are ONLY respectful towards proselytizers, if they share your politics?

Explain to me what is "Christian" about your side.
It's literally the opposite of feeding the hungry and healing the sick.
If respecting the law is part of it, you failed that completely too.

I've never been rude to anyone trying to convert me at the door, or anywhere else.
If I'm rude here, that's because that's the general form of manners here.

When I was still living with my parents, we had two Jehovah witnesses, older ladies, visiting us regularly. Mostly my father talked with them. He was just as much an atheist then as I am now, but he listened to them and explained why he's unable to believe it. I joined them often. My knowledge on the subject wasn't as much developed back then. They stopped visiting us when I just started studying science.
I already knew a lot about evolution beforehand, but if you know exactly how it works, you can't accept a religion that denies it. I could at best accept some vague deism, but that's not what the people "knocking on my door" want to sell me.
Since then, I have talked with a few, mostly Jehovah witnesses, sometimes for a long time. Sometimes I tell them; "Sorry, I cannot believe ideas that contradict piles of evidence.", and then it's mostly a short talk after that. I now have a sticker on my door saying "No, to sales people and proselytizers", and they seem to respect that.
If they don't, I would still not shoo them off, but I will explain that it's there to prevent us wasting each others time. If they still want to discuss things after that, I would be happy to. If they like a challenge, I'm game. Explain to my why to get into heaven,
I have to believe in a god, who can only forgive hereditary sin (which is a ridiculous idea by itself), after he gets himself brutally tortured by Romans. Why can I only go to heaven (which is a ridiculous idea by itself), if I believe one of several holy books, that are all filled with the knowledge and ethics of primitive humanity?
A good god wouldn't demand me to believe bullshit. If god wants me to find the few actual values, and discard the bullshit, I already did that; "love thy neighbor"
(in a broad context); HUMANISM! Feed the hungry, heal the sick, everyone has rights, don't support hate and genocide. Check! How about you?
You're more of an old testament guy, right; believe what you're told, do what you're told, having slaves is fine, the worst thing you can do is spill your seed, god is good even when he does genocide, kings rule over us... anything I missed?

Isn't it weird, how you can find whatever you want to believe, in all the same book? Isn't that the most flowed law-book ever written, if it contains laws that decide where we go after death? Do we get a lawyer? No, just the most partial judge ever!
Why can't you see the ridiculousness of the whole idea?

I don't think my politics is a faith, but I still respect the intent of that "No, to sales people and proselytizers" sticker myself, when I go "knocking on doors".

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 08:17
Wow, being happy that people are dying from hunger and disease.
How "pro-life" of you.

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 07:50
For most trips, you don't need that combustion engine at all.
A hybrid is just lugging around dead weight 95% of the time.
In my case, it would be 99.5% of the time, if the battery has 150 miles of range.
It's just very annoying to have to recharge all the time.
That's why I want want a range of at least 300 miles.

It would be great if I can use the car as a home battery for solar power.
Plug it in, store my solar power during the day, and use it at night.
Of course I need enough juice the next day, if I need to go to the office,
but that's a round trip of 35 miles. If I try to do it during rush our, it will take at least
1,5 hour one way, but luckily I can plan around it, and I mostly do it within half an hour one way now. Once it took me 3,5 hours to drive home, which is just 18,4 miles.
That's why I'm happy I don't need to sit in traffic every day, to do something I can do mostly just as fine from home. I just have to compensate for all the time I'm distracted.
In the 2 days per week at the office I plan all the face2face meetings and socializing.

By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Mar,25 16:19
The primary goal is to ask working class people what issues they are facing in life. They are our reason to exist. Even though not enough people are voting for us, most people still think highly of us. I almost never get shooed off. Sometimes they are saying: "Sorry, I have no time for that!" or "Not interested!", but I have never met anger or violence.

How often do you get people of faith at your door?
They are coming to your door to discuss ideas too.
Do they want to solve any of the issues you are facing in life,
or are they only interested in converting you to their deity?
How often do they get shooed off like a skunk? Would you do that?

We have a long record of helping people who are damaged and disrespected by their landlords, big corporations or the government. That's why we have earned respect. They should just understand that we cannot continue to help them, if they don't give us more impact, by voting for us.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 19:15
Why call it bullshit? Do you think it isn't true or do you think it's not important?

How many people can afford Platinum insurance and how many people can afford $6,460, when they want a kid? Aren't kids not already expensive enough?

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 18:04
I understand everything he's saying, I just don't agree with most of it.

The idea of taking from the rich to feed the poor is ridiculous. The last decades, your government has shifted trillions of dollars from the poor to the rich and wealthy. A tiny percentage of wealthy Americans owns almost everything in the US and it's getting worse. That's why many people need several jobs to keep their heads above water. That's why you have so many homeless. That's why healthcare is the most expensive
of the world, in the US. The US has the highest GDP in the world, but still most people need to lend money for a new fridge when it breaks. That shouldn't be normal.

You would be hard-pressed finding an employer who does as much DEI as mine.
Still, I felt never discriminated as a white man, because I'm not. They just provide
equal opportunities for everyone who's not a white man. I just don't have the biases
that make me believe otherwise.

I never was very enthusiastic about Biden being president, so don't expect me to defend him every time. just don't keep making up shit about him all the time. It's embarrassing that you cannot think of anything real. Almost all of it falls apart, as soon as I ask you for ANY evidence, or just some supporting data. That's because it isn't true. Truth matters.

I'm not in the real world when I'm working, that is true. I'm in the real world, when I'm active politically. We are the only party in my country that actually rings doorbells to talk to people, all the time. We ask them how they are doing and what they think about real world issues. If you think I never meet right-wingers / conservatives, you are wrong.
I talk to many of them, sometimes for a long time. I listen to them and argue with them, very much the same as I'm doing with you. Often they have a completely skewed idea about what we stand for. Even though I usually cannot change any of their opinions,
I can often correct their misconceptions about our opinions. I can also show them that we are not a party of the unemployed and lowest class, but that most of us are highly educated and successful people, who just want everyone to live under basic standards for quality of life, so they have an opportunity to maximize their potential and contribute to society. I believe that you want people to contribute to society too. You just have a very different idea on what that means and how to achieve that. The problem is that
we don't even agree on the facts. It's not a misunderstanding, why we don't agree,
we literally live on a different planet. Mine is dying, yours is suffocating in 'woke'.
That makes it very difficult to agree on how to save it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 17:38
True, hybrids are a fix for the range and recharging issues.
The issue they add is cost, because it requires the tech of the combustion engine AND the electric motor with the battery AND the tech to make it all fit in the car AND the tech to make it work together well. AND they require charging even more often, if you want to save money, because they usually only have a small battery with a tiny range.

A car with at least 300 miles of range and fast charging capability is not much of a concession to make, for daily use in Europe. Most people won't have to charge it for days on end. If the charger is close-by or people have their own, it's only annoying for very long trips. If it saves me money, I would be very willing to take that compromise.
I rented cars for most of my vacations before. We have only been on more car vacations, since the airports are not reliable anymore. The furthest car vacation so far was Denmark, and we rented a car for that, because we needed a bigger luggage compartment, for the four of us. We will be going to Paris in June, which would be possible on one charge or a short re-charge, with a car like that.

Range anxiety is a thing, but most people lose it quickly, once they have an electric car. It's also not limited to EV's. My petrol car also only has a range of about 370 miles. I went to the pump yesterday, because the cheap pump is on route back from work, and it was just a bit tricky to drive to work and back on what was left in the tank. If I have my own charger, I could just hook-up my car after work and spend even less time on filling it up.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 10:10
Toyota Released a new $13,800 EV; the Toyota BZ3X electric SUV.
A range of 320 miles, 204 Hp, 100 mph, 200 Nm, lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery.
It is the price in China, so it will be a bit more expensive in the US and Europe, but that
is cheap for any car. This is what we needed for EV's to be the better alternative.
That's one I can buy, while only driving around 5000 miles per year, and save money.

But, I might spend a bit more, on the Toyota bZ3C. It looks better, it has between 340 and 390 miles of range, 272 bhp, 303 Nm, and has the new safer BYD Blade-batteries.
This will force all EV manufacturers to go down in price. I like it. I actually expected it
to take longer, before EV's would be the financially optimal investment for me.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 08:18
Almost correct, your healthcare system only doesn't suck for the rich.
The lower income people hardly have any healthcare at all.
Even if you have a good job that offers good health coverage,
you still are paying more, than I would, if I didn't have any.

Total costs for a healthy pregnancy, delivery and insurance, on Platinum insurance in the US is $6,460. In The Netherlands, the national maximum rate for an outpatient delivery without a medical indication or a delivery in a birthing center is Ђ841.51 ($917.03). There might be some extra costs involved in your rate, but your $6,460 is after Platinum insurance, our $917.03 is before any insurance.
Our BASIC insurance covers the care for the mother and all her baby's needs, before, during and after birth. That's because your government allows the hospitals, pharma companies and insurance companies to get rich, by screwing patients and everyone on insurance. That money is mostly going to shareholders, not to the development of better healthcare. People like Vivek Ramaswamy get rich by leeching of that system. Then they go into politics to screw you even more.

Only the really wealthy people have your top quality healthcare,
for everyone else, even if they can afford it, it's worse than ours.
More women and children die during your $6,460 'Platinum' births,
than during our fully paid for 'basic' births.
That might be something to consider, if you're worried about low birth rates.
How many immigrants do your oligarchs need to replace your not born workers?

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 08:12
Just calling me a "hater" is you defending yourself against the responsibility
of thinking about your own opinions. How about "the marketplace of ideas"?
Do you want this to be just an echo chamber of Trump fans, or do you have balls?

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 07:59
You're doing exactly the same as your "typical liberal", only with less facts.
How can't you see that what Trump is doing is unconstitutional?
No one voted for Elon, to come in and destroy government agencies.
That should be a congressional decision. Did Dems ever do something like that?

Since when is HR a government entity? They are working for the company too.
If your company organized it like that, it's a top management decision.

It's "hypocrites", not "Hippocrates". Are we all doctors? (just a joke, don't bother)

"Socialist" is not the opposite of "Conservative". People can be a "Conservative Socialist".
I know some of them, seeing I'm a member of the Socialist Party. I'm mostly progressive on a lot of things, but I'm conservative when it comes to my social security. You have had it for 90 years now. How is it not conservative to want to keep that?

To answer your question about evil; by my definition, evil is about actions that overall decrease well-being of sentient beings, humans in particular. I don't think there is an objective good or an objective evil, it's just the intent and result of actions. By my standards, some of what god has been doing, according to the bible, is evil.

If they tell you god is necessary for good and evil to exist, than what is your standard
for knowing that there is some evil shit in the bible? What is your reason for not liking
the pope anymore? Isn't he supposed to be the direct representative of god?
Isn't it only because what he is saying doesn't suit you?

Phart, I'm not talking to you. Ponomojo46 can clearly speak for himself.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 07:34
Even if some of those things are real, since when are those measuring sticks for how well your country is doing?

Trump is deporting legal immigrants, with no criminal record to internment camps in El Salvador.

Trump is threatening war with Iran. Do you have any idea what war with Iran will look like? That "Ukraine bankroll" will look like spare change, when you go fight Iran.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Mar,25 21:12
MAGA Voter WAKES UP About Trump’s Fascist Cult
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By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Mar,25 18:15
What are you actually trying to say?
A fly hardly has any sentience, so we can kill it, if it's a nuisance.
That's literally what I said, and you're trying to find some got-you in it?
In any case, I usually try to catch flies alive. Not because I don't want to hurt them, but because insects are an important part of the ecosystem and insects are already declining. The higher the life-form, the more I care about it's life.

I asked you for your basic principles, for why (all) lives matter.
Do even you have any basic principles for ethics at all?

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Mar,25 18:09
"Guinea pigs" is the wrong term, "Cash cows" is more accurate.
It's not intended for people with "a bit of pain", it's for people who are suffering.
It's the next best thing after Morphine. There are just many people suffering
in your country, because your healthcare system sucks.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Mar,25 16:11
All those democratic back-stops are being destroyed.
Democrats are showing NO leadership at all. They are capitulating.
They are losing even more support than Republicans right now.
No one will vote for pathetic losers. If there is even a fair election.

You will have only Constitutional protection left; the 2nd amendment.
MAGA would be willing to start civil war, to destroy America.
It's time that your side shows that saving America is worth it too.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Mar,25 17:17
No, we send them aid. They are training with our F-16s now.
If we actually joined the fighting, that would turn into a world war.
Ukraine is actually winning. At some point, Russians will stop Putin.
Most of them are fed up with sending their kids to die for nothing.
If Trump gives Putin a win, that motivates Russians to continue.
Maybe after a pause to rearm for a few years, but they won't ever stop.

This only stops if the Russian people learn that war is useless.
As soon as the next leader even proposes it, they should revolt.
That's how the world stopped the Nazis and the Japanese.
The brutality of WWII taught them to never want war again.
The problem is that you don't learn from history.
At least Putin has to tell the Russians that they are fighting Nazis again.
He needed decades of 24/7 propaganda to get Russians to accept this war.
You just voted in a Nazi, because he told you he would lower egg prices.
And you would go to war with Mexico, Canada, Greenland or Panama,
because of something he made up to distract you from what Elon is doing.
That makes you dumber than the Russians. They have no access to reality.
You can find the truth from hundreds of sources. You just don't want to.