Recent Posts of member Ananas2xLekker


YouTube can be educational too (let's share videos) 27,Sep,24 12:09
Let's help Elon make twitter great 02,Nov,22 09:44


By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 14:29
Trump is not doing ANYTHING YET, because he's not president yet.
He is however, planning to do a lot of horribly damaging things.
You will notice them, as soon as he gets a chance to implement them.
Meanwhile, the Republicans are creating absolute chaos again in their own party, kicking out the umpteenth speaker. And how many of Trump's picks are now associated with crimes, including sex crimes? I lost count.

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 12:36
Common sense is just accepting as truth what everyone around you is saying.
I have logical reasoning, based on knowledge. You have neither; ignorance.

If there is any truth to your common sense, you should be able to express it.

By the way, The Netherlands is NOT AT ALL socialist. It's even more capitalist
than the US on some levels. The difference is that my country has been very socialist not so long ago and many people still remember everything being better, before those things were privatized. Capitalism screwed us over.
You don't know shit about it, because the US has always been very capitalistic. Still, even the US had more socialism in the past than now. That's why MAGA means that you should bring back that socialism, to Make America Great Again.

The top individual tax-rate reached a high of 94% in 1944-45.
Meanwhile, the poorest people only payed 1% income taxes then.
The top corporate tax-rate was 53% in 1968-69, in the US.
That was when the working class could support a family on just 1 full time job.
That's the time you long back to, but you're lied to about how to get it.

Those are ARGUMENTS, based on true facts.
Now you support your ideas like that.....................................................

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 12:22
I'm sure she did, because she's still a Republican.
That Cheney family has been fucking corrupt for ever.
They were profiting of the war that they started.
Why do you think Bush liked her father?
He was personally profiting of that war too.
Shouldn't Trump investigate Bush too?

But here is where you and I differ; I see evidence of wrongdoing, and only then
do I want the law to go after them. You see people you DON'T LIKE and then
you want the law to go after them to find anything to accuse them of crimes
and crack down on them for. You have clearly admitted this.

Matt Gaetz owns a gun and is a user of illegal drugs. Did he disclose this fact on his paperwork for gun ownership? Sounds a lot like a case we heard of recently, didn't we?
Matt Gaetz is implicated in human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors. That's a good reason to investigate him. There was NO PROBABLE CAUSE to investigate Hunter.
His laptop was illegally obtained and illegally investigated. No reason to investigate him.
No one has ever been sentenced as harshly for those violations as Hunter Biden.

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 12:02
To imprisonment FOR LIFE. You won't have to worry about those assholes.

Worry about Vivek Ramasmarmy controlling your country's finances.
He's a criminal, who made himself a billion dollars, by scamming people
who invested in the development for Alzheimer medication.
Some of those investors are likely family members of people with Alzheimer,
or charities taking donations from family members of people with Alzheimer,
or maybe even the inheritances of people who died of Alzheimer.

That's a lowlife who you allow to walk around freely, to scam even more people,
and 'coming soon'; the WHOLE FUCKING COUNTRY.

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 11:32
"When compared to other developed countries, the US education system is generally considered to be below average, particularly in math and science, with students performing significantly lower than their peers in countries like Singapore, Finland, and Canada on international standardized tests,"
"The United States spends more on education than most other countries. In other words we don't get much for the money we spend."

It's because those other countries have PUBLICLY FUNDED education.

You're denying many smart kids a quality education, because their parents are poor. That results in less highly qualified engineers. Because you only want the dumb kids of rich people studying, you now have to import your highly qualified engineers.
I hope those IMMIGRANTS, will all vote for DEMOCRATS, DUMB-ASSES!!

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 11:15
Vivek Ramasmarmy should be the last person to handle efficiency of healthcare.
He made his billions by scamming the system of investments in the development
of medication for Alzheimer. He knew a drug to treat Alzheimer failed all tests,
but he bought the rights to that drug very cheaply. Then he had his mother cook the documentation on the test results, so the looked more promising. Then he advertised the drug like it was the best invention since sliced bread, to pump up the stocks of his shell company, that he created for that one drug. It made that company worth a lot of money, but it was based on that one failed drug. He knew the drug would fail in the next clinical trials, but he sold all his stock, just before that happened. He changed the name of the company at a strategic time, so all the honest investors were fooled.

Some of those investors are likely family members of people with Alzheimer, or charities taking donations from family members of people with Alzheimer, or maybe even the inheritances of people who died of Alzheimer. That's the money that turned Vivek into
a billionaire, without him doing anything for Alzheimer patients and their family.

Vivek intentionally screwed those investors over, to enrich himself. That increases the development costs of pharmaceuticals and their price. What is efficiency of healthcare, if billions of dollars of it are going to scammers like Vivek, instead of to patients?

Buying and selling stocks of a company you have insider information about is actually
a CRIME. Ramasmarmy did an even worse crime, but he isn't being held accountable. He should be in jail for many years, but instead he's being allowed to control the most important finances in the USA.

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 10:59
"because people are painting him in the same light as the United Health CEO"
Are they saying Elon Musk is responsible for people dying, because they have been denied important care or medication?

Can you explain what you mean with "in the same light"?

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 10:53
Sabotage? Like Republicans all voting against a bill to secure the border
they have negotiated out for months, just because Trump told them to?
Lying? Everything that Trump is ever saying, except when he tells on himself?

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 10:47
"Don't tell me what you believe, show me how you treat other people
and I'll tell you what you believe."
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By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 08:11
It's either not a question, or it is and then it has no answer.

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 08:07
WHY? Give a FUCKING ARGUMENT for once in your life.
Show some common sense then, instead of just

By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Dec,24 07:22
Every time, you come with the same dogma. It's just indoctrination.
They want you to believe we cannot organize humanity, without all serving THEM!

1) Why would the "rich folks stop providing jobs"?
Their wealth is dependent on people working for them.
You think they are so smart, but it's all the people working for them who actually CREATE the value, not those 'rich folks'. They just TAKE the value.

2) We can replace the money from those 'rich folks I hate', with PUBLIC money that is DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED. Instead of working on things that further increase the wealth of those 'rich folks I hate', we can all work on what benefits US ALL. That 'life saving technology' is not saving enough lives, because it's also mostly serving to further increase the wealth of those 'rich folks I hate'.

I KNOW poor people can't afford my salary and benefits. But we can afford
MUCH MORE THAN THEM, if we all work TOGETHER. If that money is not controlled by a few selfish assholes, but by EVERYONE DEMOCRATICALLY.

Sadly, you won't even give this a second thought, because those selfish assholes paid for your media to indoctrinate you, from birth, 24/7.

By Ananas2xLekker at 29,Dec,24 22:25
Because you lot are holding us back, by giving power to the worst selfish assholes.
When are you going to understand that those people only care about themselves?

By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Dec,24 14:47
Really? Who told you the earth goes thru its cycles? Science?
Or are you a million years old, and it's personal observation?

By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Dec,24 14:45
Sure, I remember, the only language you understand is violence.
It has been like that for hundreds of years.
You lot fuck up the world, and then people with brains
have to fix your damage again.
Well, maybe this time you win, and we cannot fix it anymore.

By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Dec,24 14:40
Correct, uneducated ignorant people are dying in that climate as we speak.
Strange how someone who works in an air-conditioned office cares more
about workers dying from heat stroke than those workers themselves.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Dec,24 11:06
When a woman gets pregnant against her wishes, it's often because some stupid man TOOK her control over her body away or she did her best to prevent pregnancy, but it was just an accident. In those cases, it's her bodily autonomy to end the pregnancy. Of course it has LIMITS. At some point in the development, it shouldn't be allowed to terminate a pregnancy. All you do is straw-manning that. Your side is never honest.

Your side is taking ALL of women's bodily autonomy.
And you use fantasies like "creator and grim reaper" to steal FREEDOM!

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Dec,24 10:50
You know so little, that you think you know everything you need to know.
It's called the "Peak of Mount Stupid".

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Dec,24 10:06
You don't need to have a degree to understand climate change.
I wouldn't say it's the simplest science, but it isn't quantum physics.
If you just understand the physics behind it, it's undeniable.

"What makes no sense is scientist tell us there was a ice age, and there was only
1 big continent and then it all separated and so on."
Really? These are all theories supported by an incredible amount of evidence, from several fields of science. You're basically at the level of doubting that electricity exists. It isn't far removed from being a flat-earther. You're now dismissing ALL SCIENCE. How do you thing civilization even progressed to the level we have reached today? Did they read the answers in the bible?

IT WAS ALL SCIENCE!!! It's not a few experts who you need to pick sides with,
it's a process of everyone who contributes to it complementing and checking each other, with facts and logic. The tiny side that you want to believe is completely refuted, by all the others who have checked them and refute their arguments,
with facts and logic. You keep using arguments that have been completely refuted (myth busted) decades ago.

Taxing you to oblivion is just stupid propaganda. That's what the wealthy tell you, because they don't want to pay a cent to save humanity. They rather spend trillions of your tax dollars to escape to Mars. That's why Elon bought Trump.

If Putin starts nuclear war, it's all over. Do you want to make sure
humanity is decimated or ended, even if Putin doesn't do that?

What do we do, give Putin everything he wants, because he has nukes?
Do you think Putin's demands will stop after we give him Ukraine?
Will he stop, after we showed him that we are all cowering for his power?

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 17:01
All just stupid straw-men. None of that was ever widely accepted science.
All you are doing is referring to someone writing a paper with some half-assed speculation, that no serious scientists ever supported. I hope you know there are also many papers describing a flat earth model and a magnetic or static electric universe as an alternative for gravity. Those are loons, not scientists.
However, you support the 0.1% loons, who don't agree with the 99.9% serious scientists, who confirm climate change is real and will cause huge devastation,
just like flat-earthers who point to their papers full of BS, to justify their belief.

The Y2K bug wasn't a hoax, IT-guys just worked hard to fix it.
It wasn't that difficult, just add 2 digits to every date,
starting with the most critical systems.
As someone who has some technical knowledge, I expected you
to understand the issue and the possible implications,
but they told you it was a hoax, so you just parrot that.
No independent thinking whatsoever, even about something you know.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 16:15
Another idiot who thinks "common sense" is a substitute for knowledge.
That +1.4 degrees is massively increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, like heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, floods and secondary effects like wildfires, because it's an AVERAGE!!!
It's also enough to melt most land ice in the summer and not have it refilled in the winter, which will dry up many rivers and desalinate the oceans. That is already slowing and in the future stopping the thermohaline circulation (global ocean current), which transfers heat from warm areas to cold areas. That's why the warm areas are becoming even hotter, while the cold areas are not warming up or even getting colder.

In global Earth history, a few degrees lower or higher isn't much, but humanity has only been occupying all of the Earth for a few hundred years. 7,000 years ago there were 5 million people. The last Ice age ended 13,000 years ago. When the climate acted up, humanity just moved to a better climate. And we just died, A LOT.
Now humanity has surpassed 8 BILLION! Every piece of land is occupied or used
for farming, to feed the population. If the climate acts up now, there is nowhere to go for BILLIONS OF PEOPLE. The people who used to migrate/flee to other areas then,
are now IMMIGRANTS. Temperature changes that are tiny on a geological scale are devastating to such a huge population. People will fight for food and a place to live. It's already becoming too hot for human survival in many areas. My Pakistani neighbors don't have the luxury to be ignorant about climate change, like you, because they see it clearly, when they visit their family. And that's only half way
to the equator. Billions of people will flee for their lives. It has only just begun.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 15:52
If you don't understand that, you're not qualified to debate it.
During the last ICE AGE, the global yearly average temperature was only 5°C colder than today. The Earth is warmer now than any time in the last 100,000 years.

How about basic personal observation? When I was young, I froze my nuts off every winter. I played in hills of snow, just in our backyard, making walls of ice for snowball fights. I could skate and ride my sleigh, almost every winter. I remember many winters, when there were icicles growing from the gutter and ice flowers on the windows.
In recent winters, I hardly need a winter coat. I've only seen some wet snow, at best,
for years now. How do you explain that, with your "common sense"?

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By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 15:47
Yes, he is actually pro-life. You're obviously not pro-life,
you're just against woman controlling their own bodies.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 15:43
How the hell do I cheat the system?
I'm very much a law abiding citizen.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 15:40
Former presidents have NO OFFICIAL DUTIES.
They do have some special rights, but not to represent America.
He is NOT authorized to do that, until he is inaugurated.

The White House is a NATIONAL political institution.
Trump doesn't have a right to get briefings, but it's customary.
Until he is inaugurated, he has NO RIGHT to represent America.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 15:33
It doesn't apply to Joey, because he IS currently a politician.
But not to Hunter, because he's not talking to foreign politicians.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 15:24
Yes, I think so, but you obviously don't.
Trump is going to destroy The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
That's an agency which has the sole purpose of protecting consumers from...
"fraud type things".

How do you protect people from getting defrauded by businesses like that?
REGULATION! And things like quality marks. And giving people access to the
court system and equal justice, instead of corrupt judges who are put in by Trump, to favor big business. And laws that make it illegal to scam people, which would e.g. send Vivek Ramasmarmy to jail, for scamming investors.
Trump will give businesses full rein to scam you, steal from you and destroy your property, if they can make money doing it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Dec,24 15:12
Look at yourself for a change. You are saying NOTHING of substance.
You know nothing, you want to know nothing, which means being ignorant.
You are unable to communicate any coherent thought, which means being stupid.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 21:47
So what are you saying now? All those 250,000 homes in the UK are now worthless?

It looks like a lot of people got money from the government to insulate their houses.
I guess that very much angers you. You seem to think only wealthy people should
get money from the government.

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The following insulation measures were covered by the voucher:
solid wall insulation (internal or external)
cavity wall insulation
under-floor insulation (solid floor, suspended floor)
loft insulation
flat roof insulation
pitched roof insulation
room in roof insulation
insulating a park home

I see no obligation to use spray foam insulation. However, cavity wall insulation,
that's usually some kind of foam insulation, because there is no other way to insulate a hollow space trough a small hole.

In any case, I watch a lot of home makeover TV shows. On the American and Canadian shows, like Love It or List It, Fixer Upper and Celebrity IOU, I've seen them use spray foam insulation several times. I've NEVER seen it on Dutch home makeover TV shows. I can also not remember it ever being used in my favorite British home makeover TV show; DIY SOS.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 16:55
Mow many millions did Elon Musk spend to help Trump win?

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 16:47
"something 'tang" (Orangutan) is an ape / great ape.
They are about as smart as a 4 y.o. child, so controlling a simple vehicle is possible
for them. I agree that advanced traffic insight might be too difficult for them.
However, as a 4 year old child, I understood that the Earth is a big spinning ball, revolving around the sun, in space, while many adult Americans, even the ones
other adult Americans listen to for political information, can't understand that.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 16:33
It's very shortsighted to think like that. Every strike harms consumers in some way.
If that is a reason to block all strikes, than you allow all workers to be exploited by all their employers. Then no one makes enough money to buy that new cooking pan anyway.

It's good for everyone who needs to work for a living, to show the companies they work for that they need to pay for people's labor. That people cannot afford groceries is because they are all exploited by their employers. A man could support his family on one job, when unions were still strong. Then you lot gave away all power to the wealthy and now both parents need to have several jobs, just to feed their kids. You let that happen, because you believe the bullshit that strikes hurt you as a consumer, while people are getting too poor to even consume anything.

That "hard earned money" is getting even harder to earn, because of YOU.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 16:04
With "this", are you SPECIFICALLY referring to spray foam insulation?
If that is your claim, you need to show the evidence for that.

Did your government pay for it completely? Total reimbursement?
Or was it a subsidy or a tax deductible?

Why? To incentivize insulating homes, of course.
We have the same system. We can get subsidies or tax deductibles for solar panels, double glazing and home insulation. It helps people reduce their carbon emissions, reduce costs and increase their quality of living.

They don't of course intentionally spend money to damage people's houses.
If you think that, right-wing propaganda messed-up your brain.

Either someone in the government fucked up or companies are taking money from the government, try to make the most money from it and don't care that it hurts people.

Government officials often make bad decisions, because they don't know shit and never listen to anyone who does know. This is exactly the type of officials Trump wants to fill the government with. They will all be stupid as fuck, because Trump only cares that they are loyal to him, so better get used to it becoming much worse.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 15:16
Why would someone try to be legalized, if they then have a 99.9% chance
of it getting denied and be deported, while working illegally is facilitated.
Sure, they get exploited, but at least they can survive, instead of getting murdered
or just starve to death. Don't you understand THAT?

Democrats have always supported legal migration and working permits AND labor inspections to punish companies who exploit illegals for profit. It's the Republicans who made legal migration and getting working permits more difficult or impossible AND they cut funds for labor inspections. It's the complete opposite of what you're claiming. This very moment, Trump is planning to make legal migration and getting working permits even more difficult or impossible. He's also talking about deregulation again, which is all about allowing companies to exploit EVERYONE, including illegals. The result is either more illegals or a huge economic crisis.

If you want less illegals, you either need to provide a possibility to become a US citizen or legal migrant worker AND crack down on companies who exploit illegals
OR you help/allow the countries they are fleeing from to become safer and/or economically viable.

He might be telling you he wants to deport all the immigrants, but he's taking orders from the wealthy. It's all bullshit. He might deport a few, to show you he's doing something, but as soon as it starts to hurt the people who exploit those illegals,
he will say it's difficult, and blame the Democrats for it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 15:03
A Trump voter running away from facts and logic?

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 15:02
That ape is a better driver than most Americans. It's most likely an ape from Europe.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 13:22
That's not dumb, that's good strategy. Fuck Amazon and fuck the police for strike busting. There are other companies where you can buy whatever Amazon is selling.
And if you don't, then Amazon has already crushed their competition in your country.
See what happens to their prices, if you let one company have a monopoly.

I only buy at Amazon if no one else sells it, or if they are much cheaper.
That way I promote Dutch companies, who exploit their employees less.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 12:29
There are many ways to insulate a house, that do not have this problem.
Spray foam insulation has it's uses, but it's dumb to use it everywhere.

That's not the fault of "do gooder government programs", that's the fault of stupid people using cheap crap or bad building companies selling people cheap crap.
Maybe these people were warned against it, did it anyway, and are now crying foul.

A friend discussed having his cavity walls filled with spray foam insulation. I advised against it, unless he found a company with a very good track record, and he wasn't going to skimp on the price. Some bad companies have been poisoning people with cheap foam and some houses have been damaged by the walls getting dislocated from the foam expanding too strongly. I've advised him to insulate his floors and roof instead,
but I would never advise anyone to use spray foam for that.

His house also has the worst double glazing that was ever sold and his windows and balcony door don't close properly. My brother will fix those problems for a tight budget,
as soon as he has time available. Improving a house with insulation requires a brain.
If you just have some company spray foam everything, you might ruin your house.
Just because some people were dumb, doesn't mean insulating houses is a bad idea
or the government is bad for incentivizing it. Don't abuse some anecdote to forward
your propaganda. Insulation reduces energy costs and increases the value of a house.
But, like with everything else, if you are doing it wrong, you will mess it up.

I know it exists, but I have heard of no one who used spray foam insulation for their floor or roof in my country. Maybe Americans are more cheap and lazy than Dutch people.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 12:23
OMG, you don't understand anything. When renewable energy becomes more abundant, night time will not always be the optimal and cheapest time to charge an EV, even though industrial demand peaks during the day. That's because the sun don't shine at night. So, it would be smart to use the available solar and wind power, to charge an EV, when it's peaking and there is more electricity available, and electricity is cheaper or sometimes even free, despite the industrial demand.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 12:07
Of course not; no one cares or should care about the Earth tilting 31.5 inches or 0.24 inches of sea level rise.

What you should care about is completely using up all the ground water, because then you cannot use it anymore. A lot of American agriculture is depended on that ground water, and when it's gone, that agriculture becomes impossible or economically not-viable. In any case, the prices for groceries you pay now will be dirt cheap in comparison.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 11:38
No ignorant shit-kicker, the predictions are all becoming a reality.
Reality is actually following the worst case predictions. Every single one of the nine years from 2015 to 2023 are the warmest nine years on record. In November, they already confirmed that 2024 was certain to be the hottest year on record.
We have already passed the +1.5°C global temperature increase that the Paris Agreement of 2015 intended to prevent.

Your stupidity will be the death of us all. The only consolation for me, is that you will suffer and die much sooner than I, because you live in a warmer climate, in a country with the selfish wealthy people in full control, who you will allow to eat you to survive.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Dec,24 11:09
Bullshit! No scientific article has ever claimed such a thing.

AOC said we have 12 years to DO something, NOT 12 years to LIVE, dumb-ass.
We had 12 years to reduce the carbon emissions by a lot, because at some point,
which was then estimated to be around 12 years from then, chain reactions make it
very difficult and much more expensive to stop climate change.
When forests turn into deserts, because areas are getting too hot for trees, or they
get destroyed by wildfires, that's a chain reaction. It doesn't mean we all die right then,
it just means the worst of climate change becomes inevitable or it requires the total collapse of civilization to save humanity.

You worry that climate action will return us to the middle ages. If humanity had started doing more a few decades ago, that wouldn't have been necessary at all. Most of the energy would have already been coming from renewable sources. However, the longer humanity waits with the energy transition, the more drastic measures will be necessary. You're supporting the culture that results in humanity having to return to the middle ages.
If humanity doesn't do anything, the climate disasters will make the middle ages feel like
a walk in the park.

Some of the points of no return are already flipping. Many of the predictions have been proven too be too optimistic and instead of following the mean predictors, the reality actually follows more the worst case predictors.

Either you don't understand it or you are straw-manning.

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Dec,24 14:46
When your country is completely turned to shit by a brutal dictator or drugs cartels, there is nothing a single person can do to fix it or to keep their head above water.
And as soon as they try to organize something to improve their country, with other people, they are seen as the enemy of the powerful and get squashed.

Didn't you hear about the prisons and mass graves in Syria?
Anyone who wanted better for their country, was a threat to Assad and ended up in one of those prisons, got tortured and ended up in a mass grave. The only people who have the strength and resources to rebel are fundamentalist Muslims. How do you stay alive under such a situation? Either you choose to be loyal to Assad, which means you have to fight to keep a brutal dictator in power, or you join fundamentalist Muslims, which also means you will never have freedom. And whatever side you pick, the other side wants to bomb you to pulp or cut off your head. If you don't pick a side, you're considered an enemy by both sides. How do you fix that?

It's sad that you are unable to imagine situations like that.

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Dec,24 08:17
I'm not sure what point you are making. Everyone is cracking down on immigration.
Biden negotiated the strictest immigration package ever, with your Republicans.
I'm sure you want it to be even stricter, but Trump only had Republicans drop the deal,
so he could run on immigration. He blames the illegals for everything that's wrong,
so he can give you more of what's wrong.

Humanity is becoming ever more cruel, selfish, scared, unprincipled and short-sighted. Instead of fixing the cause of problems, the majority is distracted by symptoms.
This will be humanity's downfall.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Dec,24 20:47
A country song on a current topic: "Deny Defend Depose"
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By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Dec,24 20:42
"War Isn’t Murder" a song by Jesse Welles
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By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Dec,24 20:29
"United Health" a song by Jesse Welles
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By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Dec,24 16:54
Geoengineering is just a diversion tactic from climate science deniers.
It's all funded by the fossil fuel industry, so they can keep polluting the Earth.

Just as the campaign "Protecting Our Planet Starts with You".
All funded by the fossil fuel industry, to shift the responsibility away.

By the way, I don't want to breath diamond particles into my lungs.
I don't think that's particularly healthy.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Dec,24 16:47
Funny! They are actually PRO LIFE, relating to people who are now the victims
of your horrible for profit healthcare system, that only cares about making CEOs
and shareholders wealthy. They think his murder is justice, for mass murder.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Dec,24 16:29
If you actually watched the video, you know the political terms 'left' and 'right' come from the French revolution and not from the Bible. The commoners sat on the left side, while the clergy and aristocracy sat on the right side, during the National Assembly of 1789.

If you actually read the Bible, you should understand that Jesus was the OG socialist. He was all about feeding the hungry, healing the sick and rebelling against the powerful and wealthy. He never once demanded people to praise or worship him, he only asked people to follow his example. If he lived today, you would hate him with a passion.