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Multiorgasmic when you still didn't cum, anyone remember?

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Started by #692343 at 25,Apr,23 15:13
I vaguely remember that when I still didn't cum and I had dry orgasms I could continue to stimulate my penis and have another orgasm in a short time, the penis remained erect and there was no refractory period

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By mrseveninches at 02,May,23 18:16 other posts of mrseveninches 
Before being able to cum at age 13 I would always have at least 2 orgasms in a row.
By #692343 at 04,May,23 22:33
I also had my first ejaculation at 13, many dry orgasms before

By #677384 at 03,May,23 23:02
Yes, I sure do....I was about 9 and I remember being very aroused. My cousin showed me how to please her and myself. She was 2 yrs older, but already developed wayy more than me. After that, I can't remember how many orgasms I had in a row, but about 3 or 4 dry of course.

By LGA6969 at 30,Apr,23 13:16 other posts of LGA6969 
I remember when i was 10 or 11 before I had a wet orgasm

By #514663 at 29,Apr,23 11:20
It was the same way for me before I started ejaculating

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