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tb1's 10th ANNIVERSARY on SYD

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Started by routemaster at 07,Dec,22 15:49  other posts of routemaster
It's our Canadian friend tb1's 10th anniversary on SYD today, 7.12.22, a true genuine and loyal friend to me in that time as I am sure he has been to many others. So let's wish him very many congratulations and a special thank you from me, tb, for your friendship and for enjoying so many of my private pics! Here's to the next 10 years!!! Luv RM xxxxx :x :x

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New Comment

By tb1 at 07,Dec,22 18:28 other posts of tb1 
I am literally blushing. Thank you so much to the routemaster, member extraordinaire of SYD. Another 10 years would be terrific alright 😇😇
By routemaster at 08,Dec,22 11:09 other posts of routemaster 
My pleasure, tb, not sure I'm a member extraordinaire but its very nice of you to say so, thank you so much.
By tb1 at 08,Dec,22 13:06 other posts of tb1 
You are welcum sir

By pornlover59 at 08,Dec,22 10:00 other posts of pornlover59 
Fantastic!great seeing longtime members stil enjoying themselves!

By Robben at 07,Dec,22 17:36 other posts of Robben 
Good work

By #610414 at 07,Dec,22 17:24
Congratulations tb1

Adult Discussion Forum