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Undercoverangle is NO Angle, but more of a TROLL

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Started by BuckFizz at 26,Mar,23 05:34  other posts of BuckFizz
UCA started some stuff with this guy /member.php?w=511579 . In a nutshell, she sends him a private picture, he responds and sends her a private picture of him. She gets pissed because she doesn't want unsolicited dick pics. He tells her he didn't ask her for her pic but obviously she feels she has a sense of importance and all guys want her, want her pic even if they haven't asked for it. She's a TROLL

Similar topics: 1.New angle   2.the angle of your dangle   3.comparison between young and older cocks   4.Whats the best angle of my length   5.Internet Trolls....  

New Comment

By bella! at 26,Mar,23 11:11 other posts of bella! 
Oh, no! Look, look, of AndreaAsian's admirers, Screwloose, didn't like your post and gave it a -1.

By bella! at 26,Mar,23 11:08 other posts of bella! 
Is TROLL (in her case) another term for CRAZY TOXIC BITCH? If so, I would agree 100%. Plus 1 and ✔️

By #606653 at 26,Mar,23 09:33
she is a troll,, if you don't agree with her she bullies you

By BuckFizz at 26,Mar,23 06:39 other posts of BuckFizz 
Yes, well.... It seems now that members like myself are NOT the ones with a Problem, in fact AdrianAsia is show IT's colors once again...


Who is AdrianAsia? AdrianAsia, is a member that was booted for being very much the same hateful attacks on members a fer years ago. But has now since returned as Undercoverangle, that thrives on male and female members Liking her Arse Hole, and when members show any sort or type of Resistance to Undercoverangle, the Bitch Claws come out....

This is a True Observation of this member, unlike what others followers say and post. Even with another member known as PA-FREDDY, now FREDDYs claim is member like myself attach Undercoverangle, however PA-FREDDY seems to ignore what Undercoverangle has done and is doing to members like the member mentioned at the top.

In reality and observations of PA-FREDDY he simply would not even know if he got his ball sack cause in hes pant zipper. This also being his reflection of his BULLSHIT site Investigations...

As PA-FREDDY, claims Hooters is me, however today his claim has holds No Evidence or Merit, leaving his claim Void.

Its all in the Observations, Members and its very clear to see, just Open your Eyes on with both Undercoverangle and PA-FREDDY...

Adult Discussion Forum